
Dotdigital named leader in G2’s Marketing Automation Grid

G2 rates products from the Marketing Automation category algorithmically from product reviews shared by G2 users and data aggregated from online sources and social networks.

Vendors are scored for their customer satisfaction and market presence, and fall into one of four areas: leaders, contenders, high performers, and niche.

Marketing Automation Leader

Dotdigital has been named a leader in the G2 Marketing Automation Grid, which you can view in full here.

Technology buyers can use the Grid to help them quickly select the best providers for their businesses and to find peers with similar experiences.

Grid scoring methodology

G2 rates products and vendors based on reviews gathered from its user community, as well as data aggregated from online sources and social networks. G2 applies a unique algorithm to this data to calculate the Satisfaction and Market Presence sources in real-time.

For more insight into the Satisfaction and Market Presence criteria, click here.

View the G2 Marketing Automation Grid here.

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