SMS marketing – Dotdigital Fri, 31 May 2024 13:17:40 +0000 en-US hourly 1 SMS marketing – Dotdigital 32 32 5 SMS welcome series messages to hook new subscribers Fri, 05 Apr 2024 08:00:00 +0000 Are you tired of sending emails that are left unopened and ignored? Nowadays, people have short attention spans and their email inboxes are overflowing. Fortunately, SMS marketing offers the perfect solution. With an SMS welcome series, you can reach out to your audience directly and achieve incredible open rates. This makes them an excellent tool to transform new subscribers into loyal fans. 

Keep reading to discover effective message strategies that can help you nurture leads, educate customers, and ultimately drive sales – all in under 160 characters.

Why send an SMS welcome series?

SMS marketing can be an effective way of connecting with new subscribers and cutting through the noise. SMS welcome series messages, in particular, can be a game-changer for the following reasons: 

  • High open rates: 90% of people open and respond to a text within 30 minutes of receiving it. This makes text messaging a highly effective and efficient method of communication.
  • Direct and personal: SMS feels personal, reaching subscribers directly on their phones, a device they keep close at hand. This direct connection fosters a more personal relationship with your brand.
  • Action-oriented: SMS messages are perfect for driving immediate action with clear calls to action (CTAs). Because SMS messages are concise and to the point, they encourage subscribers to take action in the moment, rather than later.
  • Conversational: SMS fosters a two-way conversation, allowing for easy engagement. Unlike static emails, SMS allows subscribers to easily respond with questions or requests, opening a direct line of communication with your brand.

Crafting your winning SMS welcome series

Now that you know the power of SMS welcome messages, let’s explore some winning examples to inspire your series:

1. An exclusive offer with urgency

If you want to make a strong impression on potential customers with your welcome series marketing strategy, it can be helpful to incorporate an exclusive SMS offer with a sense of urgency. This approach not only entices customers to engage with your brand but also motivates them to make purchases or take the desired action.

Take Bandier, for instance. This activewear brand nailed its welcome series. The brand sent an SMS welcome message to new subscribers, presenting them with an exclusive and time-sensitive promotion. By creating a limited-time offer, BANDIER was able to effectively motivate subscribers to take swift action and capitalize on the discount available to them. This kind of approach can be highly effective in driving conversions and building a loyal customer base.

Bandier, SMS welcome series message featuring an exclusive offer with urgency.

Here’s what makes this exclusive offer with urgency so effective:

  1. Strong incentive: The 15% discount on the first order is a significant incentive for customers to make a purchase, especially for those new to the brand.
  2. Time sensitivity: Stating that the offer “is expiring” creates a sense of urgency, prompting customers to take action before the opportunity passes them by.
  3. Clear call to action: Through the use of concise and action-oriented language, the message makes it clear how to claim the offer, driving better results.

By including an exclusive offer with a sense of urgency in your welcome series marketing strategy, you can create excitement and drive higher engagement and conversion rates. Use this effective tactic to distinguish your brand from the competition and attract the attention it deserves.

2. Be personal with MMS

SMS marketing is a powerful tool you can use to reach customers and promote your products or services. However, standard text messages may not always be enough to capture the attention of the recipient and make a lasting impact. This is where MMS comes in handy.

MMS, or multimedia messaging service, allows businesses to send messages that include multimedia content such as images, videos, and audio files. This can make the recipient’s experience more engaging and personal, as they can see or hear the message in addition to reading it.

One brand that has effectively utilized MMS in its SMS marketing is Terez, an activewear company. Terez sends a welcome series to new subscribers that features a message from the CEO herself. Accompanied by photos of the CEO, these messages establish a strong connection between the recipient and the brand. This personal touch makes the recipient feel valued and more likely to engage with the brand in the future.

Terez, MMS welcome series message featuring a personal message from the CEO.

The following elements make Terez’s MMS message powerful:

  1. Personal introduction: By adding a welcome note from Zara, the CEO, Terez creates a genuine connection with its subscribers, illustrating the company’s dedication to its customer base.
  2. Visual appeal: The use of photos showcasing the CEO adds authenticity and enhances the personalization.
  3. Exclusive offer: Including a discount code in the message further sweetens the deal for recipients and creates a sense of appreciation for their loyalty.
  4. Clear call-to-action: Terez effectively accentuates its fall collection by providing a direct link for subscribers to shop.

By using MMS and adding a personal touch, you can transform your SMS campaigns into a powerful tool that fosters a genuine connection with your audience. Building trust, showing authenticity, and nurturing relationships will effectively enhance customer retention and drive results for your brand.

3. Enhance customer experience through two-way conversations

In today’s world, customers have come to expect personalized experiences from the brands they engage with. Two-way conversations are a great way to create such experiences. By engaging in conversations with customers, you can understand your customer’s needs and preferences better. This will help you tailor your offerings to suit the customer’s requirements. This, in turn, can lead to improved satisfaction and brand loyalty.

LG Electronics is a great example of a brand that leverages two-way conversations to enhance customer experience. The company uses a welcome series SMS message to create a personalized experience for its subscribers. This message is designed to introduce the subscriber to the brand and its offerings while also providing them with an opportunity to ask questions or provide feedback. By doing so, LG Electronics can establish a stronger connection with its customers, leading to improved satisfaction and loyalty.

LG Electronics, SMS welcome series message using personalization.

Here are the key components of this personalized message that make it impactful:

  1. Two-way conversation: The message appears to be from an individual named ‘Jordan,’ making it more personal and increasing the likelihood of engagement.
  2. Expressing gratitude: The phrase “We are so glad you joined” showcases appreciation for the subscriber’s interest and communicates a warm welcome.
  3. Custom-tailored experience: LG Electronics entices customer engagement by offering a time-sensitive contest with the statement “You’ve been entered to win,” creating an appealing incentive for participants.
  4. Strategic timing: Providing a 10% discount code that is valid for 30 days enhances the value of the message and prompts subscribers to take action soon.
  5. Encouraging interaction: By inviting the recipient to ask questions or seek assistance, LG Electronics fosters an open line of communication, contributing to a positive customer experience and ensuring that any queries are promptly addressed.

It’s important to have two-way conversations with your customers in today’s highly competitive market. This approach shows your brand’s commitment to comprehending and resolving customer needs. By adopting personalized communication strategies, you will enjoy several benefits, including increased customer satisfaction, strengthened brand loyalty, and improved customer retention.

4. Show a snapshot of your brand story

A brand story is a powerful tool that can help you connect with your audience on a personal level and differentiate your brand from competitors. By incorporating your mission, vision, and values in your messaging, you can establish a strong emotional connection with your audience and enhance your brand identity.

One example of a company that effectively uses its brand story to connect with its audience is Flare, an innovative self-defense company. Flare uses its SMS welcome message to greet new subscribers and share a snapshot of its brand story. By highlighting the company’s motive of empowering people to feel safe and confident, Flare establishes trust with its audience and showcases the driving force behind its products.

Flare, SMS welcome series message showing its brand story.

Here are some key aspects of incorporating your brand story within a welcome message:

  1. Mission statement: Flare’s SMS clearly states, “Flare is a safety bracelet + app that gives you immediate help with the press of a button.” This effectively conveys the brand’s primary objective, providing subscribers with a glimpse into the company’s purpose.
  2. Commitment to values: Flare ensures subscribers know that its products are designed to empower users, emphasizing safety, confidence, and control as core values.
  3. Opt out option: Flare provides a way for recipients to opt out of receiving future messages, which can be done by texting “STOP to opt out.” By offering an opt out link or instructions, you can show that you respect your users’ preferences and give them control over the communications they receive. This helps to build trust in your brand.

By sharing a snapshot of your brand story within your messaging, you can foster a strong emotional connection with your audience and effectively differentiate your brand from the competition. Incorporate your brand story in your SMS communications to drive engagement, create trust, and build lasting relationships with your customers.

5. Cultivating customer loyalty with exclusive VIP experiences

Creating a sense of exclusivity has been a proven strategy you can use to stand out and attract more customers. By providing early access, sneak peeks, or exclusive promotions, you can create a feeling of importance and appreciation amongst your customers, which can lead to increased engagement and long-term customer loyalty

Here’s a winning example, PromGirl, an online store for special occasion dresses, gets subscriber engagement right from the start. When new customers subscribe to its services, PromGirl greets them with a VIP-oriented SMS message that welcomes them as a “VIP Insider.” This personalized messaging strategy makes the audience feel valued and special, generating excitement and encouraging customer loyalty.

PromGirl, SMS welcome series message for VIPs.

Here are the essential elements for this successful VIP-oriented message:

  1. Exclusive label: The use of “VIP Family” in the message creates a sense of exclusivity for the subscribers, making them feel part of an elite group.
  2. Expressing gratitude: The use of the phrase “We are so glad you’re here” expresses gratitude toward the subscriber, creating a sense of appreciation and helping establish a connection with the brand.
  3. Clear call-to-action: The message directs subscribers to go “Back to the site” with a link, providing a straightforward and easily accessible way for them to explore PromGirl’s offerings.

By adopting the sneak peek and VIP treatment approach in your messaging, you can create a rewarding experience for your customers. This approach drives loyalty and ultimately results in higher conversion rates and stronger customer retention.

Start creating SMS welcome messages that they’ll never ignore

SMS welcome series messages are a game-changer for building relationships and driving sales. By leveraging SMS’s high open rates and direct connection with your audience, craft SMS messages that capture attention and convert subscribers into loyal fans.  Remember, personalization, value, and a touch of urgency or exclusivity are the keys to unlocking the power of SMS. Don’t wait any longer. Start building your winning welcome series today and watch your subscriber engagement skyrocket.

Why is SMS the perfect addition to any marketing mix? Thu, 14 Mar 2024 09:49:33 +0000 If you’re reading this, you’re probably one of the five billion people around the world who send and receive SMS messages. With over half the world’s population using the mobile channel, it’s clear to see why businesses love using it in their marketing mix. 

With the right customer experience and data platform (CXDP), SMS becomes a versatile tool helping you achieve a myriad of goals and engage audiences across the globe, and across any industry. So, how could SMS become the superhero in your marketing toolkit? 

Achieve your business goals, one character at a time

SMS marketing messages are short but powerful, with some marketers seeing higher engagement when using mobile channels alongside email. Many consumers say that SMS feels like a more personal channel, and as a result, sees average open rates of 98%. With your messaging being seen, you can focus on driving the results you want. We’ve seen the channel used to:

Propel sales and revenue

With impressive open rates and a conversion rate of 45%, you’ve got a much higher chance of getting your brand in front of the right people. So whether you’re announcing a sale, showcasing new products, or offering personalized discounts, SMS ensures your message lands right where it counts – in the hands of your audience. One Dotdigital customer London Lash, earned an impressive £114K revenue from SMS in the first six months of their campaign, with an ROI of 7:1.

Drive app downloads

Have an app that deserves more attention? Looking to deepen your customers’ mobile experiences? SMS is the best place for you to encourage your audience to download your app due to the uninterrupted mobile experience. You can send short app download links with SMS or offer incentives, such as exclusive discounts for app purchases, seamlessly directing your audience to the right place without them leaving their phone.

Gather customer feedback

Want to understand your customers better? Send them a simple SMS survey. Fast and easy to complete, SMS surveys typically have a response rate that’s 3X higher than traditional email surveys. Understanding your audiences’ needs and preferences has never been so straightforward, helping you refine your customer experience. Ipsos, a Dotdigital customer, made the most of our Communications API and broadcast feature to handle feedback from over half a million customers.

Universal appeal: SMS in every industry

SMS offers unmatched flexibility, making it a powerful tool that can be adapted to the specific needs of virtually any industry. Its ease of integration into existing marketing strategies makes it a universally appealing option. Here’s a glimpse into how diverse industries leverage SMS for success:

Retail and ecommerce

  • Promotions and flash sales: Create a sense of urgency and exclusivity with limited-time offers sent directly to customers’ phones.
  • Abandoned cart recovery: Gently nudge customers to complete their purchases with personalized reminders and special deals.
  • Loyalty programs: Foster customer engagement through points updates, exclusive offers, and birthday greetings.


  • Two-factor authentication (2FA): Enhance security by sending one-time codes for logins and transactions directly to customers’ phones.
  • Fraud alerts: Notify customers immediately of suspicious activity on their accounts, allowing for quicker intervention.
  • Balance updates and payment reminders: Keep customers informed about account activity and upcoming payment deadlines.


  • Appointment reminders: Reduce no-shows and improve patient experience with automated appointment confirmations and reminders.
  • Lab results and prescription refills: Provide patients with convenient access to important information via secure text messages.
  • Public health campaigns: Send crucial information about vaccinations, disease outbreaks, and preventative measures.

Hospitality and travel

  • Mobile check-in and boarding passes: Streamline guest arrival processes and eliminate the need for physical tickets.
  • Hotel promotions and upsells: Offer guests exclusive discounts on upgrades or spa treatments during their stay for customer satisfaction that beats the competition every time.
  • Flight status updates and travel tips: Keep passengers informed about delays, gate changes, and valuable travel insights.


  • Emergency alerts and school closures: Deliver critical information to parents and students during unforeseen circumstances.
  • Homework reminders and class updates: Keep students and parents on track with important reminders and announcements.
  • Parent-teacher communication: Facilitate easy communication between teachers and parents regarding student progress or upcoming meetings.

Non-profit and events

  • Fundraising campaigns: Enable convenient donation options via SMS, increasing participation and boosting fundraising efforts. SMS outreach for nonprofits has shown to be highly successful, with Action for Children generating hundreds in donations with just one SMS campaign.
  • Event promotion and ticketing: Disseminate event details, generate excitement, and allow for mobile ticketing for a seamless experience.
  • Volunteer recruitment and management: Mobilize volunteers by sending updates, reminders, and expressing appreciation via text messages.

These are just a few examples, and the possibilities are truly endless. With its high open rates, conciseness, and affordability, SMS can be a game-changer for businesses of all sizes and across all industries.

Go global: Reach billions with the right CXDP

You already know that SMS is a global channel, which means it’s perfect for businesses that want to expand into new markets and demographics. However, not every marketing automation platform supports SMS sending in multiple countries. Make sure you choose a platform that has global support so you can confidently connect with your audience without borders. 

Dotdigital empowers you to send to 220+ countries and territories and is ready to scale with you. If you’re already a Dotdigital customer, talk to your Customer Success Manager to get started today.

If you’re not a Dotdigital customer yet, you can request a demo of the platform.

Add SMS to your marketing strategy

SMS marketing empowers you to connect with your audience on a personal level, enhancing the customer experience with impressive open rates and global reach. This versatile tool cuts through the noise, offering a direct line to your customers’ pockets across industries. Leverage SMS marketing to drive sales, increase app downloads, gather feedback, expand your market, and achieve a multitude of goals – all through the power of texting. Start your journey to marketing success today.

What is MMS and why you should start now Thu, 07 Mar 2024 09:00:00 +0000 Multimedia messaging service, or MMS, are quickly becoming a powerful marketing tool for businesses seeking to engage their customers in more dynamic and visually appealing ways. Since Dotdigital’s initial release of MMS for North America, brands have started embracing MMS to reach their target audiences effectively. 

In this blog post, we’ll explore what MMS is, the key differences between MMS and SMS (short message service), and how implementing MMS can increase engagement between brands and their audiences.

What is MMS?

MMS is a way for brands to send visual messages to their customers on their mobile devices. This includes multimedia content such as images, audio files, and video clips alongside text messages. Ever sent or received a picture message on your phone? That’s MMS in action. MMS takes text messaging to a whole new level, providing rich and interactive content that goes beyond the traditional 160-character text limit.

By integrating MMS into their communication strategies, brands can create more colorful and engaging messages that capture their customers’ attention. Dotdigital offers MMS capabilities for audiences in the United States and Canada, providing brands with customers in these regions with a powerful new tool to stand out from the competition and generate an impressive return on investment (ROI). 

What is the difference between MMS and SMS?

It’s important to understand the differences between MMS and SMS to choose the right marketing tool to reach your target audience. Here are the key distinctions between the two:

Content type and flexibility

SMS only allows you to send text messages up to a certain character limit. On the other hand, MMS allows you to share a variety of multimedia content with text messages, including files of up to 750KB in formats such as JPEG, PNG, and GIF, making it more visually appealing. By incorporating multimedia content, MMS can increase your engagement levels.

Message size and character limit

A single SMS message can only accommodate 160 characters (including spaces). If your message exceeds this limit, you’ll need to send multiple messages, which will increase the cost of your campaign. MMS provides a much larger message length of 1600 characters (10x greater than SMS), enabling you to send detailed and engaging messages at a fraction of the cost.

So with Dotdigital MMS, you have the flexibility to include high-quality multimedia files while still enjoying the benefits of increased message length. This combination of rich media and additional text enables brands to create captivating, informative, and persuasive messages designed to drive customer action.

Cost and carrier compatibility

While SMS messages are generally cheaper due to low data requirements and widespread carrier support, MMS messages may incur additional costs for end-users and brands due to larger file sizes and increased data usage. However, the visual appeal and potential for higher engagement and conversion with MMS can directly offset the added cost, making it a valuable investment.

What are the benefits of MMS?

MMS is an essential part of any mobile marketing strategy, providing businesses with a range of benefits. Some of its key advantages include:

Enhanced engagement

MMS messages have been proven to have a more engaging impact on recipients compared to plain text messages. This is because MMS messages can include rich multimedia content such as images, videos, and GIFs, making the recipient’s experience more memorable and immersive. As a result, recipients are more likely to take the desired action. 

One example of the effectiveness of MMS messaging is TractOptics, a US-based customer, who utilized MMS during its Black Friday and Cyber Monday campaigns. TractOptics saw an impressive 17:1 ROI (return on investment) after utilizing MMS messaging. This highlights the potential benefits of using MMS messaging to enhance engagement and improve the chances of achieving a higher ROI for businesses.

Greater flexibility and versatility

MMS provides a broad range of options to create visually appealing content that caters to diverse marketing applications and industries. Whether you want to send promotional offers, event invitations, or product launches, MMS offers you the creative freedom to design messages that resonate with your target audience.

Higher conversion rates

MMS messages have the potential to drive higher conversion rates than traditional text messages by optimizing messaging with persuasive multimedia content. With visually appealing content and enhanced engagement, you can encourage recipients to take the desired action, whether that’s making a purchase or signing up for notifications.

Improved brand perception

MMS marketing can be a game changer if you’re looking to improve your brand recognition. Using multimedia content in mobile messages can help differentiate your brand from competitors who rely solely on plain text messages. By including visually appealing and engaging content, you can make a stronger impression on your audience and foster better relationships with them.

Repeated exposure to your brand visuals and logo through MMS messages is essential for building brand recognition. Studies show that 91% of customers are more likely to purchase from brands that they recognize and trust. This is especially true in mobile communications, as messages that include your brand visuals or identifiers are considered more trustworthy and authentic by recipients.

Elevated customer experience

In today’s fast-paced digital world, customers have high expectations for personalized and visually appealing experiences. Using MMS, you can create more engaging and interactive experiences that can help you connect better with your customers. By incorporating multimedia content like images, GIFs, and videos into your messages, you can encourage your customers to take action and build deeper relationships with them. 

For instance, if you run a travel agency, you can send an MMS that features a beautiful image of a beach sunset to your customers, inspiring them to plan their next beach holiday. Similarly, if you provide event management services, you can send a GIF of their favorite artist performing live in town to promote your event management services. The possibilities to get creative and engage with your customers through MMS are virtually limitless.

How MMS can be used to increase customer engagement

There’s a wide variety of opportunities when it comes to using MMS to increase customer engagement. The ability to include visually engaging content allows you to create more exciting promotions and offers by sharing eye-catching visuals when advertising sales, discounts, and other special offers. The same can be optimized when launching new products by utilizing images or GIFS to showcase the new product and generate excitement amongst your shoppers. 

Event invitations can be given a new lease of life by creating and sharing visually appealing invitations to a concert, webinar, or workshop to drive audience attendance. MMS can also be used to boost customer support by providing visual instructions, demonstrations, and more which can be used to troubleshoot and enhance customer satisfaction levels.

MMS messages can be highly personalized to individual customers based on their preferences, behaviors, and much more. The introduction of incorporating liquid (a templating language to create highly personalized content) to SMS and MMS for Dotdigital means you’re able to incorporate multiple personalized fields.

This can be seamlessly previewed as each customer so you can be confident that your recipient will receive a message highly targeted to them directly. WinstonAI™ can also be used to help you set the tone for your MMS messages. 

Getting started with MMS

For now, MMS with Dotdigital is available to businesses with customers in the United States and Canada. To enable MMS in your Dotdigital account, contact your Customer Success Manager, who will guide you through the setup process. Once MMS has been activated in your account, you’ll see the SMS section in your left-hand navigation now reads SMS/MMS. 

If you’re not a Dotdigital customer yet, you can request a demo of the platform.


MMS is a powerful marketing tool that enables you to enhance your mobile communication strategies by providing visually appealing and engaging content. By incorporating multimedia content alongside text messages, MMS can increase engagement levels, improve brand perception, and drive higher conversion rates. With Dotdigital’s MMS capabilities, brands can harness the power of MMS to reach their audiences effectively and generate an impressive return on investment.

SpaceX Starlink SMS – the final frontier? Fri, 01 Mar 2024 11:46:58 +0000 In today’s world, staying connected with people is important no matter where you are. But in some places, it’s hard to get access to technology that lets you communicate with others instantly. That’s where SpaceX Starlink comes in. This project aims to use satellites to help people in remote areas connect with each other. In this blog, we’ll talk more about how this project will change the way we communicate with each other all around the world.

SMS works in most places but not all…

The first SMS was sent in 1992 and SMS volume decline has been wrongly predicted since about 2002. In the last 30 years, the market has grown and matured beyond anyone’s projections. Though SMS does start to face challenges now from data-based mobile comms like WhatsApp and RCS it remains worldwide the most widely used default means of communication for people due to its simplicity and ubiquity.

The infrastructure keeps improving and is based on many thousands of agreements between networks and aggregators so that almost anywhere in the world you can send and receive SMS on your phone as if you were in your home country.

The one constraint though, and we all know it can be significant, is that you need ‘signal’ from a cell tower or mast unless you have a special satellite phone – these are expensive to run and use satellites rather than mobile networks. Without a signal, you may need to ‘fall back’ on your internet connection or WiFi…

This matters since over half a million square miles of the US, vast stretches of ocean, and of course dead zones we all know of in every part of every country are unreachable by terrestrial network coverage.

Until now

So SMS has always had this limit but Elon Musk is about to upset the rules (not for the first time).

Since the SpaceX division began launching the first of its 5,000 satellites the focus has been on broadband in hard-to-reach areas. This has evolved with T-Mobile’s announcement last month that SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket has launched the first six Starlink satellites with direct-to-cell capabilities.

This year Starlink will begin offering SMS solutions in partnership with T-Mobile, with voice, data, and IoT services to follow in 2025. T-Mobile will allow Starlink to use its 5G spectrum while gaining access to the Starlink network, and thus securing near ubiquitous coverage in the United States.

Agreements to roll out direct-to-cell services have been made already with KDDI (Japan), Optus (Australia), One NZ (New Zealand), Rogers (Canada), and Salt (Switzerland). BT in the UK are in advanced talks with Starlink about rural broadband but it’s not known if they are also talking with T-Mobile about direct-to-cell.

Direct-to-cell satellites Starlink’s space and ground systems.

This means that with your ordinary 4G+ mobile if your home network is one of these partnered networks or you are roaming in the above countries (and your network has a roaming agreement with them) will be able to send and receive SMS directly from space before long. The industry expectation is that SMS from space means we are now moving towards SMS black spots being a thing of the past worldwide on most networks.

If you’re wondering what the Starlink SMS project is and how it can benefit you, here’s what you need to know:

If you are a marketer

If you’re a marketer, the Starlink SMS initiative can help you engage with your customers more effectively by diversifying your outreach and enhancing your return on investment and customer engagement. With SMS, you’re no longer limited by geography, and you can reach a wider audience more reliably. 

This means fewer soft bounces and faster delivery in areas where connectivity is currently weak. In the long run, it will also improve the delivery of your emails and other data to mobile phones. It’s remarkable to see that SMS, which is now 32 years old, is leading the charge into space.

If you are an ARM customer

If you’re in the Accounts Receivable Management (ARM) sector, faster and more reliable SMS communication can improve your debt collection process and build stronger communication channels with your clients. The uninterrupted SMS connectivity through Starlink can also enhance operational efficiency and give you a strategic advantage.

If you are an ecommerce merchant

If you’re an ecommerce merchant, the advancements in SMS technology brought by Starlink can elevate your order processing, customer relationship management, and marketing campaign targeting. 

Your customers can get updates on orders, promotional deals, and personalized recommendations from anywhere in the world, which can significantly improve their shopping experience, foster loyalty, and increase sales conversions.

Embracing a connected future

The Starlink SMS project represents an evolution in global communication rather than a complete revolution. With the help of satellites, people will be able to send and receive SMS from almost anywhere in the world, which can have a significant impact on various industries, such as marketing, ARM, and ecommerce. It will be interesting to see how this project evolves in the coming years and how it will shape the future of communication.

Easter marketing: Email, SMS, and subject line ideas Tue, 27 Feb 2024 10:52:35 +0000 As Easter gets closer, it’s time you start preparing your marketing campaigns that capitalize on the spirit of the holiday and drive sales. In fact, according to the National Retail Federation, Easter spending is expected to reach $24 billion in the US alone.

Whether you’re selling Easter-themed products or utilizing the festive atmosphere to showcase your latest collection, the key to a successful promotion is having an egg-ceptional strategy in place.

In this blog, we’ll explore a variety of Easter marketing campaign ideas, including email, SMS, and attention-grabbing subject lines. These ideas will help you breathe new life into your brand and captivate your customers for the best possible results.

Why should you send an Easter marketing campaign?

Here are some reasons why you should launch an Easter marketing campaign:

  1. Increased customer spending: Holidays like Easter often inspire consumers to shop more for gifts, decor, food, and other celebratory items. You can take advantage of this surge in spending by offering exclusive discounts, promotions, and product bundles through your marketing campaign.
  2. Seasonal themes: Easter-themed emails provide a chance to refresh your email copy and design, using lighthearted visuals, puns, and images that resonate with your audience. This seasonal creativity can attract your subscribers’ attention and delight them, leading to higher open rates and engagement.
  3. Strengthen customer relationships: Use your Easter marketing campaign to send personalized greetings and messages of appreciation to your customers. This strategy helps build a more personal connection, strengthens customer loyalty, and nurtures long-lasting relationships.
  4. Drive traffic to your website: Easter-themed emails and SMS messages with exciting offers, compelling calls-to-action, and exclusive content can drive more traffic to your website. This gives your customers a reason to explore your products and services further.
  5. Showcase new products or offerings: Use your Easter marketing campaign to introduce seasonal products or exclusive promotions that may interest your audience. This tactic helps generate interest and excitement for your brand while potentially spurring more purchases.
  6. Boost social media engagement: An Easter marketing campaign can also encourage subscribers to engage with your brand on social media. Leverage this opportunity by promoting Easter-themed contests or sharing content that encourages user-generated content using specific hashtags.
  7. Stand out from competitors: Use the festive season to differentiate your brand from competitors with unique SMS offers, creative email designs, and standout subject lines. Easter marketing campaigns that offer genuine value and capture your audience’s attention can set your brand apart and create lasting impressions.

Engaging and creative Easter subject line ideas

Easter is a great opportunity to make your email subject lines more creative and engaging. You can use witty puns, personalized greetings, and time-sensitive offers to grab your audience’s attention and increase your email open rates. Check out these fantastic Easter subject line ideas for inspiration:

  1. Spring into savings: Major discounts are hatching this Easter🌷
  2. Your Easter basket just got better: Save 30% sitewide💰
  3. Hop to it. Unwrap these egg-sclusive Easter deals🐰
  4. Celebrate Easter in style: Fresh deals just for you🎉
  5. Indulge yourself. Our mouth-watering Easter treats await🍫
  6. Easter basket bonanza: Curated collections for the perfect gift 🎁
  7. Crack open your Easter savings. Limited time only🥚
  8. Last chance: Peep our irresistible deals before they’re gone⏳
  9. Add a touch of magic to Easter with our special offers✨
  10. Ready, set, hunt. Reveal your mystery Easter discount inside🔎
  11. Bloom into savings with our exclusive Easter discounts🌼
  12. Sweet deals to satisfy your Easter cravings: Shop now 🍬

If you’re struggling to come up with Easter email subject lines for your marketing campaign, you can use WinstonAI’s generative AI capability when building your email on Dotdigital. This feature can suggest new subject lines, adjust the tone, shorten or expand text, rephrase, and even include emojis to make your email more engaging.

7 Innovative Easter campaign ideas

Creating captivating campaigns that catch your customer’s attention and spark their imagination is important. That’s why we’re here to help you achieve precisely that. We’ve put together seven innovative Easter marketing campaign ideas that will make your brand stand out and set you apart from the competition. So let’s get cracking.

1. Create a cracking Easter sale

As the seasons change, it’s always a good idea to freshen up your marketing strategies and create new incentives for your customers to make purchases. When seasons change, it’s a great opportunity to promote your latest products and offer discounts and sales to attract more customers.

A great example of an effective Easter marketing campaign is the one created by the personalized children’s book brand, I See Me. The brand has come up with a cracking Easter sale that is sure to catch the attention of potential customers. The brand offers a sitewide discount of 30%, which is a great incentive for shoppers to make a purchase.

I See Me's Easter marketing campaign features a 30% off sitewide discount promotion and a curated selection of personalized Easter-themed books.

What’s more, the email also showcases a curated selection of personalized Easter-themed books, which are perfect for inclusion in any Easter basket. This boosts relevancy and ensures its emails appeal to customers who are looking for unique gift ideas for their loved ones. 

By highlighting its spring savings and offering personalized Easter-themed products, I See Me has created a compelling Easter sale that is sure to drive more traffic to its website and boost sales during this holiday season. Take inspiration from this strategy and come up with your own creative Easter sale that resonates with your audience and drives revenue.

2. Show off your Easter collection with MMS

Easter is a great opportunity to display your new seasonal product collections to your customers. One of the most effective ways of doing this is through Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) messages. MMS uses rich media, such as images and videos, to create engaging and informative shopping experiences for your audience.

A prime example of a brand that executes this strategy successfully is a children’s clothing store, SugarBabies Boutique. By sending a visually appealing MMS message, SugarBabies Boutique highlights its Easter product offerings and makes it easy for customers to visualize the potential of creating a delightful Easter basket for their loved ones. The message not only showcases the brand’s cute and curated product lineup but also employs creative Easter language for a festive touch.

SugarBabies Boutique, MMS message showcasing a colorful and festive Easter basket along with a discount code offer.

In addition, SugarBabies Boutique entices customers further with the offer of a ‘SAVE10’ discount code to use on purchases, adding an incentive for recipients to act swiftly and make a purchase.

3. Throw a virtual Easter egg hunt

Easter egg hunts are a classic and beloved activity to celebrate the season. But have you considered taking this traditional event online to engage your customers?

Reese Witherspoon’s clothing line, Draper James smartly incorporates a virtual Easter egg hunt into its email marketing campaign. The email features a simple and clear design, paired with concise copy that entices recipients to visit the brand’s website and start hunting for hidden Easter eggs. These eggs contain discount codes that shoppers can apply to their purchases, adding an incentive to engage with the website actively.

The email also includes an on-brand hero image, a specific call-to-action (CTA) button, and helpful hints as to where the eggs can be found. These elements create a seamless and enjoyable virtual egg-hunting experience for enthusiastic participants.

Draper James virtual Easter egg hunt email encouraging customers to explore the website for hidden eggs containing discount codes.

4. Leverage Easter FOMO with a countdown timer

Countdown timers are a popular tactic you can use to create a sense of urgency among your customers. By setting a deadline for a limited-time promotion, you can encourage your customers to act quickly before the offer expires. This marketing strategy plays on the fear of missing out (FOMO) and inspires subscribers to shop promptly to benefit from the promotion. Simply add a countdown timer to your website and see the powerful impact of FOMO in action.

One brand that executed this strategy incredibly well is the sustainable denim company Frank and Oak. Its Easter marketing campaign included a countdown timer at the top of the email, emphasizing the limited-time offer. By placing the timer prominently, the brand grabs its recipients’ attention with a time-sensitive message, encouraging them to act quickly to take advantage of the promotion. The result was a successful marketing campaign that generated buzz and encouraged customers to shop promptly to avoid missing out on the deal.

Frank and Oak Easter countdown timer email featuring a limited-time offer.

5. Host an Easter-themed social media contest

Easter-themed social media contests are an excellent way to engage your audience while boosting your brand exposure and promoting your products or services. Hosting a creative contest can foster excitement, encourage user-generated content (UGC), and increase interaction with your brand during the holiday season.

For example, create an Instagram photo contest where followers share pictures of their decorated Easter eggs, Easter outfits, or homemade treats using a specific hashtag. Offer a tempting prize, such as a gift voucher or product bundle from your Easter collection, for the participants with the most creative or popular submissions. Make sure to carefully outline the contest rules, participation guidelines, and entry deadlines to ensure a seamless and enjoyable experience for your audience.

Announce the contest in your email or SMS campaigns and use attractive visuals and compelling copy to encourage your subscribers to participate. By holding an Easter-themed social media contest, you can captivate your audience, showcase your products, and foster a sense of community around your brand.

The online boutique, Little Party Dress effectively promotes its Easter social media contest on Instagram. This is done by encouraging participants to engage with the brand and offering a choice of prizes from its Easter collection. The post explains how to enter, where to find more information, and the closing date for entries. By providing clear instructions and appealing prizes, Little Party Dress ensures a successful contest that excites and connects with its audience.

Little Party Dress's Instagram post promoting their Easter-themed social media contest.

6. Curate your Easter gift guides

Gift guides are an excellent way to showcase and curate your Easter product selection, making it easier for customers to find the perfect gift for their loved ones during the festive season.

The Luxury department store, Fortnum and Mason’s Easter gift guide showcases a stunning collection of Easter eggs that were expertly curated by the brand. The email campaign also mentioned that customers can visit their store to build their own Easter eggs, providing a unique and interactive experience. This is a great way for the brand to not only showcase their products but also to engage with their customers and offer them an unforgettable experience.

By curating and presenting a visually appealing Easter gift guide through your email marketing, you can effectively guide your customers to ideal gift options and entice them to explore your product offerings. This approach simplifies the decision-making process for your customers and helps boost your overall sales during the Easter season.

Fortnum and Mason's Easter email campaign showcasing an elegant Easter egg gift guide.

7. Use creative copywriting to enhance your Easter marketing

To make your Easter marketing messages more compelling and memorable, you can utilize creative copywriting techniques that capture the attention of your target audience. By using creative copywriting in your Easter marketing, you can stand out in the crowded marketing landscape and drive better results for your campaigns.

LUSH Cosmetics is an excellent example of a brand that understands the power of imaginative copywriting. The brand uses vibrant language and storytelling techniques to create a sense of wonder and excitement around its Easter-themed products.

Its email campaign, for instance, invites readers to “Spring into a world of pure imagination,” which blends the festive Easter ambiance with the brand’s colorful, nature-inspired offerings. LUSH’s copywriting is captivating, creating a mesmerizing connection with its audience that goes beyond the product itself.

LUSH Cosmetics' email campaign with creative copywriting.

Kickstart your Easter marketing strategy

Easter is a time of joy, renewal, and celebration. The season presents a great chance for you to connect with your audience and enhance your sales with innovative marketing campaigns. To make the most of this opportunity, it’s essential to develop a comprehensive Easter marketing strategy that fully embraces the festive essence and engages your customers through every touchpoint, including email, SMS, and social media. By doing so, you can increase your brand’s visibility and effectively capture the attention of your target audience during this festive season.

Improving customer experience in financial services with SMS Fri, 22 Dec 2023 09:00:00 +0000 The financial services industry is experiencing a digital transformation, with the rapid adoption of new technologies. Digital platforms are enabling businesses to engage with their customers in innovative and effective ways. A useful channel for this business critical communication is SMS, boasting an impressive open rate of up to 98%.

Dotdigital and Paragon DCX are industry leaders who are redefining the way brands communicate with their customers. One of the ways they are doing this is by using SMS to streamline communication and processes. For instance, organizations like The Co-Operative Bank, Direct Line Group, Swinton Insurance, and Coventry Building Society are leveraging SMS to enhance customer experiences. In this blog, we explore how SMS is transforming customer experience in the financial services sector

How SMS can improve customer experiences in the financial sector

Real time SMS allows businesses in financial services to elevate their customer experiences. Here are some key strategies you can utilize:

Security and fraud prevention

The financial services industry needs to keep customers’ data safe and tell them about possible fraud. SMS goes straight to the point and doesn’t get lost in spam folders. This makes sure customers get important security alerts fast. 

In August 2023, The Co-Operative Bank sent almost 500,000 SMS messages to remind customers about the need to stop and think about whether a transaction is fraudulent. The message also provided recipients with the necessary details to contact the Stop Scams UK number if required.

Real time updates and transaction alerts

Financial services need to give customers real-time updates on account balances, transactions, and payment reminders. SMS is almost instant and perfect for this. While email and push notifications can also deliver updates, SMS notifications are more reliable in situations where internet connectivity is limited or mobile data is expensive.

Jane Ball, Senior Marketing Manager at The Co-operative Bank, praised the SMS solution offered by Paragon DCX, in partnership with Dotdigital. She said, “The SMS solution has enabled continuity of our customer communications, ensuring timely, reliable, and efficiently delivered messaging.”

Two-factor authentication (2FA)

Two-factor authentication is important for keeping customers’ financial information safe and secure. Sending one-time passwords (OTP) or unique codes through SMS lets financial services providers confirm customers’ identities and keep things safe.

High engagement and customer satisfaction

SMS allows financial service businesses to improve customer engagement by keeping them informed about new products, promotions, and policy updates. Unlike traditional email newsletters or app notifications that might get lost, SMS messages are concise, personalized, and more likely to capture the recipient’s attention.

Cost-effective customer support

Financial service businesses can use SMS to offer fast, inexpensive customer support and cut down on call center volume. SMS can send automated replies, confirm appointments, or follow up at a lower cost than phone support.

Regulatory communication

Financial services can use SMS for important alerts like overdraft alerts, insurance renewal reminders, and interest rate changes. While emails can work for this kind of information, SMS can also remind customers to check their email for critical, time-sensitive messages.

Final thoughts

SMS is a powerful tool for the financial services industry to make customer experiences better. Using SMS in communication strategies helps financial service businesses improve customer satisfaction and success. By using SMS, financial service businesses can continue to do well in the digital age.

If you want to learn more about using SMS for important, time-sensitive messages, reach out to Paragon DCX to see how our combined services can help you talk to your customers quickly and effectively.

10 best Black Friday email and SMS examples 2023 Fri, 01 Dec 2023 09:00:00 +0000 Black Friday, the highly anticipated shopping event, has come to an end, leaving behind a trail of exceptional marketing campaigns that have caught our attention and impressive sales figures to match. According to Adobe, this year’s Black Friday generated an impressive $9.8 billion in online sales, marking a 7.5% increase from last year.

We’ve selected ten email and SMS examples from this year’s Black Friday marketing frenzy. These examples demonstrate how marketers can effectively engage their target audience, create a sense of urgency, and entice customers with time-sensitive deals. So let’s dive in.

1. Make your Black Friday email promotions pop with countdown timers

During Black Friday, customers receive a lot of promotional emails. To stand out from the crowd, marketers need to find ways to quickly capture their customers’ attention. One effective method is to use visuals and images to make emails more appealing. By incorporating visually attractive countdown clocks in emails, readers are more likely to engage with the content. These clocks help in keeping the message fresh in the minds of the readers which makes it harder for them to forget about it.

Virgin Atlantic’s Black Friday email provides a prime example of how to effectively leverage a countdown timer in an email marketing campaign. They ingeniously combined an animated countdown timer with a boarding pass, a visually attractive approach that made the brand’s email stand out from the competition.

Virgin Atlantic, Black Friday countdown, and personalized email.

This strategic use of a countdown timer significantly increased Virgin Atlantic’s email click-through rate (CTR) and conversion rate, as customers were visually reminded of the fleeting nature of the exclusive Black Friday deals. When customers see the countdown timer ticking away and that an offer is ending soon, they are more likely to feel motivated to grab the discount before time runs out.

2. Use engaging and captivating MMS campaigns

During the Black Friday sales period, MMS messages can be a powerful tool to engage customers. With MMS, you can integrate images, audio, and video into your text messages, providing a more immersive experience that goes beyond plain text.

Starface is an expert in using MMS for Black Friday promotions. They create a sense of urgency by offering limited-time deals that are valid only from the message’s delivery until midnight. With discounts of 25% on patches, 50% on skincare products, and a buy-one-get-one offer, Starface creates an irresistible value proposition that grabs customers’ attention and encourages them to act quickly.

Starface World, MMS Black Friday message.

3. Give your Black Friday promotion a heartwarming twist

During Black Friday promotions, it’s easy to only showcase attractive discounts and deals. However, by incorporating a creative and heartwarming twist to your Black Friday promotions, you can truly capture the hearts of your customers. Such promotions go beyond mere financial incentives and tap into the emotions and values of the target audience, solidifying customer loyalty for the long haul.

To execute these promotions successfully, marketers need to understand what resonates with their audience and align it with the company’s core values. A heartwarming twist can mean supporting a charitable cause, giving back to the community, or providing exclusive, emotionally engaging content. The possibilities are endless, yet the objective remains the same: to forge a deeper connection with customers and inspire them to advocate for the brand.

Thortful, a card marketplace, added a unique twist to its Black Friday campaign. From November 24 to 27, they introduced “Thortsgiving”—a celebration that gives back to its creators. This unique take on a Black Friday message sends a powerful message to customers: Thortful is not just a place to buy meaningful cards—they are a tight-knit community that stands by its creators and supports small businesses.

Thortful's Thortsgiving email campaign Black Friday promotion.

By taking this approach, Thortful skillfully establishes an emotional connection with its customers. The campaign is an excellent example of how marketers can leverage holiday promotions to not only drive sales but also cultivate deeper connections while remaining true to its core values.

4. Create memorable copy

Writing memorable copy is important during the holiday rush. With so many messages fighting for attention, your goal should be to create copy that stands out and leaves a lasting impression. Use persuasive language to stimulate your subscribers’ curiosity and emotions, and create a sense of urgency that encourages them to take action. 

For instance, Coach was able to successfully target its SMS subscribers during Black Friday by weaving a sense of urgency into its message. They emphasized that it was the final chance for customers to save big on their purchases before the deals disappeared. The brand urged customers to act quickly and provided a convenient link to access Coach’s exclusive offers.

Coach Flack Friday SMS message.

5. Creating a sense of exclusivity with VIP deals

A highly effective way to ensure customer retention and drive sales is by cultivating a sense of exclusivity through special offers just for VIPs or members. Providing your most valued customers with exclusive access to limited-edition products, discounts, or early shopping access can foster a sense of loyalty and privilege.

One noteworthy example comes from BH Cosmetics, who expertly crafted a Black Friday email designed exclusively for its valued members. The email promised BH Cosmetics’ VIP members an exclusive golden ticket, securing their spot on the priority waitlist ahead of other customers. This members-only campaign not only offered exceptional deals but also made its customers feel they were part of a special group, granting them special access to these incredible Black Friday offers.

BH Cosmetics' exclusive Black Friday email campaign for VIP members.

6. Embrace conciseness and clarity

On Black Friday, shoppers are eager to find deals from their favorite brands quickly and effortlessly. With SMS messages having a limited character count, crafting concise yet informative content is essential. To optimize your Black Friday SMS marketing campaigns, focus on capturing the essence of your promotion clearly while delivering all the necessary information to your target audience.

BCBG’s SMS campaign demonstrates the power of brevity and clarity. During its Black Friday promotion, BCBG sent out a simple and clear SMS message to subscribers that provided all the essential information about the offer without overwhelming recipients with unnecessary details.

In just a few words, the message conveys the nature of the promotion (40% OFF EVERYTHING), the limited-time aspect of the offer, and a strong call to action (Shop now). Furthermore, by including a convenient link to access the sale, BCBG encourages recipients to click through and explore its website, thus increasing the likelihood of sales conversions.

BCBG's Black Friday SMS campaign.

7. Put your best graphics forward

One way to leave a lasting impression during the Black Friday email scramble is to avoid using basic, overused design templates. By creating a unique and cohesive design that stands out from generic email layouts, you can set your brand apart and draw attention to the content within.

Van’s Black Friday email campaign is an excellent example of how to merge innovative design with an engaging concept. Van’s email features a ski and mountain scene that seamlessly integrates a playful interactive game, neatly organized gift selections by price range, and a holiday playlist for recipients to enjoy.

Van’s embraces the Black Friday theme by incorporating unique black elements, such as the font and mountain illustrations, within its email design. This playful, clever approach celebrates the essence of Black Friday while preserving the brand’s distinct design aesthetics.

Van's Black Friday email campaign.

8. Enhance your campaigns with emojis

Emojis have become an indispensable part of modern communication, adding emotion and personality to text-based messages. If you incorporate emojis in your Black Friday SMS marketing campaigns, it can help create a more conversational and relatable tone, which can help differentiate your brand from the competition. 

For instance, Youth To The People used emojis cleverly to enhance its Black Friday SMS promotion. Youth To The People’s message added an element of excitement and visual appeal, making the content more eye-catching and memorable. 

The incorporation of the clock emoji not only delivers the sale information in a more visually engaging way but also adds an element of fun to the campaign. The emojis help reinforce the excitement surrounding the offer while also boosting the readability and impact of the SMS message.

Youth To The People's Black Friday SMS campaign featuring use of emojis.

When incorporating emojis into your SMS marketing campaigns, it’s essential to remember that moderation is key. Using too many emojis can overwhelm your audience, diminishing the impact of your core message and potentially leading to confusion or disinterest. Striking the right balance between visuals and text is crucial to ensure that your marketing communication remains clear and effective.

To achieve this harmony, consider limiting the emojis in your message to one or two highly relevant symbols that complement your text and reflect the sentiment you want to evoke. Place the emojis strategically within the message to emphasize crucial points or provide a visual break without cluttering the overall content.

9. Prioritize mobile optimization

With a staggering 76% of all Cyber Week ecommerce traffic in 2022 originating from mobile devices, marketers need to optimize their Black Friday email campaigns for mobile users. Ensuring that your promotional emails are responsive and displayed appropriately on a variety of devices will significantly enhance user experience and increase the likelihood of engagement, conversions, and success.

One great example of a mobile-friendly email campaign is MunchPak’s. It’s highly effective, with two prominent promo codes seamlessly integrated. The campaign also includes specific details about the offer’s expiration, ensuring customers don’t miss out on these exclusive deals.

MunchPak's mobile-friendly email campaign.

10. Leverage last-minute reminders for increased action

Last-minute reminders are an effective way to make the most of the Black Friday hype and encourage customers who haven’t yet taken advantage of your promotion to act. By reminding them of the approaching deadline, you create a sense of urgency that prompts hesitating or last-minute shoppers to act before the offer expires.

For example, Nuts, a popular brand for nuts and snacks, used a last-minute reminder in its Black Friday SMS campaign. In this message, Nuts effectively communicated that it was the last chance to participate in its Black Friday sale. The use of a loudspeaker emoji further emphasized the need for prompt action.

When incorporating last-minute reminders into your SMS campaigns, make it clear that the offer is about to expire, creating a sense of urgency that prompts recipients to act immediately or risk missing out. This approach not only boosts engagement but also helps to capture sales from those who may have forgotten or overlooked your initial promotion.

Nuts' Black Friday last-minute reminder SMS campaign.


To wrap up, the Black Friday promotions showcased in this blog post captivated our attention and stood out among the rest. You can take these outstanding examples as a springboard for inspiration when designing your upcoming email and SMS campaigns. In doing so, you’ll be better equipped to create captivating and engaging experiences for your customers during future Black Friday events.

7 innovative SMS campaign ideas [with examples] Tue, 28 Nov 2023 09:00:00 +0000 SMS marketing has become an essential tool for marketers to connect with their desired audience in a more personal and effective way. But to truly stand out and make a lasting impression, you need to think outside the box and bring a fresh perspective to your campaigns. In this blog post, we’ve handpicked seven innovative SMS campaign ideas that are changing the game, backed up with real-life examples to inspire your next marketing campaign.

1. Embrace multimedia messaging services (MMS) for interactive and engaging messaging

If you want to take your SMS campaigns to the next level, consider using Multimedia Messaging Services (MMS). MMS empowers you to integrate images, audio, and video into your text messages, offering your audience a richer and more immersive experience that goes beyond the limitations of plain text.

A notable example of a successful MMS campaign is White + Warren’s approach to promoting their latest cashmere collection. The brand utilized MMS by sending their customers an eye-catching snippet of their newest offerings, accompanied by an enticing 25% discount code. This not only showed the company’s branding but also provided a visual incentive to take advantage of the sale marketed.

White + Warren, MMS, and discount message.

So, if you want to stand out in the crowded mobile messaging space, consider using MMS to create more engaging and interactive campaigns that will resonate with your audience and drive better results.

2. Grow your SMS lists with email

Email marketing is not limited to promoting products or sending newsletters. It can also be an effective way of expanding your SMS subscriber base and spreading the word about your text message campaigns. By combining the strengths of these two communication channels, you can maximize your marketing efforts and drive greater engagement with your target audience.

Saje, for example, offers a great example of how to integrate SMS and email campaigns. The promotional email shows a screenshot of a text conversation that encourages customers to text ‘SAJE’ to 34857. As an incentive, customers get a 20% discount on their purchases. This smart approach promotes the use of text messaging as an additional way of communication, seamlessly combining the two mediums for a more successful marketing campaign.

Saje email, text us to save 20% off.

3. Create time-sensitive flash sales

Flash sales can be a great way to create a sense of urgency, generate excitement, and convert potential customers into actual buyers. SMS campaigns are an ideal medium for this, as they offer instant notifications and easy access to purchase opportunities. By announcing limited-time deals via SMS, you can capture your audience’s attention and encourage them to make purchases right away, resulting in a high return on investment.

A great example of this is Urban Decay, which used an SMS campaign to announce a Black Friday deal: customers could get 50% off on their makeup palettes while supplies last. The offer also included an additional 25% off on the whole site using a discount code. This offer, available for a limited time, was effectively communicated via a simple and concise text message, motivating customers to act quickly and grab a bargain before it was gone.

Urban Decay new Black Friday deals promotion SMS message.

4. Inform customers about back-in-stock items

With the help of SMS marketing, notifying customers when their favorite products are back in stock can drive immediate sales and maintain strong relationships. By keeping your audience informed, you not only meet their expectations but also showcase your commitment to providing the best possible customer service.

Dormify is a prime example of a brand that utilizes back in stock SMS notifications. The retailer effectively informs customers about the arrival of sought-after inventory restocks, creating urgency by emphasizing the limited availability. In addition, the brand optimizes the customer experience by including a direct link for easy purchasing, making it incredibly convenient for customers to secure their desired items.

Dormify, back in stock SMS message.

5. Reward your loyal customers with exclusive offers

SMS campaigns are an effective way to celebrate and reward your most loyal customers, by sharing exclusive offers and discounts. This kind of personal touch strengthens the bond between the brand and the customer and encourages repeat purchases.

Glossier’s gifting campaign stands as a prime illustration of an effective customer reward strategy. The brand provides a free product, typically valued at $22 when customers spend over $75. However, this offer is only valid for a limited time, which creates a sense of urgency and exclusivity. This approach not only makes customers feel valued but also drives immediate sales.

Glossier, exclusive offer SMS message.

6. Follow up with cart abandoners

Abandoned carts pose a persistent challenge in ecommerce, resulting in lost sales and frustrated marketers. However, by using SMS marketing, you can recover lost revenue and maintain customer interest by following up with customers who left your store without completing their purchase. By sending a gentle reminder, you can effectively re-engage cart abandoners and remind them of what they’re missing out on.

It’s important to keep in mind that when sending abandoned cart messages, you can’t add GIFs or beautiful product images as you can when sending emails, and your text can’t be longer than 160 characters. That means your copy needs to be both concise and engaging.

Take for example this SMS message from OSEA. The brand offers free shipping to the recipient. Offering free shipping can be even more effective for a cart recovery campaign than offering a discount, as many shoppers leave their carts because they didn’t expect the shipping fee. Even if you already offer free shipping, your abandoned cart text message is a good place to remind shoppers of that.

OSEA Malibu, cart abandoner follow-up SMS with a personalized message and free shipping offer.

Aside from offering free shipping, OSEA does a good job here of personalizing the message to Donald and creating a sense of urgency by letting him know his cart is about to expire.

7. Play with SMS polls and surveys

SMS polls and surveys provide valuable insights into consumer preferences while simultaneously engaging your audience. By offering them the opportunity to participate in your brand’s decision-making process, you can develop products and strategies that cater to their unique needs, fostering a strong relationship between you and your customers.

Good American makes use of customer feedback by sending a short SMS survey. To further encourage participation, the retailer offers a 20% discount code for the customer’s next purchase. This dual approach not only gathers important customer insight but also rewards them for their involvement, further solidifying a positive relationship between the brand and its audience.

Good American, SMS poll with a quick survey and a 20% discount code.

Ready, Set, SMS

In conclusion, SMS marketing is a valuable strategy that can help your business connect with customers in a more meaningful and impactful way. By implementing the innovative SMS ideas we’ve discussed, you can take your marketing efforts to the next level and achieve greater success. So why wait? It’s time to put these ideas into action, explore the possibilities of SMS marketing, and see how it can help you reach your business goals.

Why SMS is the marketing channel of the future Thu, 16 Nov 2023 10:02:55 +0000 Are you tired of your marketing messages getting lost in crowded inboxes? Don’t worry, there’s one channel that’s still standing strong – SMS marketing

SMS marketing has become a game-changer for businesses looking to engage with their target audience effectively. From high open rates to quick response times, SMS marketing has proven to be a powerful tool. 

So, if you’re looking for a reliable marketing channel that delivers results, keep reading to find out why SMS marketing is shaping up to be the channel of the future.

The growth of mobile usage

According to a report by We Are Social, over two-thirds of the global population now own a mobile phone, and more than half of those are smartphones. With internet access at their fingertips, people are now spending more time on mobile devices than ever before. Statista reports that in 2021, the average time spent on mobile internet was approximately 155 minutes per day.

This widespread adoption of mobile devices has transformed consumer behavior and expectations. Smartphone users have come to rely on their devices for virtually everything – from communication to shopping and entertainment. The always-on nature of mobile phones has conditioned users to expect information to be available instantly.

With more and more people relying on their mobile devices, there has been a shift towards mobile marketing strategies. From SMS marketing to social media campaigns, brands are using mobile marketing to cut through the noise and reach their target audiences on the go. 

6 reasons why SMS marketing is the channel of the future

Let’s explore the six key reasons why SMS marketing is ready to dominate the marketing landscape and become the top choice channel for brands worldwide.

1. High open rates and instant delivery

SMS messaging has proven to be an effective way of reaching out to your target audience. Unlike emails that can get lost in the inbox or even be marked as spam, text messages get immediate attention. Research shows that 98% of SMS messages are opened and read within minutes of being received. This is significantly higher than email marketing, where open rates are usually around 20-30%.

One reason why SMS is so effective is that people have their phones with them at all times. Studies indicate that the average person checks their phone up to 150 times a day. Therefore, when you send an SMS campaign, you’re almost guaranteed to reach your target audience.

Another factor contributing to high open rates is the sense of urgency created by text messages. Unlike emails that can be ignored or deleted without being opened, text messages pop up on the user’s screen immediately and demand attention.

2. Tailored messaging for personalized connection

When it comes to marketing, nothing beats personalization and convenience. With SMS marketing, you can create messages that cater to your customers’ individual preferences and needs, making them feel special and unique.

By collecting customer first and zero-party data such as names, birthdays, and purchase history, you can create SMS messages that truly resonate with your audience. This level of personalization can help you build a strong one-to-one connection with your customers, boosting their loyalty and trust in your brand.

And that’s not all. SMS is one of the most accessible and convenient communication channels out there. No need for an internet connection – your customers can simply receive, read, and reply to your messages by texting back directly. This seamless communication experience bridges the gap between your brand and your audience, making it easier for you to engage with them and drive results.

3. Enhanced customer engagement with SMS and marketing automation

Marketers can significantly improve customer engagement by combining SMS with marketing automation. With automation, you can send timely campaigns to your audience, triggered by customer behavior or actions. For example, if a customer abandons their shopping cart on your website, you can automatically send them an SMS reminder with a special offer to entice them back.

Another way of incorporating SMS into your automation programs is by using ‘resends.’ If a customer hasn’t opened an email within 24 hours, you can switch the channel and trigger an SMS message instead. This increases your touchpoints and the likelihood that your message will be seen. Features like Dotdigital’s one-click SMS tool help marketers save time while giving their carefully crafted campaigns increased exposure.

4. Dynamic and interactive campaigns

Whether you’re looking to drive immediate sales, grow your subscriber list, or promote an event, you can adapt your SMS marketing to your campaign’s goal. From limited-time offers and flash sales to conducting polls and surveys, SMS campaigns allow you to engage your audience directly and interactively, driving desired actions from your customers.

You could even integrate multimedia messaging service (MMS) into your strategy. This will allow you to incorporate visual messages along with text messages. MMS enables brands to create more engaging, attention-grabbing, and vibrant messages compared to standard SMS messages, making a lasting impression on your audience and enhancing their overall experience.

5. Targeted opt-in messaging

SMS marketing is based on the concept of opt-in marketing, meaning your messages are only sent to customers who have given their explicit consent. This ensures targeted communication, eliminates wasted efforts on uninterested users, and enhances your brand’s reputation by respecting customers’ privacy.

While it’s essential to focus on your opted-in customers, it’s equally vital to provide an easy opt-out process for those who no longer wish to receive communications. This demonstrates respect for customer preferences and contributes to a positive brand perception and customer satisfaction.

6. Sky-high ROI with SMS marketing

Achieving exceptional results is the primary objective of any marketing campaign, and this is where SMS marketing truly outshines the competition. SMS marketing consistently provides an impressive return on investment (ROI) for brands, making it increasingly popular among marketing professionals.

One significant factor contributing to its attractiveness is the low cost per text message sent, making SMS marketing an affordable option for businesses of all sizes. Additionally, the ability to track analytics with ease ensures that marketers can monitor the success of their campaigns and adjust strategies as needed.

Future-proof your campaigns with SMS marketing

SMS marketing has become a popular marketing channel for many reasons. It has high open rates, provides personalization, seamlessly integrates with marketing automation, offers dynamic campaign capabilities, allows for targeted opt-in messaging, and boasts an impressive ROI. As a result, it’s quickly becoming the future of marketing. By embracing the potential of SMS marketing, marketers can establish a direct and personal approach to communication and establish a genuine connection with their customers.

What is SMS marketing? Thu, 12 Oct 2023 09:00:00 +0000 Are you tired of traditional marketing methods that don’t seem to get the desired results? Well, look no further than SMS marketing. In today’s fast-paced digital world, where everyone is glued to their phones, SMS marketing has emerged as a popular and effective tool for businesses of all sizes.

Did you know that research shows that over 66% of customers would prefer to receive notifications via SMS compared to other forms of communication? That’s right. With SMS marketing, businesses can reach their customers directly and instantly, without having to worry about their message being lost in the clutter of emails or social media.

But what exactly is SMS marketing and how does it work? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. In this blog, we will introduce you to the basics of SMS marketing and how it can benefit your business. So, let’s dive in.

What is SMS marketing?

Short message service (SMS) marketing is a form of marketing that businesses use to send promotions to customers via text messages. In other words, SMS marketing is the same thing as text marketing. Like email marketing, SMS marketing is permission-based, which means businesses can only send messages to those who have given their consent to receive them.

This direct communication method allows businesses to keep you connected by sharing news about exclusive deals, new products, or even helpful tips, all in real time. This type of messaging creates a personal connection between you and the business, making customers feel valued and special. And, since it’s permission-based, you don’t have to worry about spam or unwanted texts flooding your inbox.

The 4 types of SMS marketing messages

SMS marketing uses different types of messages depending on what you want to achieve. The three most popular SMS messages are: 

1. Promotional

Promotional messages are the most commonly used type of message in SMS marketing. These are the ones you receive when a business wants to tell you about a sale, a new product, or an event happening soon. Promotional messages aim to entice you to make a purchase or take advantage of a limited-time offer.

2. Transactional

Have you ever made a purchase or signed up for something and then received a text about it? That’s a transactional message. These messages let you know that what you did went through successfully and give you important information about it, like your order details or account info. Businesses also use these messages as a chance to suggest other things you might like.

3. Reminder

Reminder messages are friendly texts from businesses to make sure you don’t forget about an appointment, an event, or something important related to them. For example, if you booked a haircut, you might get a message reminding you when it is, so you don’t miss out or arrive late. These reminders not only help you stay on top of your plans but also provide convenience and improved customer experience. Plus, they’re beneficial for businesses as well – they can reduce no-shows or last-minute cancellations, ensuring that appointments and events run smoothly.

4. Broadcast

SMS broadcast, also known as “mass texts” or “bulk texts,” is a messaging service that allows businesses and organizations to send a single message to a large group of contacts, customers, or clients. 

Using Dotdigital’s SMS broadcast tool, you can send an SMS campaign immediately or schedule it for a later time. You can also choose the lists, segments, or marketing preferences you want to send it to. Additionally, you can send single SMS messages to individual contacts.

The benefits of SMS marketing

SMS marketing offers a wide array of advantages for both businesses and their customers. Let’s explore some of the key benefits of incorporating text message marketing into your strategy:

  1. Sky-high open rates: Almost everyone reads their text messages – we’re talking a 98% open rate. This means there’s a way better chance customers will see and read your texts than emails or other types of messages.
  2. Super quick communication: Since text messages reach people’s phones super fast, businesses can get important info or deals to their customers in no time. This means customers are more likely to act right away.
  3. They reach your audience: Not like emails that sometimes bounce – text messages have a way better chance of reaching their destination. Dotdigtial’s SMS is supported in over 220 countries. So whether a phone’s off or out of range, when it’s back in action, your message will be there waiting.
  4. Wallet-friendly: Sending lots of text messages can be affordable, especially when you think about the great engagement rates. So businesses big and small can get in on the action.
  5. Make it personal: Businesses can personalize text messages for individual preferences or even specific events. This makes messages feel special and meaningful to each person getting them.
  6. Boosts cross-channel strategies: SMS marketing is a great addition to cross-channel campaigns, as it complements other marketing strategies. By incorporating texts into their overall plan, businesses can create a well-rounded marketing strategy.
  7. One size fits all: No matter what type of business you have, how big or small you are, or what you want to achieve – SMS marketing is flexible and can be used for all sorts of purposes like alerts, contests, reminders, account confirmations, and more.

SMS marketing best practices

To ensure the success of your SMS marketing campaigns, it’s essential to follow industry best practices. Here are some key tips to help you create effective and results-driven text message marketing:

As SMS marketing is permission-based, it’s crucial that you only send messages to recipients who have given explicit consent to receive them. You can obtain consent through opt-in forms on your website, in-store sign-ups, or through SMS keyword campaigns.

Respect the frequency of messages

Avoid overwhelming your subscribers by finding the right balance in the frequency of your messages. Sending too many messages can lead to a higher opt-out rate while sending too few can result in lost engagement. Test different frequencies and analyze the impact on engagement rates to find the sweet spot for your audience.

Optimize for mobile

Since text messages are viewed on mobile devices, it’s important to optimize your campaigns for a seamless mobile experience. If you include links in your messages, make sure they direct your subscribers to mobile-optimized landing pages or websites for the best user experience.

Use clear and concise language

As SMS messages are limited to 160 characters, it’s essential to use clear and straightforward language to communicate your message effectively. Focus on the most critical information and include a clear call to action that encourages the desired response from your recipients.

Test and analyze

Always keep testing and analyzing your SMS marketing campaigns to identify areas of improvement. A/B tests different message variations, offers, or send times. Use the data gathered from these tests to optimize your strategies for the best possible results.

SMS marketing strategies to try

If you are planning to explore SMS marketing, it’s important to have a few effective strategies up your sleeve to ensure the best possible results for your campaigns. By implementing the following strategies, you can increase engagement and create a personalized experience for your subscribers. 

Here are some highly effective strategies to consider for your SMS marketing campaigns:

Exclusive offers and deal announcements

Reward your SMS subscribers with exclusive offers, flash deals, and coupon codes that create a sense of urgency and prompt them to make a purchase. By offering time-sensitive deals, you incentivize your audience to act quickly and demonstrate the value of subscribing to your SMS list.

SMS contests and giveaways

Engage your audience and expand your marketing list by running SMS-based contests and giveaways. Ask your subscribers to text a designated short code to enter the contest, and follow up with automated messages for confirmation and opt-in permissions.

Text-to-win competitions

This campaign is great for growing your marketing database. Simply advertise your competition and include a dedicated short code for entrants to text. Follow that up with an opt-in message that requires a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’ response

Appointment and event reminders

Use SMS messages to send reminders about upcoming appointments or events to keep your customers informed and reduce no-shows. These timely reminders can improve the customer experience, save resources, and help ensure that your events or bookings run smoothly.

Re-engagement campaigns

Reach out to customers who haven’t engaged with your brand or made a purchase in a while through SMS. Send personalized offers, product recommendations, or a simple “we miss you” message to reestablish a connection and motivate them to re-engage with your brand.

Send personalized product recommendations

Utilize customer data to send AI product recommendations and promotions based on their shopping behavior or preferences. By providing personalized recommendations, you increase the chances of making a sale and fostering customer loyalty.

Cart abandonment

Carts abandonment happens for a wide range of reasons and one of those might be switching devices. You can increase your chances of converting browsers into customers by adding SMS to your abandoned cart automation program.

Birthday automation

Birthday automation programs are a great way to drive shoppers to return to your website. By adding SMS as a complementary channel to your program, you’re helping your special birthday discount stand out from your competitors.

Business updates

During times of crisis, business continuity is essential. Send business updates via text to ensure customers, staff, and partners stay informed of developments or changes to your BAU.

Set your SMS marketing on the path to success with Dotdigital

SMS marketing has proven to be a highly effective and versatile communication channel for businesses of all sizes. By leveraging the power of SMS marketing, you can connect with your audience in a more personal and direct way. This, in turn, drives higher engagement and conversion rates, ultimately contributes to your overall marketing success.
