Cross-channel marketing – Dotdigital Tue, 18 Jun 2024 11:37:35 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Cross-channel marketing – Dotdigital 32 32 How to leverage push notifications in mobile app marketing Tue, 11 Jun 2024 08:00:00 +0000 Did you know that 60% of all global online sales now happen through mobile commerce? With mobile app push notifications, you can effectively reach customers and boost your sales.

This blog will explore the benefits of push notifications, how to use them effectively in promotional campaigns, and the advantages Dotdigital offers if you’re looking to leverage this powerful marketing channel.

What are mobile app push notifications?

Mobile app push notifications are short messages sent directly from an app to a user’s device, even when the app isn’t actively in use. They appear as popovers on the lock screen or notification bar, attracting user attention and delivering important information. Unlike emails that can get lost in inboxes, push notifications have high visibility and can be a powerful tool for engagement.

Three benefits of mobile app push notifications

Mobile app push notifications can boost your app marketing success. Let’s delve into three key benefits:

  1. Boost user engagement 

Push notifications keep users informed about exciting developments within your app. Imagine notifying them about a limited-edition product launch or exclusive app-only discounts. These messages land directly on their phones, driving them back to the app and fostering continued engagement.

  1. Improved user retention and re-engagement

Keeping users actively using your app is crucial. Push notifications can be strategically used to win back lapsed users or remind them of unfinished tasks. For example, sending cart abandonment reminders can nudge users to complete their purchases. Additionally, celebrating user achievements within the app through push notifications fosters loyalty and encourages them to keep coming back for more.

  1. Increased conversions

Push notifications are a conversion powerhouse. Promote limited-time offers and discounts to incentivize downloads and purchases. A well-timed push notification reminding users of a flash sale can turn app downloads into paying customers.

How you can use mobile push notifications for a promotional campaign

A seamless cross-channel approach is key to a successful mobile app marketing strategy. Here’s how a sportswear brand can leverage push notifications within a promotional campaign:

Stage the excitement

Email (1 week before sale)

Target lapsed customers with an email teasing the upcoming sale and offering them exclusive early access if they download the brand’s app. This email piques their interest and incentivizes app downloads.

Re-engage dormant users

SMS (mid-week)

For users who haven’t opened the email, send a timely SMS reminder about the limited-time sale and the early access benefit through the app. This rekindles interest and captures those who might have missed the email.

Drive last-minute sales

Push notification (24 hours before sale)

Send a final push notification to all users, granting them early access within the app 24 hours before the general sale begins. This creates a sense of urgency and exclusivity, driving a surge in app traffic and sales.

By combining these channels, the sportswear brand creates a cohesive customer journey. The email ignites initial interest, the SMS acts as a mid-campaign nudge, and the push notification delivers the final call to action, driving sales and app engagement.

How Dotdigital customers can leverage mobile push notifications

Dotdigital empowers you to unlock the full potential of mobile push notifications. Here’s how:

Seamless integration

Push notifications integrate seamlessly with your existing marketing channels. This means you can design cohesive customer journeys that combine email, SMS, and push notifications for maximum impact.

Segmentation and personalization

Dotdigital allows you to segment your user base and send targeted push notifications based on demographics, preferences, and past behavior. Imagine sending discount alerts on running shoes to users who have shown interest in that category – this level of personalization enhances the user experience and increases the effectiveness of your campaigns.

Real-time analytics

Track the performance of your push notifications within the Dotdigital platform. Gain valuable insights into open rates, click-through rates, and conversions. This data empowers you to optimize future campaigns and maximize your return on investment.

Cost-effective messaging

An added benefit for Dotdigital users? Sending push notifications won’t affect your messaging allowance within the platform. This allows you to leverage the power of push notifications without worrying about additional costs.

By leveraging Dotdigital push notification capabilities, you can create a robust mobile marketing strategy that drives engagement, retention, and sales for your enterprise app.

Start using mobile push notifications today

Mobile app push notifications are essential for improving your mobile marketing strategy. They can boost user engagement, improve retention and re-engagement, and increase conversions, making them a powerful tool for helping your brand grow. By seamlessly integrating push notifications with your other marketing channels, such as email and SMS, you can create a comprehensive and cohesive customer journey.

How to create human connections with cross-channel marketing strategies Thu, 02 May 2024 08:00:00 +0000 Did you know that the average person is exposed to over 10,000 marketing messages a day? In this oversaturated landscape, it’s no wonder that customers often tune out traditional marketing tactics. 

But what if you could break through the noise and forge genuine connections with your audience?  By leveraging cross-channel marketing strategies with a human touch, you can build trust, loyalty, and ultimately drive sales.

This blog will guide you on how to achieve exactly that. Keep reading to discover how human-to-human marketing (H2H) and cross-channel strategies can help you create a marketing approach that resonates with your audience.

Weaving a cohesive brand narrative cross-channel

To effectively connect with your target audience, establishing a presence across various marketing channels is not enough. You need to tell a consistent story that resonates with them, regardless of the platform they use to interact with your brand. This is where cross-channel marketing comes in.

Cross-channel marketing involves creating a unified customer experience across all your marketing channels, such as social media, email, website, and even offline channels. By weaving a cohesive brand narrative across these channels, you ensure that your message is consistent and reinforces your brand identity.

For example, let’s say you’re running a social media campaign promoting a new product. In your cross-channel approach, you would also create email newsletters with more detailed information about the product, and update your website with landing pages that expand on the product’s features and benefits.

By tailoring your message to the specific strengths of each channel, you can create a seamless journey for your customers, guiding them through every step of the purchasing process within your cross-channel marketing strategy.

At the heart of a successful cross-channel marketing campaign is a cohesive brand narrative. This narrative should be woven throughout every touchpoint, fostering a sense of familiarity and trust with your audience, which can lead to increased engagement, loyalty, and ultimately, sales.

Strengthening connections at every interaction

It’s important to build strong and meaningful connections with your customers to be successful. This can be achieved by creating a series of interactions that occur at various touchpoints. By engaging with customers across different channels in your cross-channel marketing, you can create a relationship that feels natural and continuous.

H2H marketing emphasizes the importance of personal connections. Every interaction with a customer is an opportunity to build trust and strengthen the relationship. This can be achieved by providing personalized and relevant communication that addresses their specific needs and interests. From the first email they receive to the live chat conversation they have, each touchpoint within your cross-channel strategy provides an opportunity to deepen the connection.

Embrace two-way communication

Marketing shouldn’t be a one-way street where you only promote your products or services. Instead, it’s important to encourage interaction across all channels to build trust and loyalty with your customers.

H2H marketing is all about having conversations, not delivering monologues. Respond to comments on social media platforms promptly. This not only shows that you care about your customers’ opinions but also helps you to address any concerns they may have.

Additionally, answering questions through email, WhatsApp, and other messaging platforms can help you provide more in-depth answers and build stronger relationships with your customers, as you develop a personalized connection with them. 

Another effective way to encourage two-way communication within your cross-channel strategy is by asking for feedback through surveys or polls. This allows your customers to share their thoughts and opinions about your products or services, and it also helps you to identify areas for improvement.

Start community building

Engaging in community building is a powerful way to strengthen your brand’s presence and foster deeper connections with your customers. H2H marketing is all about building relationships, and communities are built on shared interests.

By actively participating in conversations on social platforms, forums, and other digital spaces relevant to your target audience, you can create a sense of community around your brand within your cross-channel marketing. This can help customers feel like they are part of a larger movement, rather than just a transactional relationship with your company.

To effectively engage in community building, you can start by identifying the platforms and digital spaces where your target audience is most active. This could be social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or LinkedIn, or it could be forums and message boards related to your industry.

Once you’ve identified the relevant spaces, you can begin to initiate and participate in conversations. This could involve sharing content that is relevant to your audience, responding to customer inquiries and feedback, or simply joining in on discussions related to your industry.

Embrace the power of storytelling

Nowadays, customers are bombarded with advertisements, so it’s important to create a strong emotional connection with your audience. One of the most effective ways to achieve this is through the power of storytelling. H2H marketing is about connecting with people on a human level. Stories are a powerful tool to do this.

As a brand, it’s important to leverage the power of storytelling to showcase your values and beliefs. By sharing stories that align with your brand mission across all your cross-channel marketing efforts, you can establish a stronger connection with your audience and build trust. When done right, storytelling can help you stand out from the competition and differentiate your brand in a crowded marketplace.

The beauty of storytelling is that it can be used across all channels within your cross-channel marketing strategy. From social media posts and video content to email marketing campaigns and website testimonials, weaving a consistent narrative through storytelling can create a truly memorable brand experience.

Think beyond digital

While digital channels are undoubtedly crucial for any marketer, it’s equally important to connect with your audience face-to-face. H2H marketing is about creating real-world connections. Consider hosting meetups or workshops where you can interact with your customers in person. This allows you to build relationships on a deeper level and create a more memorable brand experience.

To further amplify the impact of these events, consider leveraging your cross-channel marketing efforts. Promote your events across social media channels, include details in your email newsletters, and even create targeted ads promoting the event to a relevant audience. This ensures a wider reach and fosters excitement for the event.

Once attendees have registered, utilize your cross-channel marketing strategy to nurture them further. Send pre-event emails with reminders and additional information, and follow up with post-event messages expressing gratitude and potentially sharing event highlights.

Start creating genuine human connections 

Creating genuine human connections is the key to standing out. By implementing cross-channel strategies that emphasize human-to-human connections, you can effectively cultivate brand loyalty and trust. So, start connecting with your audience on a deeper level today and witness the remarkable impact it can have on your overall marketing efforts.

Why cross-channel marketing matters Tue, 12 Mar 2024 09:00:00 +0000 In today’s digital age, customers are bombarded with messages across a multitude of channels. A whopping 73% of shoppers use multiple channels throughout their buying journey. From social media and email to search engines and offline advertising, the fight for attention is fierce. This is where cross-channel marketing comes in, offering a strategic approach to connect with your audience on their preferred platforms and guide them seamlessly through the customer journey.

What is cross-channel marketing?

Cross-channel marketing is not just about using multiple marketing channels. It’s about creating a seamless and consistent experience for your customers. You can do this by strategically utilizing various channels and ensuring that your messaging is consistent across all touchpoints.

The objective of cross-channel marketing is to interact with customers across preferred channels throughout the customer lifecycle.

As a marketer, your goal is not only to expand your marketing database and acquire new customers but also to keep the conversation going with your existing customers. Cross-channel marketing enables you to connect with them whenever and wherever they need your services.

An example of cross-channel marketing in action

Here’s a practical example of how cross-channel marketing works:

  • A potential customer sees a social media advert for your new product.
  • Intrigued, they visit your website to learn more and download a helpful guide.
  • A few days later, they receive a personalized email with a discount code for the product.
  • They then visit your physical store to make the purchase, interacting with a knowledgeable salesperson.

Keep in mind that this is just one example – the channels you use to connect with your audience will depend on your industry and the people you’re trying to reach. So don’t be afraid to get creative with the channels you use. 

Why does cross-channel marketing matter?

Cross-channel marketing is important for any marketer for several reasons:

  • Reach customers everywhere: People use different channels when they are looking for a product or service. By having a cross-channel strategy, you can reach your target audience wherever they are, maximizing your engagement and reach.
  • Personalized customer experiences: By gathering data from multiple channels, you can gain valuable insights into your customers’ preferences and tailor your marketing messages accordingly. This personalized approach helps you to build stronger relationships with your customers and increase your conversion rates.
  • Channel consistency: Cross-channel marketing ensures consistent brand messaging and visuals across all your platforms. This helps you to build trust and credibility with your audience and creates a more positive brand perception.
  • Improved brand storytelling: A unified message across channels allows you to craft a compelling brand story that resonates with your audience. This emotional connection strengthens brand loyalty and advocacy.
  • Enhanced customer journey: By using different channels strategically, you can guide customers smoothly through their buying journey. For example, social media can generate awareness, email marketing can nurture leads, and a user-friendly website can facilitate conversions.
  • Measurable results: Cross-channel marketing allows you to track customer interactions across various platforms, providing valuable data on campaign effectiveness. This data can be used to optimize your strategy and improve your return on investment (ROI).

What problems can cross-channel marketing solve?

Cross-channel marketing is a powerful strategy that can help marketers overcome challenges.

Problem 1: Information overload

With so many brands competing for customers’ attention, it can be challenging to make your voice heard. Cross-channel marketing helps by ensuring that your message reaches your target audience. By using multiple channels such as email, social media, and SMS, you can reach customers where they are and deliver your message in a way that resonates with them.

Problem 2: Disconnected customer journeys

Fragmented marketing efforts can confuse customers, leading to an inconsistent experience. Cross-channel marketing creates a smooth and unified journey by delivering a consistent message across all touchpoints. This way, customers can seamlessly move from one channel to another without feeling like they’re starting over.

Problem 3: Lack of personalization

Generic marketing is no longer effective in today’s world, where customers expect a personalized experience. Cross-channel marketing allows you to tailor your message to individual customers based on their preferences, behaviors, and interests. This fosters deeper connections and helps build long-term relationships with your customers.

What’s the future of cross-channel marketing?

Cross-channel marketing is no longer a novelty; it’s the cornerstone of successful customer engagement.  However, as technology continues to evolve, what does the future hold for cross-channel marketing? Here’s a glimpse into what we can expect.


Hyper-personalization is the future of cross-channel marketing. Brands can deliver ultra-personalized content, offers, and recommendations across every channel.

Imagine a customer browsing for hiking boots online on your retail ecommerce website. They’ve looked at rugged brands and waterproof features. Hyper-personalization goes beyond just suggesting similar boots.

Predictive analytics will analyze your customer’s past purchases (think climbing gear or outdoor apparel) and weather data for their location (predicting upcoming rain). They might then receive a real-time live chat message from a virtual assistant offering a personalized discount on those specific boots, along with high-traction socks based on their browsing behavior.

Customer experience and data platforms (CXDPs) like Dotdigital will play a significant role in unifying data from various sources such as behavioral, demographic, and transactional information. This comprehensive data pool will fuel powerful marketing automation tools, enabling brands to personalize their marketing efforts to a greater extent.

The rise of voice search and live chat 

Voice search and live chat are rapidly gaining traction. As these technologies become more integrated into our daily lives, brands will need to adapt their cross-channel strategies accordingly. Optimizing content for voice search will be crucial, and chatbots can become valuable tools for personalized customer support and product recommendations.

The focus on customer privacy

The focus on customer privacy is another key aspect of future cross-channel marketing.

The landscape is evolving in two key ways: the demise of third-party cookies and the rise of Mail Privacy Protection (MPP).

Traditionally, online marketing relied heavily on third-party cookies. These cookies tracked user behavior across websites, allowing for highly targeted ads. However, this raised significant privacy concerns. With major browsers like Chrome phasing out third-party cookies, marketers need to find new ways to personalize experiences without compromising user privacy.

Another challenge comes from Mail Privacy Protection (MPP). MPP is a feature in email providers like Apple Mail that limits the ability to track email opens and clicks. This makes it harder to gauge the effectiveness of email campaigns based on traditional metrics.

In this new environment, the focus needs to shift towards first-party data – information collected directly from customers with their consent. This could include website behavior, purchase history, and preferences explicitly shared through surveys or sign-up forms. Building trust with customers is crucial. Transparency about data collection and offering clear opt-in options will be essential for building strong relationships and gathering valuable first-party data.

By embracing these trends, marketers can unlock the true potential of cross-channel marketing in the years to come. The ability to deliver personalized, seamless, and privacy-conscious customer experiences across all touchpoints will be the key to building lasting brand loyalty and achieving sustainable business growth.

Get ready to take your marketing to the next level

The future of marketing is all about creating connected and personalized customer experiences. By adopting a cross-channel marketing approach, you can ensure your message reaches your target audience on their preferred platforms, fostering deeper connections and guiding them seamlessly through the buyer’s journey. 

As technology continues to evolve, stay ahead of the curve by embracing trends like hyper-personalization, voice search, and live chat, all while prioritizing customer privacy. By delivering exceptional customer experiences across all touchpoints, you can build lasting brand loyalty and achieve sustainable business growth in the years to come.

How to choose the right marketing channel to connect with customers Thu, 18 Jan 2024 10:32:59 +0000 In today’s fast-paced and competitive world, marketers must connect with their customers effectively. The right marketing channels can help you build a stronger relationship with your target audience, run more targeted marketing campaigns, and develop a more effective overall cross-channel marketing strategy. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll cover how to understand your target audience, evaluate different marketing channels, and maintain a consistent brand experience across all channels.

Understanding your target audience

It’s important to understand your target audience before selecting appropriate marketing channels. By understanding their preferences, habits, and pain points, you can create effective and personalized marketing campaigns that resonate with your audience. There are several ways to gather data and learn more about your customers:

  1. Preference centers: Use preference centers to give your customers control over the content they receive from you and, in the process, collect valuable data. Invite subscribers to manage their preferences, such as the frequency of emails, topics of interest, and communication channels. This not only enhances their experience but also equips you with actionable insights into their preferences.
  2. Dotdigital pages and forms: Create pages and forms that help collect data from your customers. For instance, build sign-up forms that request basic demographic information, such as age, gender, and location.
  3. Surveys: Send surveys to your existing customers to collect additional information about their preferences and habits. 
  4. Customer feedback: Actively encourage customers to provide feedback and share testimonials about their experiences with your brand. This can offer significant insights into what resonates with them and what doesn’t. 

Types of marketing channels

After gaining a solid understanding of your target audience, it’s time to explore the various marketing channels you can implement in your strategy. Each channel offers unique benefits making it essential to select those that best align with your audience’s preferences and your overall marketing goals.

Email marketing

Connecting with customers through email marketing has numerous advantages, and it’s no wonder that it remains a favorite communication channel for many. Customers appreciate the ability to stay up-to-date with brand updates while maintaining control over their inboxes. 

They enjoy the freedom to decide when to check their email, choose their subscriptions, and unsubscribe when they wish. Over recent years we’ve seen new subscribe rates plateau while unsubscribe rates have increased significantly by nearly 8%. This can be attributed to various factors, but a primary reason is fatigue.

Customers tend to become disengaged when brands consistently send sales-focused content that lacks personalization. To keep subscribers engaged, it’s essential to utilize dynamic content that tailors messages to their preferences. This encourages click-throughs, exploration of your website, and ultimately, conversions and sales. When implementing email marketing as part of your strategy, several aspects should be considered:

  1. Segmentation: Use customer data to create segments based on demographics, preferences, and behaviors. By segmenting your audience, you can deliver customized content, making your email campaigns more relevant and engaging.
  2. Testing and optimization: Regularly test different elements of your email campaigns, such as subject lines, content, and design, to optimize performance. Utilize A/B testing to compare results and fine-tune your email strategy based on data-driven insights.
  3. Analytics and reporting: Monitor and analyze key email marketing metrics, such as open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates. Identify trends and areas for improvement to inform future strategies and continuously enhance your email marketing efforts.
  4. Deliverability: Maintain high email deliverability rates by following best practices, such as maintaining a clean email list, avoiding spam triggers, and using a reputable email service provider. High deliverability ensures your messages reach your audience’s inbox, increasing the chances of engagement and conversions.
  5. Subscriber retention: Focus not only on attracting new subscribers but also on retaining current ones. Monitor your unsubscribe rates and proactively address any issues. Offer valuable content, ensure easy subscription management, and respect your audience’s preferences to reduce the likelihood of unsubscribes.

SMS marketing

We’ve seen unprecedented growth in SMS marketing. The number of SMS marketing messages sent over the past year has increased by 160%, with click-through rates increasing by over 300%. This means there is more of an appetite for SMS than ever before.

But how do we get it right?

SMS can be considered a fairly intrusive marketing channel. Notifications and messages pop up on readers’ screens with every send. This means you could be interrupting them in the middle of a meeting, in a movie theater, or while they’re driving.

Therefore, it’s vital that you only use the channel when you have something to say.

Appointment confirmations, reminders, and flash sales are great use cases for this marketing channel. Recipients want immediate and actionable info, right in the palm of their hands. Messages about seasonal sales like Black Friday and early access for loyal customers will help you drive more sales than email alone. When incorporating SMS into your marketing strategy, consider these aspects:

  1. Message relevance: Ensure that the content of your SMS messages is highly relevant to your audience. Share valuable information, promotions, or indispensable reminders your customers will appreciate.
  2. Brevity and clarity: SMS messages have a character limit, so it’s essential to craft concise and impactful messages. Keep your texts clear and straightforward, making it easy for recipients to understand the intended message and take action if required.
  3. Timing and frequency: Be mindful of the timing and frequency of your SMS messages. Too many messages can lead to customer irritation, while poor timing often results in messages being overlooked. Tailor your SMS schedule to suit your audience’s preferences and the nature of the content you’re sharing.
  4. Personalization: Personalize your SMS messages using customer data for a more relevant and engaging experience. Addressing recipients by name or tailoring offers based on their past purchases can significantly increase engagement and conversion rates.

Social media marketing

It has been reported that approximately 4.95 billion individuals all over the world use social media. This indicates that social media marketing can be a tool for marketers to enhance brand visibility, connect with their audience, and create leads.

To kick-start your social media marketing strategy, it’s important to first focus on platform selection. It’s recommended that you choose the most suitable platforms as per your target audience’s interests and the type of content that you plan to share. This will help ensure that your brand’s presence is in line with your audience’s online activity, which increases the chances of engagement and conversion. Here are some essential elements to consider when developing an effective social media marketing plan:

  1. Mix up your content: Implement a variety of content types, such as text, images, videos, and polls, to cater to varying audience preferences and pique their interest. This diversity not only keeps your audience engaged but also makes your brand more memorable in their minds.
  2. Schedule and frequency: Plan your content schedule to strike a balance between regular updates without overwhelming your audience. Consistent posting helps maintain your brand presence while over-posting can lead to audience fatigue.
  3. Build community: Foster a sense of community by promptly responding to comments, direct messages, and mentions, showing your commitment to your audience and making them feel valued. Encourage user-generated content to showcase your brand advocates and increase credibility among potential customers.
  4. Hashtags and engagement techniques: Utilize relevant hashtags and engagement techniques such as contests, giveaways, and partnerships to widen your reach and attract new followers. These methods increase visibility and incentivize interaction with your brand.

Live chat

The demand for live chat has skyrocketed in recent years. We live in a ‘need-it-now’ generation. Any roadblocks that appear on a prospect’s path to conversion could lead to complete derailment. They could not only abandon the process but abandon your brand entirely if you fail to offer a resolution at the moment.

Primarily used by customer service teams, live chat is a marketing channel that has finally forced marketing teams to stop working in silos. Customer service is important for the customer’s user experience (UX). If you want to create a customer journey that inspires loyalty, making customer services as accessible as possible is essential.

One way or another, customers want to engage in two-way conversations with brands. By adding chat to your cross-channel marketing kit, you’ll be able to anticipate customer needs. What’s more, having real people managing this aspect of the customer relationship can even help you grow your marketing lists. When incorporating live chat into your marketing strategy, consider these aspects:

  1. Ease of access: Make sure your live chat feature is easy to find on your website or app. Users expect it to be in the bottom right corner of the webpage, so place it there if you can.
  2. Responsiveness: Respond to customer inquiries quickly and efficiently. This is one of the best benefits of live chat, so use it to maintain customer trust.
  3. Proactive support: Initiate chats with customers based on specific triggers, such as browsing behavior, time spent on a page, or shopping cart abandonment. Address any potential issues before they become problems to create a positive customer experience and improve conversions.
  4. Data collection and analysis: Gather data from live chat interactions to analyze customer behavior, preferences, and pain points. Use this information to optimize your marketing efforts and improve your support team’s performance.

Content marketing

Content marketing is a strategy that involves creating and disseminating valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract, engage, and retain your target audience. This can be achieved by providing content that addresses their needs and preferences, which can increase your brand’s credibility and foster customer loyalty. When implementing content marketing, there are several tactics that you can use:

  1. Blogging: Create informative blog posts with engaging SEO content. This will help you to gain visibility, showcase your expertise, and become recognized as a thought leader in your industry.
  2. E-books and whitepapers: Offer in-depth, long-form content such as e-books and whitepapers to explore complex topics related to your industry. This will help you to demonstrate your knowledge and expertise, as well as provide valuable insights to your audience.
  3. Video content: Create visually engaging and easily digestible video content like TikTok and Instagram Reels to deliver information to your audience. This will increase the shareability and overall reach of your content.
  4. Webinars: Host engaging webinars that delve into relevant topics within your industry. This will allow your audience to participate in real-time discussions, ask questions, and gain valuable insights. This approach will establish your brand’s authority and keep your audience engaged.

Wrapping it up

So, there you have it. To create a winning marketing strategy, the key is to get to know your target audience – their likes, habits, and what makes them tick. That’s when you can dive into using different marketing channels with confidence to connect with your audience in a way that truly speaks to them.

A beginner’s guide to cross-channel marketing Thu, 04 Jan 2024 09:58:17 +0000 Did you know that 73% of shoppers expect brands to understand their unique needs and expectations? To be successful in today’s competitive market, it’s important to find ways to connect with your customers across different platforms. This means creating strategies that are effective and engaging, so that your target audience can easily understand and relate to your message, no matter where they are.

That’s where cross-channel marketing comes into play. If you’re not familiar with this strategy, don’t worry. This beginner’s guide will walk you through everything you need to know, and show you how it can give your marketing strategy a boost.

What is cross-channel marketing?

At its core, cross-channel marketing is a strategy that focuses on engaging with customers through multiple marketing channels that they use. Whether it’s social media, email, content marketing, or paid advertising, the goal is to create a unified and seamless experience for your customers. By blending various communication channels, you can deliver personalized and consistent messaging that resonates with your target audience throughout their customer journey.

Advantages of cross-channel marketing

A cross-channel marketing strategy can offer several benefits beyond simply expanding the reach to more customers. When implemented effectively, it can provide tailored customer experiences, boost brand visibility, establish consistent messaging, improve campaign effectiveness, and enhance customer loyalty. Here are the key advantages of adopting a cross-channel marketing approach:

1. Personalized customer experiences

Cross-channel marketing allows you to create personalized experiences for your customers by analyzing their behavior and preferences across various platforms. By utilizing this data, you can deliver highly relevant content and campaigns that cater to your customer’s unique needs and preferences. This individualized approach not only captures their attention but also results in higher engagement and conversions.

2. Boost brand visibility

Implementing a cross-channel marketing strategy increases your brand’s visibility by reaching customers through different mediums, such as email, social media, SMS, and more. By maintaining a strong presence across these platforms, you increase the likelihood that your target audience will encounter and engage with your brand, driving awareness and promoting growth.

3. Consistent messaging

A well-executed cross-channel marketing strategy ensures consistent messaging throughout all your brand communications. This cohesive approach to presenting your brand across various channels fosters credibility and trust with your target audience, allowing them to feel at ease and confident when engaging with your brand. 

By providing a seamless and reliable experience, you significantly enhance the overall success of your marketing campaigns while boosting the potential for conversions.

Consistent messaging across all channels also helps reinforce your brand identity, making it memorable and recognizable to your audience. This familiarity allows your customers to clearly understand your brand’s unique value proposition, ultimately leading to heightened interest and engagement.

4. Improved campaign performance

Cross-channel marketing can be significantly improved by leveraging platforms like Dotdigital. Dotdigital can help you by bringing all your marketing data from various channels and platforms into one place. This makes it easier for you to strategize and execute your campaigns.

You can track and analyze data from different channels and gain valuable insights to improve your marketing strategy. By looking at the data, you can find out what works best for your target audience and adjust your strategy accordingly. This can help you drive more conversions and achieve better results from your marketing campaigns.

5. Enhanced customer loyalty

Cross-channel marketing can help you boost customer loyalty over time. This loyalty can lead to higher customer lifetime value as loyal customers tend to purchase more frequently and are more likely to refer their friends and family to your brand.

Moreover, when customers become advocates for your brand, they can help increase your brand’s reach and exposure, which can lead to growth in your customer base. Therefore, prioritizing the creation of a seamless, consistent, and personalized experience for your customers can enhance their loyalty toward your brand and ultimately drive growth.

How to create an effective cross-channel marketing strategy

Now that you have understood what cross-channel marketing is and why it’s important, it’s time to learn how to create an effective cross-channel marketing strategy. Here are eight essential steps to help you implement a successful cross-channel marketing plan:

1. Utilize a customer experience and data platform (CXDP)

To effectively implement a cross-channel marketing strategy, you need technology like a customer experience and data platform (CXDP). A CXDP is specifically designed to manage customer experiences across various channels while consolidating all marketing data in one centralized location.

By using a CXDP, you can streamline your marketing efforts and get insights into how your customers behave, what they like, and how they engage with your brand. This information can help you create marketing campaigns that target the right people and get better results.

Ultimately, using a CXDP makes it easier to connect with your customers and run effective marketing campaigns across multiple channels. So, if you’re looking to create a successful cross-channel marketing strategy, a CXDP can be a valuable tool to consider.

2. Map out your customer journey

Take a deep dive into your target audience’s entire customer journey, from the initial awareness stage to post-purchase interactions. Identify the touchpoints where they engage with your brand and pinpoint any areas that need improvement. By addressing these weak points, you can streamline the process and create positive customer experiences

3. Audience segmentation

Divide your customer base into well-defined segments based on demographics, behavior, interests, and preferences. This approach enables you to create customized messages and tailor your offers to resonate with specific audience groups, ultimately leading to higher engagement and conversion rates.

4. Set clear objectives

Define your specific marketing goals and objectives so that you can design your cross-channel marketing campaigns in line with your overall marketing objectives. Are you aiming to increase brand awareness, drive engagement, generate leads, or boost sales? By setting clear targets, you can measure success and optimize your campaigns accordingly.

5. Choose the right channels

To choose the right channels for your marketing campaigns, analyze the preferences and behaviors of your target audience. With Dotdigital’s single customer view, you can easily identify the preferred channels of your customers. This feature allows you to create personalized campaigns that are tailored to the unique needs of your audience. By combining this with a clear understanding of your marketing goals, you can optimize your channel selection and execution to enhance your overall marketing success.

6. Consistent branding across channels

Establish a consistent brand tone voice, visual identity, and overall feel across all marketing channels. This uniformity builds trust with your customers, reinforces your brand identity, and enhances brand recognition. When your customers encounter your brand across different channels, they’ll find it easier to connect with your business and absorb your marketing messages.

7. Create tailored content

By incorporating web and dynamic personalization into your cross-channel marketing campaigns, you can deliver meaningful and customized content that captures attention and drives customer engagement.

Web personalization enhances user experience by making real-time adjustments to your website based on visitors’ behaviors and preferences, leading to a more engaging and personalized browsing experience. This intelligent approach not only helps retain visitors on your site but also increases conversion rates as they find content specifically tailored to their interests.

Dynamic personalization takes the concept a step further by encompassing various communication channels such as emails, SMS, or push notifications. With the Dotdigital platform, you can personalize messages, offers, and recommendations for each customer, depending on their browsing history, past purchases, or other relevant data points. 

8. Monitor, optimize, and adapt

It’s important to monitor, optimize, and adapt your cross-channel marketing campaigns to ensure success. Keep track of metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) to gauge the effectiveness of your campaigns and identify areas for improvement. By staying agile and learning from your successes and failures you can continuously refine your cross-channel strategy.

Wrapping it up

Cross-channel marketing is a highly effective strategy that can help you connect with your customers and create memorable and consistent customer experiences. The following steps can help you reach your customers through multiple touchpoints and create messages that resonate with them while delivering value. By implementing these steps, you can keep your customers engaged and provide them with a seamless experience, regardless of where they are in their customer journey.

A complete guide on cross-channel, omnichannel, and multi-channel marketing Tue, 19 Sep 2023 12:02:44 +0000 The world of marketing is always evolving, adapting to changes in technology and consumer behavior. With these changes come new terminology to describe the strategies and methods used for customer communication. It’s important to understand these terms to informed decisions about how to engage with your customers.

One area of confusion is the difference between ‘cross-channel‘, ‘omnichannel’, and ‘multichannel’ marketing strategies. By exploring these terms and their benefits, we can clear up any confusion and help you make the best decision for your business. So let’s investigate what these terms mean and how they can benefit you.

What is cross-channel marketing?

Cross-channel marketing is all about connecting with your customers across multiple channels. We’re not just talking about sending out a bunch of emails or posting on social media. It’s about creating a seamless experience for your customers, no matter where they are. 

Think about it, your customers are constantly switching between different devices and platforms throughout their day. They might be reading their inbox on their phone, browsing search engines on their laptop, or scrolling through social media on their tablet. By utilizing cross-channel marketing, you can reach them at each of these touchpoints and make sure they get a consistent message from your brand. 

Figuring out which channels your audience prefers and personalizing each channel is an important aspect of cross-channel marketing. Are your customers more active on social media? Do they prefer email? Once you have that figured out, it’s all about creating a consistent and tailored message that works across those channels.

Some key aspects of cross-channel marketing are:

Coordinated cross-channel strategy

Cross-channel marketing amps up your reach by strategically coordinating your campaigns across multiple channels. This creates a seamless, consistent message for your audience no matter which platform they use. 

Increase cross-channel reach

By using cross-channel marketing, you have the power to reach a larger audience thanks to the variety of platforms available. Each channel offers the opportunity to connect with different segments of your target market, amplifying your brand’s visibility and presence.

Personalized touchpoints across channels

Cross-channel marketing enables businesses to create personalized touchpoints with customers based on their behavior and preferences. By tailoring your message and content to suit the individual, you can effectively address their needs, desires, and pain points at various stages in the customer journey.

What is omnichannel marketing?

Omnichannel marketing is similar to cross-channel as it allows you to deliver a seamless and integrated customer journey across marketplaces, devices, channels, and platforms. 

When comparing omnichannel and cross-channel marketing, the main difference is that omnichannel integrates marketing efforts, data, and strategy under one umbrella while cross-channel does not.

With omnichannel, data is organized centrally and becomes more reliable. This creates more chances for personalization as customer data is synchronized, making it easier to deliver personalized content and messages. This approach enables retailers to offer shoppers the products they need, when and where they need them.

So how does it work? Let’s say someone finds your company through a Facebook ad and decides to view your website. With omnichannel marketing, you want to make sure that the messaging and branding on your website match what they saw in the ad. And if they decide to make a purchase, you want to make sure that their shopping cart is saved across devices, so they can seamlessly continue the checkout process on their phone or tablet.

Some key aspects of omnichannel marketing are:

Customer-centric focus

The primary goal of omnichannel marketing is to ensure customers have a convenient and engaging experience, regardless of the channel they use. By prioritizing the needs and preferences of your customers, you can create a unified experience that encourages brand loyalty and satisfaction.

Connected interactions

In an omnichannel strategy, all customer interactions are interconnected, allowing for a smooth transition between various touchpoints. For example, a customer browsing your website on their phone can continue shopping on your desktop site or in-store, experiencing the same level of personalization and tailored recommendations.

Data integration

Omnichannel marketing relies on integrated customer data that provides a holistic view of each individual’s preferences and behaviors. This information enables businesses to offer relevant content, promotions, and offers across all channels, enhancing the overall customer experience.

What is multichannel marketing?

Multichannel marketing is using different marketing channels to reach your audience. Instead of just relying on one method, like email or social media, you’re spreading your message across various platforms to maximize your chances of connecting with potential customers.

Think about it like fishing. If you only cast your line in one spot, you might catch a few fish, but you’re limiting your chances of reeling in a big one. But if you cast your line in several different spots, you’re increasing your odds of catching something awesome, right?

So, multichannel marketing works the same way. You’re casting your marketing net wider, reaching people through different channels. This approach amplifies your brand visibility, as you’re able to reach a larger and more diverse audience who might have different preferences when it comes to how they like to receive information.

Some key aspects of multichannel marketing are: 

Diverse channel selection

Multichannel marketing involves implementing a mix of channels, such as email, social media, content marketing, paid advertising, and traditional avenues like print or TV ads, to reach your audience. By leveraging each channel’s strengths, you can optimize your overall marketing strategy and reach a wider range of customers.

Channel-specific strategies

With multichannel marketing, each channel has its unique strategy, catering to the specific characteristics of that platform. For example, social media campaigns might focus on building brand personality and driving customer engagement, while email marketing is more targeted towards nurturing leads and driving conversions.

Measurement and optimization

If you use multichannel marketing, analyze the performance of each channel to determine which are most effective in achieving your business goals. Through data analysis and performance metrics, you can optimize your marketing strategy by allocating resources to the most successful channels and maximizing the return on investment (ROI).

What approach is best for me?

Choosing the right strategy depends on your business goals, resources, and the preferences of your target audience. To determine the best fit, consider these key factors:

Customer experience

If delivering a completely unified and immersive customer experience (CX) is your priority, cross-channel or omni-channel marketing may be best suited for your business. 


For businesses looking to personalize messaging and engagement at specific milestones in the customer journey, cross-channel marketing offers the flexibility and customization needed to create targeted touchpoints.

Channel diversity

If your focus is on actively engaging with customers via multiple channels, without necessarily linking the messages or strategy between them, multi-channel marketing is the ideal approach.

How Dotdigital helps your cross-channel marketing strategy

Here at Dotdigital, know the importance of implementing comprehensive marketing tools tailored to your business goals and target audience. That’s why we’ve developed an innovative cross-channel platform as an all-in-one solution to help manage your channels.

With the Dotdigital platform, you can:

Connect with your customers on all their favorite channels

In today’s world, reaching savvy customers through multiple marketing channels is essential to stay ahead of the game. With Dotdigital, you can effortlessly connect with your audience across various touchpoints, leading to a more effective and rewarding marketing strategy.

Create seamless customer journeys

Dotdigital’s marketing tools help you send personalized messages to customers through email, text messages, and social media. By enhancing their experience at every stage of their journey, you’ll be able to build stronger relationships and drive engagement.

Supercharge your email marketing

Email is a powerful way to stay in touch with customers who want to hear from your business. Dotdigital’s email builder makes designing eye-catching emails a breeze so that you can grab your customers’ attention and inspire them to take action.

Turn texts into sales

Have you considered using SMS marketing to reach your customers? It’s a quick and effective way to connect with them in real time. With Dotdigital, you can integrate your text messages with other channels like email and social media to increase your chances of making a sale.

Grow, convert, and retain with social media retargeting

Looking to expand your customer base? Dotdigital has got you covered. With Facebook Lead Ads, you can easily acquire new leads and grow your marketing lists. Plus, keep your current customers engaged by showing them targeted ads after they visit your website.

Reduce barriers to purchase with live chat

Forrester says using live chat on your website can increase conversion rates by up to 40%. With Dotdigital’s live chat feature, you can make it easy for customers to get the help they need while also increasing their happiness and likelihood of buying from you. 

Reach customers anywhere with push notifications

Dotdigital helps you stay connected with customers by sending them timely push notifications on their smartphones. These messages remind customers of your business and encourage them to take action, like making a purchase.


So there you have it – the key differences between cross-channel, omnichannel, and multichannel marketing. Now that you’re in the know, it’s the perfect time to reevaluate your marketing strategy. The good news? Dotdigital’s cross-channel platform can make the journey smoother and more effective than ever before.

How to build a martech stack for improved marketing performance Thu, 11 May 2023 08:00:00 +0000 What is a martech stack, you may well ask? I know I did when I first heard the term. Let’s break down exactly what the term means and how it can increase productivity and improve your marketing.

What is a martech stack?

A martech stack is simply the name given to the collection of marketing technology or software used by a business to support and enhance its marketing efforts. Even if you’re not familiar with the term, you likely already have one.

Forrester found that martech stacks now account for over 20% of the total marketing budget, and 56% of businesses planned to increase their allocated budget to spend on martech. Plus, a huge 82% of marketers said they plan to change their martech stack in 2022. There is a lot of growth in this area because marketing technology is constantly evolving, and martech frees up marketers’ time, and we all know that time is money.

The importance of a martech stack

The importance of a martech stack cannot be overstated in today’s digital age. With the proliferation of marketing channels and the vast amount of customer data available, a martech stack is essential for businesses looking to gain a competitive edge in the market.

By leveraging customer data from various sources, such as CRM systems, social media platforms, and email marketing campaigns, a well-designed martech stack can help automate and streamline marketing processes, improve customer targeting and engagement, and increase marketing ROI. By integrating various marketing tools and technologies, businesses can achieve a holistic view of their marketing efforts and gain valuable insights into customer behavior and preferences.

A martech stack also enables businesses to stay agile and adapt quickly to changing market conditions. As customer expectations and preferences evolve, businesses must be able to respond in real-time to deliver personalized experiences and relevant content. A martech stack can help businesses achieve this by providing the necessary tools and technologies to analyze and act on customer data.

How to build a martech stack

Curating your marketing stack isn’t as intimidating as it sounds. There are no rules and no expectations. It’s as simple as looking at what you need, both as a business and as a team, and going from there. Do you have an SEO specialist on your team, or do you need an all-in-one solution to automate your processes? Once you’ve got an idea of the areas you need support for or simply want to enhance, you need to look at your budget.

38% of marketers cited budget as a barrier to building a martech stack. However, a martech stack optimized for a marketing team’s needs is going to be worth the investment. Once you’ve figured out your priorities and your budget, you can start researching which options will work for you. There is no set number of technologies you should have in your stack.

Graph showing martech stack sizes in businesses. 19% 1-4, 44% 5-10, 30% 11-20, 6% 21+, 1% don’t know.

What does a martech stack look like?

Still unsure of exactly what a martech stack is? Let’s provide some examples. For SEO, we use Semrush for social media scheduling and reporting. Then, for marketing automation, we use Dotdigital (duh), and for CRM, we use Microsoft Dynamics. 

That’s just a fraction of our complete martech stack; we simply use technology that works for us, and you should do the same. No business and marketing team will be the same, so it’s highly unlikely any martech stack should be the same.

We have previously had other technologies in our stack too, ones that we’ve since changed to a new offering or simply no longer need, and we’ll likely add new ones in the future too. A martech stack is simply a name for the collective technologies and software your marketing team uses, it’s not a strict parameter, and it can be fluid.

So, how can tech integrations improve your marketing?

Dotdigital is an example of how technology can improve your marketing. Our platform unifies data, which in turn raises insights ready to empower hyper-personalized marketing messages, automated depending on customer behavior. Pretty impressive, right?

The martech industry is vast, with 9,932 martech solutions available. This means you’re highly likely to find what you’re looking for, no matter your industry or need. Dotdigital works with lots of different technologies to strengthen your marketing throughout the customer journey.

Some examples include:

  • Customer service platforms like Zendesk to keep records of all interactions in one place
  • CRM platforms to support sales team integrations and remove silos
  • Ecommerce integrations to improve understanding of customer behavior
  • Enhanced personalization through platforms like Movable Ink

If you have any questions about what’s possible, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Put into practice

For an example of how one of Dotdigital’s integrations can help, let’s look at You can set up an automation program that sends customers an email asking them to review your brand on once they’ve completed a purchase. 

You can also have an automation set up to send a follow-up email based on the review they leave. Three stars or under? Nurture campaign. Four or five stars? Thanks for your review. Have you checked out this similar product? You get the idea.

The journey is seamless back and forth. You’re prompting customers from your communication platform, letting them provide a review on the review platform, and then following up on your communications platform. This is a great example of two technologies that offer different services working together to bridge the gap—exactly what a good martech stack is all about.

But wait, there’s more. You can also use the social proof editor within to create a graphic and have that automatically appear in your Dotdigital image library. That extra hit of social proof ready and waiting in your image library to add to your welcome campaigns can make all the difference to your conversion rates. 

And the best part? No one on the team had to spend time looking for good reviews, creating an image, and manually uploading it to Dotdigital. The result is stronger marketing campaigns, as well as more time on your hands.

Working together

As soon as you’ve identified the technology you need, make sure it works together. As we’ve just explored, your martech stack is there to support you and make your day-to-day run smoother. You don’t want to be bogged down in manual tasks to share data from one platform to the next.

When your technology works together, it’s going to be more effective overall. Knowledge is power right? If system B knows what a customer has done on system A, it can better market to them based on this and let systems C, D, E, and F know too. 

Of course, it won’t be this linear in reality, as your customers’ journeys aren’t linear. Your stack will be a collection of tech platforms that work in different areas as and when they’re required, in no particular order.

The point remains that your tech platforms communicating with each other is key. Data-driven marketing is imperative for success. The technology is there to strengthen your customers’ journey, so being aware of what happens throughout that is crucial. Think of your stack more like a web, with each piece of technology or software able to connect with each other. 

You need to ensure that multiple systems are integrated to transform a wealth of customer data into reliable, contextual, and timely insights and make that information easily accessible to other platforms that can take action on those insights.

Choosing technology partners based on their integration capabilities with your existing technology is imperative to building a marketing stack you can rely on. This will in turn improve your customer journey, and as we all know, a positive customer experience leads to higher rates of customer loyalty.

How can Dotdigital improve your martech stack?

With 46% of marketers citing the complexity of integrating the technologies as their top barrier to creating a martech stack, we understand it can feel daunting. We know that your time is valuable, so we offer both out-of-the-box integrations so you can get started straight away and a bespoke solution if your stack requires a bit more tailoring. (Our developers always love a new challenge).

Our marketing automation software is the best in the biz thanks to data unification, cross-channel functionality, and leading marketing automation. And while our platform does a lot, it can’t do everything.

Dotdigital is designed to work with the best of the best in other areas too, such as ecommerce, social media, review platforms, and so on, so that you can create a truly joined-up stack. Our integration hub is a great place to start exploring, as it explains how you can integrate Dotdigital with other marketing software.

Embrace technology

Marketing is a broad discipline, and there’s a lot to keep track of. As consumers have largely moved online, the tactics and tools used to engage with customers have become more and more technology-based. 

Back in the day, print advertising and direct mail were huge channels, these days, social media ads and email marketing are more common. Even billboards, which used to be printed out and pasted on by someone climbing up a ladder with a bucket and brush, are now digital screens that can be updated at the touch of a button.

The point is, technology is undeniably a huge part of marketing, and it’s only going to continue to grow. It can be hard to know where to start, what’s going to be worth your investment, and how to make it all work together. 

However, if you start by looking at what you need, researching what’s available, and curating a stack tailored to your business, it’s going to benefit both your marketing output itself and your team’s productivity.

How to unify customer data for data-driven marketing Tue, 11 Apr 2023 09:01:31 +0000

Dotdigital Blog

How to unify customer data for data-driven marketing

Data-driven marketing is no longer a theoretical and innovative approach, it should be a fundamental part of your marketing strategy. 

Data-driven marketing has been a buzzword for digital marketers for a while now; it has long been emphasized as the tactic behind marketing success. In fact, the majority of marketers in a recent survey cited data-driven marketing that focuses on an individual as “the single most exciting opportunity” emerging in the industry.

Data-driven marketing, two men working together on a tablet

What is data-driven marketing?

Data-driven marketing is an approach to marketing that focuses on strategies built on insights pulled from big data. This data is a collection of customer information, interactions, engagements, and purchases that can be used to form predictions about future behaviors.

Ultimately, the goal of data-driven marketing is to enhance and personalize the customer experience to drive growth, conversions, and customer retention.

Data-driven marketing is no longer a theoretical and innovative approach, it should be a fundamental part of your marketing strategy.

Brands around the world have accelerated their digital transformation as a result of the global pandemic that hit back in 2020 and has forced marketers to re-evaluate their digital engagement strategy. Similarly, there has been a significant shift in customer behavior as they opt more and more to interact with brands through digital experiences.

But, where many brands have experienced unusual and rapid growth in the number of customers discovering them online, there have also been unusual buying behaviors and increasingly high churn. In response, marketers are doubling down on their efforts to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of their data.

With technology and platforms like Dotdigital so fundamental to modern marketing, it’s essential brands focus on how to get the best value possible from the big data they have available. Can it unify all your sources of data? How quickly can you pull insights from your data?

Why is unified data important?

Today, most companies are ‘data-rich’. That is, they have vast amounts of data on their audience. The trouble lies in a company’s ability to tap into that data. 

What is data unification?

Data unification is the process of collecting raw data from multiple sources, systems, and formats and standardizing it so it can be treated as a single source of unified and accurate data. 

In a study by Econsultancy, only 23% of brands believed their organization was ‘very strong’ in terms of being able to pull actionable insights from big data. When you consider the numerous benefits of having a single source of data truth, it’s clear to see why so many businesses are stating that improving their data and insights is a top priority for 2022. 

Graph showing senior marketing tech priorities

Benefits include but are not limited to: 

  • More accurate analytics and enhanced business intelligence 
  • Higher data quality  
  • Reduced overall costs  
  • Higher ROI 
  • Faster time-to-market 
  • Optimized sales and marketing 
  • Faster and more accurate decision-making
  • More visibility of cross-selling and up-selling opportunities 
  • Improved employee productivity 
  • Smarter product management 
  • Improved operational risk management  
  • Reduced supplier onboarding costs 
  • Streamlined supply chain management 
  • Enhanced compliance with privacy legislation 
  • Superior customer experience (CX) 

Organizations need to ensure that they have the ability to unite multiple systems, transform them into clean, reliable, contextual, and timely data and make it easily accessible to teams across the business.  


Data unification is not a 'nice-to-have'. It’s essential for efficient data-driven marketing that drives profits, growth, and customer retention.  

What to consider when streamlining and unifying your martech stack

For true organization-wide success, you need to go further than unifying your internal systems. Being able to understand and interpret online and offline customer behavior will empower your marketing team, offering new ways to automate and optimize marketing spend and feed the sales funnel.  

Unfortunately, the constant evolution of marketing solutions and changing expectations of customers means that martech stacks often become a mishmash of systems.  

The biggest perceived barrier preventing marketers from creating the ultimate customer experience is ‘poor integration between tech systems’. But, when looking deeper into the problem, it is more likely that the true problem lies with marketers either using multiple technologies or vendors, without a unifying platform. 

Unifying your data sources can reduce costs by 25-35% and increase speed to market by 30%. Bringing together your marketing stack, pruning legacy systems, and modernizing applications will enhance customer experiences, drive customer retention, reduce costs, streamline marketing and sales workflows, minimize code maintenance and end data siloes. Now, let’s look at what you need to consider when unifying your stack.  

Single customer view  

90% of people now travel across devices and touchpoints to complete a single task, generating tons of data along the way. Legacy and outdated systems like CRMs can no longer process, sync, and interpret this data in real-time. A single view of the customer pulls all this information together. 

What is single customer view?

Single customer view (SCV) is a single location for every individual you interact with. It provides you with an overview of all the data you’ve collected throughout their relationship with your brand.  

Your SCV should sit at the heart of your business. Customer-centricity is essential for survival in this modern, digital-first world we live in. An SCV gives all departments and teams access to valuable information to improve performance. Executives can use it to make key business decisions supported by accurate and insightful data. Marketers can use it to deliver more personalized and profitable campaigns. Customer support agents can use SCV insights to resolve issues faster. The potential for growth and success is limitless. 

Overall, the improvements you can make to the customer experience will improve retention, increase customer lifetime value (CLV), and directly impact your bottom line.  

2. Cross-account reporting 

As your business grows and develops, you need a martech stack that grows with you. Whether you have multiple storefronts, operate in different regions each with individual currencies, or manage separate brands under one umbrella group, you need to be able to pull information on your sales, campaigns, and marketing activity across all facets of your business. 

Getting a bird’s-eye view of your performance through cross-account reporting across all regions and business divisions gives decision-makers in your company a clear view of what’s happening. This helps all teams identify risks, weaknesses, and missed opportunities where performance can be optimized. Similarly, campaigns and activities that yield high rewards can be double-downed on, invested in, and used to drive business profitability.

3. Open integrations 

When streamlining your marketing systems, you need to know your data unification platform plays nicely with others. That means, it is open to integrating with the vast number of other systems out there.  

With so much data at your fingertips, you need to have confidence that you can tap into this and gather insights with speed. At the same time, you don’t want to find yourself limited by your platform’s ability to integrate with new tech as you grow. You need a platform that can do it all.  

Open APIs and self-serve functionality enable you to continue to grow your martech stack while keeping your systems streamlined.  

Data unification = data action + data collection

Data unification is not a ‘nice-to-have’. It’s essential for efficient data-driven marketing that drives profits, growth, and customer retention.  

We’re in a new era of customer expectations. Changes to data regulations and increasing privacy consciousness means customers are more engaged with brands’ data collection methods than ever before. At a time when trust in brands is at an all-time low, customers want to know the value they will get from sharing their data. How will marketers put it to use to improve their experience?  

It is your brand’s responsibility as data stewards to use data respectfully and create valuable customer experiences. Marketers must think about what actions they want to take and what data they need before they begin collecting data.  

Unifying your data into a single source makes this data and insight accessible, not just to the marketing team, but to the whole business. Decisions can be made across the business with your customers in mind. True customer-centricity is only possible if you connect all your data.  

10 ways to keep your blog relevant Fri, 05 Aug 2022 07:53:31 +0000

10 ways to keep your blog relevant

Woman in yellow jumper smiles as she works on a laptop

A blog is a key content marketing channel, it’s a way for you to show yourself as a thought leader and provide value to your readers. Studies show that 70% of consumers feel closer to a company as a result of content marketing, and 80% of US internet users interact with blogs. So blogging is certainly a strong channel. We write blogs all the time, and we’re hoping that as you’re here, it means you enjoy them, so here are some of our top tips to keep your blog relevant.

1. Think big picture

Khloe Kardashian Drama GIF by Bunim/Murray Productions - Find & Share on GIPHY

When you’re creating your blog strategy and content calendar, plan blogs that compliment your company’s overall marketing and PR strategy. It sounds obvious, but it can be easy to go off and write about a topic without considering how it’s relevant to the overall strategy. So be sure to write content that matters, and will appeal to your audience.

2. Be engaging

Good Morning Reaction GIF by ProBit Global - Find & Share on GIPHY

Reading a blog should be a pleasure, not a chore. Blogs can be pretty informal so write how you would speak, and keep things chatty. This will naturally warm people to your brand as your personality shines through, and keep them coming back. In terms of structure, hook readers with an informative intro that piques their interest and go from there. Which leads to…

3. Have a digestible layout

Team Coco GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

No one wants to read a big wall of text, so break it up. Utilize headers, images, quote blocks, and bullet points to stop it from being a solid block of text – and always remember to test your layout on mobile. A lot of people don’t have the time or patience to read a whole blog and may just want to read a certain section, so make sure your blog is structured clearly. Another strategy to please those short on time is to make your content skim-able by using H2s and bullet points.

4. Add value

Ben Stiller Knowledge GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

Content marketing is all about providing value to your readers. Give people something back for their time, whether that’s knowledge, advice, or simply entertainment. Make sure you’re sharing accurate and valuable information that’s new to your readers. Add context, and explain why this subject is important, and then have action points, advice, and learnings for people to take away. (And in terms of adding enjoyment, we always find gifs go down a treat.)

5. Do your research

Snl Season 44 GIF by Saturday Night Live - Find & Share on GIPHY

A blank page can be daunting, so having a plan is a great place to start. There’s a reason you want to blog about this topic, so get that down on paper and expand on it. You need to know what you’re talking about before you start, so do some research into the topic, see what other people are saying, and decide the angle you’re going to take.

6. Prove it

Confused Excuse Me GIF by The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon - Find & Share on GIPHY

If you’ve done detailed research, you should find yourself armed with statistics that back up your point. Be sure to include this data to reinforce what you’re saying. Marketing is all about seeing results, so use data wherever you can to add extra weight to what you’re saying – and always ensure you’re using reliable sources. Utilize graphs or quote blocks to highlight these points and help with your overall readability and design.

7. Don’t skimp on SEO

Blogging Spongebob Squarepants Gif By Gif - Find & Share on GIPHY

SEO allows search engines to find your blogs easier and builds site authority. You have to play by the rules to get found, so make sure you’re doing keyword research and then using these phrases in your content. Just don’t shoehorn them in, find a way to work in key phrases that don’t have a negative impact on your overall content. Another key thing to consider is internal links, this also helps keep people on your site for longer as they jump from blog to blog.

You also need to pay attention to SERPs – search engine results pages, so ensure your page title, meta description, and URL are both accurate and engaging.

8. Be adaptive

Flexible Russell Brand GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

As with all successful marketing strategies, you need to optimize. Especially if you’re just starting out with a blog, you need to be keeping a close eye on your analytics. You can then see which topics and style of content are being read, and those that aren’t. Over time you’ll also learn which days of the week, and times of day get more traffic too. Use this information to inform your ongoing strategy and don’t be afraid to try new things.

9. Post regularly

Dick Wolf Calendar GIF by Wolf Entertainment - Find & Share on GIPHY

Having a regular posting schedule means that readers know what to expect. How regular will depend on your capacity, and on your subject matter too – you don’t want to write blogs with nothing to offer just for the sake of posting. A regular schedule also helps with SEO.

By having an overall blog strategy and a content schedule, you’ll find it much easier to stay consistent, and see the rewards.

10. Promote your blog

See Larry David GIF by Emmys - Find & Share on GIPHY

You’ve put all the effort into planning, researching, and writing your blog so don’t just publish it and leave it to be stumbled upon. Of course if you’re doing your SEO well, your blog will be found by search engines, but there’s more you can do. Utilize your other digital marketing channels to support the distribution of your blog. Share your blog on social media, paid ads, and in your email marketing campaigns. Also include a sharing block within your blogs so that readers can share your content with others easily.

What role does your martech stack play in improving customer retention? Mon, 25 Jul 2022 06:30:24 +0000

What role does your martech stack play in improving customer retention?

It’s official: customers are running the show.  

Today’s economic climate has made customer loyalty a vital ingredient for marketing success. But, with budgets cut and customers more concerned about value for money than ever before, customer loyalty is getting harder to achieve.  

Happy smiling man at his laptop marketing professional

Customers are happy to shop around and track down the best brand that suits their needs at any given time. They’re less rooted in the recognized and more willing to try new brands. This works in your favor for customer acquisition but makes retention that much harder.  

What is customer retention?

Customer retention refers to your business’s ability to retain customers over time. It’s generally a percentage metric measuring how may customers are retained by the end of a set time period.  

Switched-on customers are engaging with a broad range of brands. In fact, today’s customer is 40% more likely to try new or different brands than five years ago. Only 29% prefer to stay with brands they’ve tried before.  

How to calculate customer retention rates

There is a simple formula you can use to calculate your customer retention rate:  

CRR = ((A-B/C) x 100 

CRR: Customer retention rate 
A: The number of customers you have at the end of a set time period 
B: The number of newly acquired customers during the set time period 
C: The number of customers you have at the start of a set time period 

E.g. ((2000-543)/1500) x100 = 97% CRR 

That’s not to say that all the hard work that goes into your brand marketing is irrelevant. Customers expect brands to have presence and purpose, but that alone is not enough to retain customers and drive repeat purchases.  

Today’s consumer is 40% more likely to try new or different brands than five years ago. What does this mean for customer loyalty?

Customers want value and accessibility

Dotdigital’s latest report into customer behaviors found that the top three motivators for signing up to newsletters are:  

  • To claim the signup discount/offer (35%) 
  • To hear about future promos (33%) 
  • To become part of their loyalty programs (30%) 

Pair this with the fact that affordability and value for money are key considerations during the purchasing process, and it’s clear that customers are looking for the best deal they can get.  

We also discovered that once a customer has subscribed to your email marketing, 31% interact with your social media channels once a day. Most customers (57%) interact on social channels at least once a week. And, in addition to this, 38% claim to visit a brands website at least once a week too.  

This re-emphasizes the importance of creating connected and consistent experiences across all your channels.  

One stack for all your marketing goals

It has been predicted that by the end of 2022 there will be nearly 10,000 marketing technology solutions available for marketers.  

Statista chart total martech solutions 2021
Chief Martec. (2022). Number of marketing technology solutions available worldwide from 2011 to 2022. Statista. Statista Inc.. Accessed: July 21, 2022.

With the vast number of technologies on offer, it’s not surprising to discover that 80% of marketers plan to update their marketing stack this year.  

Statista marketers planning on changing martech stack
MarketingCharts. (2022). Share of marketers who plan to change their marketing technology stack in selected economies worldwide in 2022. Statista. Statista Inc.. Accessed: July 21, 2022.

If you’re amongst the vast majority of marketers looking for a change, it’s important you build a martech stack that can do it all. But, if the goal is improved retention, what do you need to be looking for?  

Marketing automation

Marketing automation is your hub, the central point of your marketing stack that brings everything together and keeps the wheel turning.  

As well as simplifying workflows and improving the efficiency of your team, an intelligent marketing automation platform will offer you data-driven insights and advanced reporting options. This will empower you to continuously optimize and develop your marketing strategy.  

Customer data

Today, the bulk of customer interactions with your brand come online. When building your ultimate marketing stack, you need to be constantly thinking about your customer data. You need a CRM or ecommerce platform that plays nicely with others.  

What is CRM?

CRM stands for Customer Relationship Management. It’s software that manages interactions with customers and potential customers and helps businesses build strong customer relationships. Effective use of a CRM will enable you to streamline processes so you can increase sales, improve customer service, and increase profitability.  

Your CRM and your marketing automation should be a match made in heaven. Interactions recorded in your CRM will trigger and inform your marketing automation strategy.  

Single customer view

If you’re looking to improve retention, understanding your customers is essential. The only way you can get a truly comprehensive view of your customers – their drives, motivations, and needs – is with a single customer view.  

Single customer view (SCV) pulls in data from all your platforms to create a 360-degree profile of your customer. This gives you insight into your customers like never before. Crafting personalized and relevant customer journeys is a big winner when it comes to customer retention, and with SCV this is made easy. 

Loyalty programs

Loyalty programs are now one of the three top motivators driving new email subscriptions. Intelligent and engaging loyalty programs can be created using a loyalty management system.  

A loyalty management system helps you build stronger relationships with your audience. Depending on your business and your goals, there are many different types of loyalty programs you can add to your marketing strategy. Tiered programs allow customers to gain access to additional benefits as they advance through the ranks. Points-based programs reward customers for the money they spend.  

In order for a loyalty program to work, it needs to be stacked with your automation program and your CRM. This enables effective tracking. When a customer spends money or interacts with your brand a fully integrated stack will ensure it’s tracked in your loyalty program. 

Reviews, social proof, and UGC

Social proof is a vital part of new customer acquisition – people trust the unbiased reviews of their peers more than the word of the brand – but it’s also a great retention tool.  

Customers’ drive towards more personalized and relevant content stems from their desire to be seen as more than just a contact in the address book. Collecting and displaying customer reviews and UGC (user-generated content) demonstrates that you’re a brand that listens to its customers and has nothing to hide. Authenticity is an important factor in creating loyal customers and nothing is more authentic than a review.  

When building your stack, you need a reviews platform that can plug in and play with all your marketing channels. Automated emails and SMS should be triggered as part of the post-purchase journey to collect feedback. You need a review platform that can be pulled into your emails, landing pages, and websites.  

Every brand looking to improve customer retention should have an integrated reviews platform.  


No marketing channel works in a silo. The whole point of creating a marketing technology stack is to break down any and all siloes. So you need a platform that empowers your team to work smoothly across channels.  

An effective customer journey is consistent across your website, social media, email, SMS, chat, and every channel in your arsenal. That means messaging and personalized experiences too. A fully integrated stack will have one single source of data truth.

For users of data-first platforms like Dotdigital, that will mean that every interaction on every channel is recorded in a single customer view that will enable you to reach customers on their favorite channel about their favorite products.  

Building for retention

Customer loyalty has changed and it’s easy to see why. Vast choice, free shipping and return, and accessible customer service has reduced the risk customers face when then they experiment with new brands.  

But there’s still a silver lining. The expanding martech market means that there are more solutions available to businesses of all shapes and sizes, in every industry and vertical than ever before. With that, comes more opportunities to create experiences that retain customers and boost loyalty.  

Data is at the core of all marketing strategies, no matter the goal. Do you need to drive more conversions? Data will tell you where customers are dropping out of the funnel. Are you aiming to grow your contact database? Data will tell you what tactics encourage sign-ups and which channels are the most effective. Want to boost retention? Data will give you the insights to create engaging and personalized journeys that keep customers coming back for more.  

Truly effective marketing – the kind of marketing that does all of the above and more – comes from a stack that’s built with growth and expansion in mind. As channels increase and customer behaviors change, you need a stack that can adapt to the market. The quicker and more efficiently you can pivot, the more reasons you’ll be able to give customers to stick around.  
