Michael Duxbury
Email marketing
How to send interactive emails
Want your emails to be more interactive? We’ve got an answer for that.
Dotdigital life
Best bits from the Dotdigital Hack Week 2019
The end of December at Dotdigital sees Hack Week - our yearly step into the unknown with a mix of our software engineers, product designers, deliverability consultants, and systems administrators getting away from their usual work and creating crazy, forward-thinking hacks.
Security & privacy
New for GDPR: Keep track of contact consent
Know who wants what: keep track of your contact’s consent with the new ConsentInsight
Using lead scoring in your marketing automation
...And using marketing automation in your lead scoring.
7 Steps to Make Customer Re-engagement a Whole Lot Easier
Our Product Manager, Stoo Gill, explains how using another small feature addition from the dotMailer platform, you could add a helluva punch to your email marketing program. Introducing ‘Last Open Date’...
Email marketing
Free Mobile-Optimised Templates
Hot on the heels of our new mobile preview tool, I’m happy to say that we now offer a collection of free templates that are optimised for mobiles and tablets....