Customer experience – Dotdigital Wed, 14 Aug 2024 09:26:20 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Customer experience – Dotdigital 32 32 HTML to AI: 25 years of customer experience Wed, 14 Aug 2024 09:26:16 +0000 Hello Dotdigital blog readers, I’m Graham Thatcher. If you don’t know me, I’m the founder and director of Chief PR.  In the past 25 years, I have seen a remarkable transformation in the digital space – from the bare bones of HTML to AI-driven personalized customer experiences. As Dotdigital celebrates its 25th anniversary, I’d like to share my journey from just starting in the industry to the exciting world of ecommerce today. 

With all of these developments in AI, machine learning, and more, it’s easy to take these advancements for granted. But as we look back, we remember the incredible period of innovation, and Dotdigital has been at the forefront every step of the way.

Early beginnings

With my qualifications in design and communications, I was set on a career in public relations. My big break came at a full-service agency in Southampton, with the lofty title of Account Executive. On my first day, I was dressed in a suit and tie (we wore them every day regardless of whether we had a client meeting or not).

On my first day at the agency, I was introduced to a man called Martin. I was told that I would be helping him and eager to impress I introduced myself. He looked up and presented me with a document that for a long time would not leave my side. It was called ‘The Bare Bones of HTML’ and that was it, I was expected to start creating websites.

Of course, I had used the web but I had no idea how to create a website. So, I sat at my PC and was told to right-click and view the ‘source code’. Nothing made sense. I thought I was going to be working with newspapers and magazines, not be an IT geek. But breaking into agency life wasn’t easy so I gave it a go.

For the next few years, my life involved creating HTML files in Notepad and using my increasingly coffee-stained and dogeared Bare Bone of HTML to code pages and then pestering others in the office to check what they looked like on their screens, as well as on different browsers (Netscape Navigator, AltaVista, and, of course, Internet Explorer). My pre-lunch ritual would be to send completed pages to be uploaded via WS_FTP, hoping that on my return the painstakingly slow dial-up connection would have coped (uploading a images folder was a whole other story).

Early web projects

The types of websites we were creating were basic, to say the least by the standards of Dotdigital customers today. The BBC website had only gone live in 1997, and it will not escape the attention of the Dotdigital history fans that it was only a few years later that the web design agency Ellipsis Media was established in Croydon and built what would go on to become the global success, DotMailer, for the Beeb.

For me, web projects at this time typically involved digitizing print-based product catalogs, whether for art galleries, chemical and electronic component companies, or training providers. It is worth pointing out that digital photography was largely the preserve of professional photographers at this stage, so any print image that needed to be made into a .gif or .jpg needed scanning – no mean feat when you have a 350-page brochure to get online.

Once organizations had their v1.0 online presence and their own experience of being online developed, demands and expectations began to evolve quickly. One day a client came into the office as he was under pressure to make an offer on a house, but his wife was overseas. So, I abandoned my usual pre-lunch plan to quickly create a webpage with property photos and he called his wife from the office to give her the URL to take a look. Imagine how many properties and photos are uploaded every day to Rightmove.

Soon, it was no longer enough to display products online and companies large and small wanted to sell online. Quickly my now proficient HTML abilities were becoming redundant, as Java, C++, and Perl scripting skills became the order of the day for ever more complex projects.

It was October 1999 when I decided to retire my notepad and recycle my Bare Bones HTML. I was ready to return to my strength: writing about technology’s potential.

In the following two years, the pace of innovation surged. I found myself in San Francisco with a group of journalists. We talked to Silicon Valley start-ups about how they were working with retailers to provide email management for online support, intelligent FAQs, automated online assistants, live chat, and cross-channel customer experience of the future. The technology was available (for those who could afford it), and every year, PR professionals and the media would speculate, “Will this be the first e-Christmas?”

The future is here

Now I listen to Dotdigital experts talk about what is coming next and learn about what its customers are doing, it can be easy to take it all for granted. We all have come to expect so much from the organizations that we interact and transact with. But the past 25 years have truly been transformative on a global scale and if anything, the pace of innovation is accelerating and Dotdigital has been there every step of the way.

Sometimes, I think I could have been braver and thrown myself further into the deep end. But there is huge satisfaction that comes from sharing stories that help organizations to learn more and make the right decisions for them on their digital journeys.

So, for old times’ sake </html>.

Customer experience: how important is it? Wed, 31 Jul 2024 09:13:04 +0000 Customer experience (CX) is super important to the success of your business. A positive experience stays with you. Equally, so does a bad one. To start delivering exceptional experiences, it’s important we understand what makes one.

What is customer experience?

CX is the customer’s perception of your brand, based on their interactions with your business.

That means, every single interaction with your brand, from email marketing and website visits to the purchase process, a tweet on social media – all of these interactions will contribute to their impression of your brand.

Everything you do impacts your customers’ perceptions – so every touchpoint matters. A good experience will leave them wanting more. A bad experience can drive them away forever.

The perception of your brand that customers take away from their experience with you will ultimately impact your bottom line. So getting it right is essential.

What’s the difference between customer experience and customer service?

As brands recognize the importance of customer experience, there can be some confusion about where it belongs in your business. Most brands have a customer service department that is responsible for interacting with customers. As a result, customer experience should sit with them, right? Unfortunately, it’s not that simple.

Customer service relates only to specific touchpoints where customers receive or request assistance. For example, when a customer calls an operator to cancel an order or emails a service provider. As customer experience is based on all interactions with your brand, customer service is effectively a part of it.

If you’re planning on adding a specialist CX team to your business, it’s important to remember that they are involved with far more than just the customer service team.

Why is customer experience important?

We’ve already mentioned that customer experience can affect your business’s bottom line. Delivering an exceptional customer experience offers a range of benefits for your business:

  • Increased customer loyalty – when a customer trusts your brand, they’re going to return time and again.
  • Better customer advocacy – loyal customers are more likely to become brand advocates, sharing their experience with friends, family, and colleagues.
  • Longer customer retention – whether your buying cycle is long or short, a good experience will keep your brand at the top of customers’ minds when buying decisions need to be made.

How to measure customer experience

Customer experience can only be optimized and improved when you can measure your current success. As CX is based on customer perception, you need to gather insight from your customers.

Reviews and ratings

Requesting reviews and ratings of products and services is essential. Not only does it help product development, but it also helps you identify products or services that are failing to meet customer expectations.

Unsubscribe survey

Surveying customers when they unsubscribe from your email marketing will help you pinpoint reasons for customer churn. Churn is inevitable, but if you understand the reasons behind it, you can begin to optimize the customer experience to lower the churn rate.

Customer satisfaction surveys

You should regularly be sending customer satisfaction surveys to your database. You’ll increase your chances of getting responses if you incentivize your surveys with gift vouchers, but they’re a great tool for understanding your customers. In these surveys, you can ask shoppers about anything ranging from website experience and opinions on new product launches using intelligent survey branching to create unique customer pathways.

Customer service feedback

Analyzing the feedback you receive from your customer service operations is also very helpful. Using a support ticket system or asking qualifying questions can reveal recurring issues among your customers. The ultimate goal is to reduce the number of tickets, calls, or live chats that are logged with your customer service teams.

5 tips to improve your customer experience

To elevate customer experience, focus your efforts across five key strategic areas:

1. Utilize a customer experience and data platform (CXDP)

A customer experience and data platform (CXDP) is a powerful tool for managing and optimizing customer interactions. It allows you to collect data from various channels (phone, chat, email), analyze customer behavior, and deliver personalized experiences.

Dotdigital is a comprehensive platform that helps you bring together customer data, gain actionable insights, and deliver exceptional customer experiences. By centralizing data from various sources, Dotdigital provides a 360-degree view of customers, enabling you to create personalized campaigns, measure performance, and optimize customer journeys.

By utilizing a CXDP like Dotdigital, you can:

  1. Create personalized experiences: Customize interactions based on customer preferences, behaviors, and purchase history.
  2. Optimize marketing campaigns: Identify high-performing channels and refine your marketing strategy.
  3. Improve customer satisfaction: Address issues promptly and exceed customer expectations.
  4. Increase customer loyalty: Build strong relationships through consistent and relevant engagement.

By using a CXDP, you can effectively bridge the gap between data and experience, driving customer satisfaction and business growth.

2. Have a clear vision, goal, and message

When you have a clear vision for your brand and a single goal, your message will be consistent. A consistent message across all your customer touchpoints helps build confidence and trust in your brand.

3. Understand your customers

Ensure your customer not only tell you what they want but also have the means to customize their experience with the help of a preference center. Understanding your customers’ needs will enable you to create personalized experiences guaranteed to engage and convert.

4. Connect emotionally

Establishing an emotional connection with your customers is essential. While your customer needs to enjoy a seamless cross-channel experience with your brand, reminding them of the humans behind the scenes will help create a stronger connection. Likewise, you must recognize customers and their unique needs and situations.

5. Capture real-time feedback

Capturing real-time feedback with pop-overs and live chat prompts will give you the means to engage customers and resolve any blockers on the path to purchase.

Customer experience is important

Customer experience is important – that much is clear. Creating remarkable experiences will keep customers coming back, and if you’re really smashing it, advocating for your brand too. The more trust and loyalty you can develop with every interaction, the more the customer will spend with you, as you continue to meet their needs and expectations.

What is customer experience (CX)? Tue, 18 Jun 2024 08:00:00 +0000 Have you ever wondered what sets a brand apart in a customer’s mind? It’s not solely about the product, but also the overall feeling a customer experiences from the moment they discover the brand to the point of purchase and beyond. 

In this blog, we will explore the concept of customer experience in ecommerce and provide insight into how you can create an experience that keeps them coming back for more.

What is customer experience (CX)?

The customer experience is all the interactions a customer has with your brand. It starts from the moment they discover your brand, continues through website browsing and purchase, and extends to post-purchase interactions. Every touchpoint along this customer journey contributes to their CX.

For example, imagine a customer looking for a new pair of running shoes. Their customer experience could start with a frustrating website that’s difficult to navigate, creating a negative first impression. However, if the website is user-friendly with clear product descriptions and helpful reviews, it sets the stage for a positive experience.

Six customer experience strategies for ecommerce marketing

Here are six essential strategies to elevate your ecommerce customer experience and turn those one-time buyers into lifelong brand advocates:

1. Use a customer experience and data platform (CXDP)

To provide a seamless customer experience, it’s essential to have a unified understanding of your customers across various touchpoints. This is where a customer experience and data platform (CXDP) comes into play. 

CXDPs like Dotdigital put the customer experience front and center. We understand that these experiences are the deciding factors between a customer converting or leaving your site, never to return. Here’s how we do it:

  1. Unify customer data: Gain a comprehensive, 360-degree view of your customers by integrating with other customer data platforms (CDPs) and customer relationship management (CRM) systems. This helps you understand your customers’ purchasing history, browsing behavior, and preferred channels, providing a complete picture of their journey.
  2. Craft personalized experiences: Utilize this extensive data to personalize marketing messages, product recommendations, and the entire shopping experience. Tailor your communication to their needs and interests, fostering deeper connections.
  3. Automate repetitive tasks:  Save your team’s valuable time by automating repetitive tasks such as sending abandoned cart recovery emails or birthday greetings. This allows your team to concentrate on more strategic initiatives, maximizing efficiency and impact.
  4. Actionable insights: Analyze data from multiple sources to acquire actionable insights, including your customers’ preferred channels. Additionally, you can identify which RFM persona each customer belongs to, making it easier for you to convert them effectively.

By leveraging a CXDP, you can build stronger customer relationships and ultimately create a better overall customer experience.

2. Prioritize mobile browsing for a seamless customer journey

Mobile commerce is incredibly important. Today, almost 80% of online retail traffic comes from smartphones, and they influence over 70% of orders. This means your online store needs to work well on mobile devices.

Despite this, many brands still don’t get it right. Picture a potential customer trying to use your website on their phone, struggling to read tiny text, find their way around a confusing menu, and wait for slow loading times. They quickly become frustrated and leave, taking their potential business with them.

The solution? Prioritize a seamless mobile experience:

  • Mobile-first design: Don’t just adapt your desktop site. Design your website with mobile browsing in mind from the very beginning.
  • Intuitive navigation: Make navigation clear and easy to use with large, finger-friendly buttons.
  • Speed is crucial: Optimize images and content for fast loading times. Mobile users are impatient, and a slow site equals lost sales.
  • Embrace continuous testing: Regularly test your mobile experience on different devices to identify and fix any usability issues.

By prioritizing mobile browsing, you cater to today’s on-the-go shoppers, boost customer satisfaction, and ultimately drive sales.

3. Boost sales and customer satisfaction with personalized product recommendations

Utilize personalized product recommendations to increase sales in ecommerce. These recommendations can account for up to 31% of online store revenue by providing relevant suggestions to customers. 

You can use artificial intelligence (AI) to customize product recommendations for each customer, which can help boost ecommerce revenue and achieve your business objectives through effective cross-selling, up-selling, and deep-selling.

Different product recommendations include:

  • “After viewing this, people buy”: Suggest products that similar customers have bought after viewing a specific product to encourage a smooth buying journey.
  • “People like you buy”: Show what similar customers have added to their carts, fostering trust and a sense of community.
  • “Purchased together”: Suggest complementary products based on what other customers have bought along with the current product.

By leveraging personalized product recommendations, you can power up sales, boost customer satisfaction, and create a more engaging shopping experience for everyone.

4. Use marketing automation to enhance customer experience

Marketing automation enables you to send targeted messages based on customer behavior, with the ultimate goal of providing a seamless customer experience. Here are some key strategies to improve your customer experience through personalized communication:

  • Abandoned cart: Recover lost sales by sending timely reminders and showcasing social proof such as reviews and incentives. To avoid annoying customers, test different time delays for sending reminders. A gentle reminder can turn an abandoned cart into a completed purchase.
  • Abandoned browse: Re-engage your website visitors by reminding them about items they recently browsed. Use scarcity tactics such as “selling fast” or offer discounts to encourage conversions while showing that you understand their browsing behavior.
  • Post-purchase nurturing: Foster long-term loyalty by implementing a post-purchase program that includes thank you emails, requests for reviews, and helpful content. This shows appreciation and helps customers make the most of their purchases, creating positive feelings about your brand.
  • Personalized upsells and cross-sells: After a purchase, recommend relevant products using AI-powered suggestions to keep customers engaged. Anticipating their needs and presenting additional options they might be genuinely interested in will enhance their shopping experience.
  • Win-back campaigns: Revive inactive customers with special offers or free shipping to reignite their interest and encourage repeat purchases. This demonstrates that you value their previous business and aim to bring them back into the fold, a crucial aspect of a positive customer experience.

Integrating your ecommerce store with Dotdigital allows you to seamlessly implement these strategies and personalize the customer journey for maximum impact.

Remember, an effective marketing automation strategy is about more than just generating sales – it’s also about nurturing relationships and creating a seamless experience that encourages repeat business.

5. Streamline your checkout process for effortless purchases

A smooth and efficient checkout process is essential for converting website visitors into loyal customers. Here’s how to optimize your checkout experience:

  • Multiple payment options: Cater to a wider customer base by offering a variety of secure payment gateways. This includes popular digital wallets (Apple Pay, Google Pay), credit cards, and local payment options relevant to your target audience. Providing these choices builds trust and makes the checkout process more convenient.
  • Flexible payment: Consider incorporating flexible payment options like Klarna and PayPal. By allowing customers to split their payments into installments, you can increase their purchasing power and encourage them to finalize their purchases.
  • Guest checkout for impulse buyers: Allow customers to complete their purchases without creating an account. This caters to those who prefer a faster checkout experience or those making impulse purchases.
  • Transparency builds trust: Display all shipping costs upfront, including any taxes or additional fees. Eliminate hidden surprises and ensure a predictable checkout experience that fosters trust with your customers.
  • Mobile-friendly optimization: Optimizing your checkout process for smartphones and tablets is essential. This includes offering one-click or guest checkout options and streamlining the entire process for a quick and painless purchase on the go.

By implementing these strategies, you can create a seamless checkout experience that keeps customers happy and coming back for more. Remember, a frictionless checkout process is an investment that pays off in increased conversions and customer satisfaction.

6. Enhance customer support with Dotdigital Gorgias integration

Dotdigital’s integration with Gorgias, a leading helpdesk solution, enhances your customer experience capabilities. With this integration, you can:

  • Sync customer data: Synchronize your Gorgias customer data, including support ticket information, into your Dotdigital account. This centralizes data collection, enabling you to segment and personalize your communication effectively.
  • Trigger ticket creation from SMS replies: Use SMS to streamline communication and improve response times. Configure Dotdigital to automatically create support tickets in Gorgias based on customer SMS replies. You can choose which phone numbers trigger ticket creation, assign tickets to specific teams, set tags, and define subject lines for new tickets – all within Dotdigital.

This powerful integration streamlines communication, personalizes support interactions, and empowers you to efficiently resolve customer issues.

Create long-lasting relationships by providing an exceptional customer experience

An exceptional customer experience is the key differentiator that sets your brand apart. By implementing the strategies outlined in this blog, you can transform every touchpoint into a positive interaction. Remember, happy customers are loyal customers, and loyal customers are your brand’s strongest advocates. So, prioritize your customer experience to build lasting relationships.

Improving customer experience in financial services with SMS Fri, 22 Dec 2023 09:00:00 +0000 The financial services industry is experiencing a digital transformation, with the rapid adoption of new technologies. Digital platforms are enabling businesses to engage with their customers in innovative and effective ways. A useful channel for this business critical communication is SMS, boasting an impressive open rate of up to 98%.

Dotdigital and Paragon DCX are industry leaders who are redefining the way brands communicate with their customers. One of the ways they are doing this is by using SMS to streamline communication and processes. For instance, organizations like The Co-Operative Bank, Direct Line Group, Swinton Insurance, and Coventry Building Society are leveraging SMS to enhance customer experiences. In this blog, we explore how SMS is transforming customer experience in the financial services sector

How SMS can improve customer experiences in the financial sector

Real time SMS allows businesses in financial services to elevate their customer experiences. Here are some key strategies you can utilize:

Security and fraud prevention

The financial services industry needs to keep customers’ data safe and tell them about possible fraud. SMS goes straight to the point and doesn’t get lost in spam folders. This makes sure customers get important security alerts fast. 

In August 2023, The Co-Operative Bank sent almost 500,000 SMS messages to remind customers about the need to stop and think about whether a transaction is fraudulent. The message also provided recipients with the necessary details to contact the Stop Scams UK number if required.

Real time updates and transaction alerts

Financial services need to give customers real-time updates on account balances, transactions, and payment reminders. SMS is almost instant and perfect for this. While email and push notifications can also deliver updates, SMS notifications are more reliable in situations where internet connectivity is limited or mobile data is expensive.

Jane Ball, Senior Marketing Manager at The Co-operative Bank, praised the SMS solution offered by Paragon DCX, in partnership with Dotdigital. She said, “The SMS solution has enabled continuity of our customer communications, ensuring timely, reliable, and efficiently delivered messaging.”

Two-factor authentication (2FA)

Two-factor authentication is important for keeping customers’ financial information safe and secure. Sending one-time passwords (OTP) or unique codes through SMS lets financial services providers confirm customers’ identities and keep things safe.

High engagement and customer satisfaction

SMS allows financial service businesses to improve customer engagement by keeping them informed about new products, promotions, and policy updates. Unlike traditional email newsletters or app notifications that might get lost, SMS messages are concise, personalized, and more likely to capture the recipient’s attention.

Cost-effective customer support

Financial service businesses can use SMS to offer fast, inexpensive customer support and cut down on call center volume. SMS can send automated replies, confirm appointments, or follow up at a lower cost than phone support.

Regulatory communication

Financial services can use SMS for important alerts like overdraft alerts, insurance renewal reminders, and interest rate changes. While emails can work for this kind of information, SMS can also remind customers to check their email for critical, time-sensitive messages.

Final thoughts

SMS is a powerful tool for the financial services industry to make customer experiences better. Using SMS in communication strategies helps financial service businesses improve customer satisfaction and success. By using SMS, financial service businesses can continue to do well in the digital age.

If you want to learn more about using SMS for important, time-sensitive messages, reach out to Paragon DCX to see how our combined services can help you talk to your customers quickly and effectively.

3 tips to nail your D2C marketing strategy Thu, 05 Oct 2023 09:11:05 +0000 The D2C (direct-to-consumer) business model has been on the rise, as traditional B2B brands seek to cut out the ‘middle-man’. As businesses come under increasing pressure to manage operating costs, the D2C model offers an attractive way to complement (or replace in some cases) their existing network of B2B relationships.

With this shift comes a change in the way a business develops its marketing strategy. Navigating the world of D2C marketing can be challenging, as you now own the end-to-end customer journey. Especially in a world where ecommerce sales continue to be on the rise and consumers are becoming more and more demanding of personalized digital experiences, it has never been more important to develop a strong digital marketing strategy in the world of D2C.

1. Build your brand story and foster new relationships

A key benefit of a D2C model is that you now have complete ownership over brand identity and the customer experience. As a D2C marketer, ensure you’re doing everything you can as a brand to convey your brand story to your target market.

Consistency is key when it comes to communicating across all channels. G2 states companies that focus on maintaining brand consistency across all channels have seen an average growth of 33%. The experience a customer has on social, or email, should have the same experience when hitting a website landing page from a campaign. Many brands also forget to focus on the post-purchase journey – messaging and branding should remain consistent across promotional and transactional messaging.

With an influx of new customers, make a good first impression on new customers. Email is an excellent channel to execute this – create an automated email welcome program that both converts and tells your customers what they’re in store for. More than 8 out of 10 people open welcome emails, generating 4x as many opens and 10x as many clicks as other email sends. An email sign-up indicates a super-engaged customer – take advantage of that engagement and focus on the USPs of your brand.

It’s also important to make sure your GTM is mindful of your current B2B relationships. Don’t become a competitor to your existing customers. The beauty of creating a great brand story is that when done right, it will only help your B2B partners succeed too. Compliment, don’t compete.

2. Focus on driving customer loyalty

Undoubtedly, a focus for D2C marketers initially will be acquisition. Acquisition is obviously very important, but D2C brands must not lose focus on retaining current customers. Acquisition is more expensive than retention – acquiring a new customer costs five times more than retaining an existing one.

Marketers can tap into Dotdigital’s marketing automation to help achieve this. After acquiring a customer, direct marketing channels like email and SMS act as a perfect way to continue to nurture the customer relationship and turn a first-time buyer, into a loyal advocate. You have the foundations to now understand important data such as purchase behavior, interests, preferences, and engagement with your marketing campaigns to curate a personalized experience going forward.

Shopify CEO, Tobi Lutke puts it perfectly; “There are only two things on the internet that you can own: your website and your email list. Everything else is just temporarily rented”.

One of Australia’s most recognized electrical wholesalers, Lawrence & Hanson, had to pivot during COVID-19 to focus on D2C and online ecommerce. During this change, they found huge success focusing on customer loyalty and building out loyalty programs that rewarded loyalty with benefits to drive retention and provided the foundation to succeed and grow their online sales and ecommerce offering. At the end of the day, loyalty boils down to trust. Lawrence & Hanson underpinned their successful loyalty programs with the use of personalization in marketing campaigns. 

Customers want to feel as if the brand knows and understands their wants and needs. Lawrence and Hanson did exactly that when shifting away from a ‘batch-and-blast’ email strategy and focused on 1-1 personalization which assisted in building trust with their customers.

B2B customer loyalty does differ from B2C. B2B relationships are more complex, lengthy, and considered sales cycles. But this doesn’t mean loyalty should be valued any less when looking at D2C loyalty. Reward loyalty, recognize it, understand who is buying and what drives them, and you will be able to create a community of loyal advocates.

3. Use data to enhance the customer experience

As the shift to D2C grows your customer base, there are new ways for marketers to look at managing relationships to deliver a personalized customer experience. Where many B2B relationships can be managed by sales/account management teams, D2C marketers must rely on data to effectively manage a larger customer to deliver a personalized customer experience.

  • Integrate your martech: This helps you have a holistic view of a customer’s engagement with your brand. A great example of this is seen through leading packaging wholesaler Signet. Implementing an integrated tech stack, enabled the creation of data-focused personalized campaigns and allowed for effective data segmentation and tailored campaigns and promotions. Operationally, this is also going to save you and your team time and make processes more efficient.
  • Make use of behavioral data you capture against customers: This will help you send the right message, at the right time. For example, understand the browsing behavior – what category are they frequently browsing? What products? What type of content are they opening, clicking, and resonates best? Use this to change the story you’re telling the customer and enable you to send more relevant content, which in turn will only increase engagement and conversions.
  • Capture and leverage zero-party data: Give control to your customers – let them determine how they want to be communicated with. Within a preference center, the best practice is to capture data such as first name, channel opt-ins, frequency of messaging, interested products and categories, etc. Capturing the data is great – but it’s what you do with the data that counts. Place customers in segments and even tailor messaging through the use of dynamic content in email.

D2C marketing strategy summary

To wrap it up, as D2C business models continue to evolve and gain traction, it’s important for businesses to adapt their marketing strategies for long-term success. By concentrating on crafting a coherent brand story, nurturing customer loyalty, and harnessing data for personalized experiences, companies can effectively navigate the world of D2C marketing.

Anticipatory experiences in marketing featuring Forrester’s Julie Ask Tue, 04 Jul 2023 08:00:00 +0000 We recently had the pleasure of hosting a thought-provoking webinar with guest speaker Julie Ask, VP and Principal Analyst at Forrester. Julie is an expert in digital customer experience (CX) strategy, moments-driven CX, and mobile trends. She shared invaluable insights on the importance of anticipatory experiences (AX) and how businesses can use them to gain a competitive advantage.

In this follow-up Q&A, Julie answers key questions related to the business value of AX, the right channels for its implementation, and typical challenges businesses may encounter. She also shares her views on the potential risks of brands overstepping the mark with AX and suggests metrics marketing teams should consider when evaluating their AX efforts.

A huge thanks go to Kevin Davis, Chief Data Officer at More2, and Dotdigital’s Juliette Aiken and Steve Shaw, who joined Julie in the webinar to share their knowledge.

Don’t miss the chance to learn from an expert and discover the potential of data-driven anticipatory experiences in your marketing strategy.

Q&A: How to leverage anticipatory experiences

How do anticipatory experiences (AX) translate into business value?

Anticipatory experiences deliver a broad set of business values. Since the design point for AX is delivering consumer convenience, improved customer satisfaction and delight top the list. When consumers are task-oriented or need peace of mind, they will prioritize convenience or speed —the next business value in operational cost savings.

When companies serve customers more proactively with status updates, reminders, and more, customers are less likely to reach out to a contact center (i.e., higher cost than self-service) to get help or information. Finally, when customer needs intersect with business needs, there is an opportunity to sell consumers more products or services. Forrester calls this variation of anticipatory experiences (AX) –  the next best experiences (NBX). NBX experiences optimize customer life time value (CLV) when making suggestions to customers.

Is there a risk of brands overstepping the mark with AX? When does proactive verge into creepy or even obnoxious?

There absolutely is a risk. Everyone remembers the 2012 story of Target sending prenatal vitamin promotions to a teenage girl whose father did not yet know she was pregnant. Just because a brand can anticipate a customer’s need does not mean the brand should act on it. Brands must constantly make judgment decisions on timing and actions based on a holistic view of the customer – not just a single business function’s view – as well as objective ethical functions. Smart brands will prioritize the needs of customers (e.g., eat less sugar, save money, mitigate risk, etc.) over their own needs. 

AX experiences must also evolve over time as customers learn to trust brands based on the value the brands deliver – what Forrester refers to as a “value flywheel.” Brands should ask customers for a little bit of data and then provide a little bit of value. This initial exchange builds trust. Consumers will provide a little more data in exchange for even more value. 

You talk about how anticipatory experiences are constantly evolving. Can you provide examples of the most recent trends or expectations?

AX experiences are evolving along three distinct dimensions. First, brands are evolving how much action they are willing to take on behalf of their customers. Today, many can send content (e.g., “It’s time to board your flight”). In the future, more will send suggestions (e.g., “You should leave now to make your flight” or “Do you want to reload your stored value card?”) and ultimately act on behalf of their customers as they build mutual trust and confidence.

Second, brands will deliver AX on increasingly complex customer journeys. They will start with well-understood journeys (e.g., food delivery, boarding a flight), then watch and listen to their customers so that they can react quickly (e.g., detect potential fraud and pause charges to a credit card), and then ultimately truly anticipate the need of a customer (e.g., if the customer has a stroke). Finally, brands will evolve from a static assembly of moments to a dynamic assembly or construction of moments (e.g., who, what, where, and when) in real time based on insights.

When thinking about creating anticipatory experiences, what channels should be top of the marketers’ list?

Forrester recommends that marketers understand how their customers use technology to access digital experiences – and then marketers should choose their use cases before making technology or channel decisions. For example, nearly all consumers use email, SMS, and push notifications – but fewer consumers may feel comfortable with audio or haptic notifications on their smartphones or smartwatches. 

Marketers should choose channels based on how well matched that channel is to the use case. For example, mobile notifications work best when immediacy is important, and the content is simple (e.g., a short text message or image). Email is more appropriate for longer forms or less urgent content. 

Creating anticipatory experiences is reliant on having real-time information to act on or trigger from. What are the biggest challenges businesses face here?

Decision makers – people or technology solutions – need access to accurate, real-time data or insights that take into account a holistic view of the customer. According to Forrester’s 2021 Global Emerging Technology research, 46% of executives surveyed believe that they are collecting all the customer data they need – but only 34% assemble it into a single profile, and just 14% distribute it to enable critical decisions. Other inhibitors to delivering more anticipatory experiences that executives cited included a lack of automation and the complexity of integration into existing platforms. 

What metrics of success or engagement should marketing teams consider when thinking about AX?

Ultimately, marketing teams want to measure (1) a decrease in time (i.e., for a customer to complete a task) and (2) a reduction in inbound engagement, whether to a contact center or on a mobile app. These metrics purely focus on a customer’s convenience. However, they should use more operational metrics as they start their journey toward delivering AX and then evolve their metrics as they become more sophisticated. 

For example, initially many AX may be mobile notifications that give consumers peace of mind about the status of a process or the location of a delivery. Marketers can start by measuring how many consumers opt-in to receive notifications. They will also need permissions (e.g., use of location) and zero-party data to deliver more personalized and timely content. Marketers can measure the effectiveness of these tactics.

Next steps towards anticipatory customer experiences

If you’re looking to create anticipatory customer experiences, it’s important to use data and analytics to personalize interactions and anticipate customer needs. To get started on this, schedule a call with the Dotdigital team to discuss incorporating this approach into your customer engagement strategies. Visit our partner directory to find out more about More2.

How to create interactive customer experiences Wed, 14 Jun 2023 10:32:54 +0000 Customer experience (CX) is not a passing trend. As marketers, we’re no strangers to fads coming and going. However, the dramatic shift in consumer behavior that happened in 2020 is not going anywhere, anytime soon.

Unfortunately, there is a significant disconnect between expectation and reality in CX. In research carried out by Adweek and Accenture Interactive, they found that while 80% of brands believe they deliver a superior customer experience, only 8% of customers agree.

Brands have to go further and break down boundaries to meet customers’ expectations.

What are interactive customer experiences?

Customer experiences have changed. Brands can do more with customer data. From personalization to augmented reality, savvy shoppers know brands can deliver exceptional experiences.

As a result, CX is less about fulfilling wants and needs and more about meeting increased expectations. Customers compare experiences with diverse brands across different industries. That means that a shopper who has a positive experience buying plants online expects a similar experience when buying anything; groceries, takeaways, jewelry.

Interactive experiences will help you continuously meet these experiences. Interactive content personalizes customers’ interactions with your brands and boosts overall engagement.

Think online questionnaires, web-based calculators, or gamified content. It’s content that lets users personalize and participate in it.

In-email customer experiences

Interactive experiences can come in many formats, but in recent years, email marketing has made massive strides towards providing customers with unique experiences.

AMP for email

AMP for email is a powerful tool that revolutionizes customer experience by allowing you to build web-like experiences right in their inbox. It allows readers to interact with your email and choose their own path.

This innovative feature is an excellent asset when it comes to showcasing various aspects of your brand, products, or services. While offering captivating and personalized customer experiences, you can also guide users towards accomplishing a specific goal. However, you also want to drive users to complete a specific goal. Using an AMP-powered carousel feature, email recipients can flick through your highlighted products or campaign photographs before clicking on your email’s main CTA. For example, a ‘register your interest’ button.

AMP for email showcase example
AMP for email showcase example

Similarly, customers can discover their own pathways by choosing what content they’d like to see in your email campaign. You can later use these insights to deliver a more personalized experience throughout their journey.

AMP for email interactive customer experiences
AMP for email interactive customer experiences

Real-time personalization

To create long-lasting relationships with customers, it’s important to provide a hyper-personalized experience. Real-time personalization is a way to achieve this by using up-to-date customer data. Typically, pulling in a subscriber’s first name using data field is an example of this.You can also use location data to provide location-based dynamic content, to make the campaign super relevant to the customer. By segmenting data and getting to know your audience, you can create targeted content that resonates with them. 

GIFs and videos

GIFs and videos bring joy and delight to your email openers. They grab your subscribers’ attention immediately, keeping them engaged and scrolling down your marketing.

Embedded videos have a great engagement rate which ultimately drives more conversions. Animations and videos make communicating complex ideas simple. In a matter of seconds you can explain your latest product launches and business updates.

Advice from interactive experience experts

Odicci helps brands boost customer engagement and drive customer loyalty with interactive experiences such as quizzes, games, and product finders. These are the top tips on creating interactive and engaging emails from CEO Founder of Odicci, Jacques Prothon:

Creating emails that work: how to jazz up your email design

Just because customers are interested in receiving emails doesn’t mean that you’re keeping them engaged. Thankfully, there are many things you can do to ensure your customers are engaged with your emails. We’ve listed six ways to jazz up your email with interactive experiences.

Gamification: can you beat the high-score?

By introducing gamification into your customers’ experience, you can enhance their engagement and increase clicks and conversions. By asking people to play a game such as a memory game or a matchmaker you are tapping into the creative potential of your subscribers. Add an engaging moving gif design to drive clicks and enjoy your dwell time stats go through the roof as people will be engaged for a long time on your website. Thanks to this pinball game Virgin Holidays experienced a 47% click-through rate.

Virgin Holidays gamified customer experience
Virgin Holidays gamified customer experience

FOMO: are you one of our lucky winners?

By using elements of accomplishment, envy, ownership, and scarcity you are driving your audience towards clicks. When signing up, subscribers are expecting to receive some type of value, such as a coupon, free gift, or a contest entry. If you want subscribers to continue being engaged with your emails, keep providing something of value and make them interact online with an online scratch card or shake your phone to reveal a prize. Feelunique is driving subscribers to an interactive summer spin for a chance to win special discounts.

Feel Unique FOMO interactive customer experience
Feel Unique FOMO interactive customer experience

Enhance customer experience: swipe your preference

To enhance customer experience Central England Co-Op used an interactive “Tinderesque” swipe survey behind email to collect customer preferences and deliver more personalized emails. The swipe survey running behind an email marketing campaign drove a 28% click-through rate with 20% of surveyed customers sharing their preferences. The swipe survey is a great experience to boost clicks and drive engagement.

Co-Op interactive customer experience
Co-Op interactive customer experience

Rewarding customers: thank you, here is something for you

Subscribers are looking for positive experiences with brands. One of the most popular customer rewards in use by many brands is when a subscriber reaches a certain level of a loyalty program. Paperchase uses various experiences to reward members of their TreatMe Loyalty program, here is an example of Spin the Wheel on PayDay for TreatMe members only.

Paperchase interactive customer experience
Paperchase interactive customer experience

With loyalty you can also combine experiences with other moments such as birthdays, special moments in the year, or the launch of a product by giving exclusive access.

Customer Feedback: how did we do?

After a purchase or a delivered service use interactive experiences to ask for feedback and make that experience engaging, fun and above all easy. TeamSport used a Net Promoter Score survey to get feedback from customers after their races. Valuable information is collected for each track and customers can be rewarded afterwards.

TeamSport example of interactive customer experience
TeamSport example of interactive customer experience

Intrigue: what does the future hold?

Instead of engaging your audience with a standard marketing message, use email to create interest, curiosity or intrigue. Use a clever hook to invite subscribers to an interactive personality quiz or a product profiler and deliver a personalized brand interaction

A great way to deliver the message and drive clicks from your emails to these engaging experiences is to use moving GIFs that demonstrate how the reward, game, quiz or interactive promotion works in a few seconds. Using moving GIFs is the perfect way to show what engagement and reward(s) subscribers can expect. To get the best results you can create moving GIFs that are personalized or tailored to a segment, or audience.


As we know email marketing is one of the best tools to drive sales and convert leads. With interactive experiences it is possible to substantially increase your click-through rates and conversions whilst delivering great value to your audience. Don’t be intimidated these interactive experiences can be published in just a few clicks. Give it a try or contact Odicci for more information about our pre-built interactive experiences, with more than 80+ out-of-the-box experiences you won’t be disappointed.

4 ways to create personalized customer experiences Thu, 01 Jun 2023 09:35:29 +0000 In today’s highly competitive digital landscape, personalized customer experiences are no longer a luxury; they are a necessity. Customers expect brands to understand their unique needs and preferences and tailor their interactions accordingly throughout the customer journey. Personalization helps companies build stronger relationships, increase customer loyalty, and drive revenue growth.

How to create a personalized customer experience

Here are 4 effective ways to create personalized customer experiences that set your brand apart from the competition: 

Welcome message

Welcome messages are essential components of a successful customer experience strategy. They set the stage for a positive and long-lasting relationship between a brand and its audience. When tailored to the individual needs and preferences of the customer, welcome messages can create a highly personalized customer experience that leaves a lasting impression.

Any honest store clerk who wants to make a sale goes out of their way to welcome each shopper with a friendly hello. They may even greet a returning customer by their name or inform them that the items they browsed last week are on sale now.

Ecommerce stores can take a leaf out of the successful store clerk’s book and display a personalized welcome message to their online visitors. For new visitors to your site, the lack of behavioral data doesn’t mean you can’t give them a personalized greeting. Famous Outfits starts the customer journey off with a welcome pop-up tailored to the visitor’s referring traffic source.

A laptop screen showcasing the customer experience through Reddit.

For returning visitors who didn’t make a purchase, use a popover to remind them of their last-viewed product. Shoppers will appreciate the gesture, as they don’t have to remember what they searched for last time. Include an image of the product and make it clear why the popover appears. This example from helps returning customers without obscuring the rest of the information on the page.

A laptop screen showcasing the customer experience through

Your website’s navigation bar is often the first touchpoint your visitors interact with to guide them to specific products or categories. So it’s crucial to ensure your navigation bar is both helpful and engaging. An uninspiring or frustrating navigation experience could result in site abandonment and high bounce rates. 

Make the most of your drop-down space by adding dynamic content that showcases product recommendations, special offers, and more. This approach kickstarts the personalized customer experience, helping visitors discover the best your website has to offer. Space NK showcases new arrivals in their ‘New In’ category, providing shoppers with real-time pricing information alongside each product. 

By recommending your latest products, you generate excitement shopping. This strategy is particularly impactful in sectors driven by fast-moving trends, such as fashion and beauty. For returning customers, you can tailor the highlighted products based on their preferred categories. This will personalize their experience and increase the relevance of the recommendations.

A laptop screen showcasing the customer experience through Space NK.

Product recommendations

Offering product recommendations is a tactic as old as retail itself. The successful store clerk who welcomes everyone to their shop will also look for opportunities to cross sell and up-sell by pointing out a shirt that complements the shopper’s jeans or suggesting the best brand of bird seed for the customer’s pet parrot.

Ecommerce is no different. Product recommendations are a proven conversion booster for online stores and can generate sales uplifts of up to 11%. For new visitors to your site where you don’t have any past purchases or behavioral data to judge by, show them trending products and bestsellers. Without the ability to try on, touch, and see products in the flesh, customers are more likely to be swayed by other shoppers’ opinions.

You can also use your visitors’ browsing data to personalize the customer experience as they shop. Killstar’s real-time homepage banners change once a shopper has browsed a handful of products, recommending products for males or females depending on what the shopper has browsed. Killstar keeps new shoppers engaged by showing them products that spark their interest. This is despite not having historical purchase data.

A iPhone screen showcasing the customer experience through Killstar.

For returning visitors and customers, harness the power of familiarity and suggest products that this individual shopper has browsed or purchased frequently. This is a great option for newsletters where it’s appropriate to show a mix of different product types. Timeout uses an email newsletter to remind customers about products and experiences they are already interested in based on their previous browsing behavior.

A iPad screen showcasing the customer experience through Timeout.

Triggered emails

The most effective customer experiences are intuitive, reaching customers at the right time with personalized content that addresses their needs and interests. Triggered emails are a prime example of this, as they deliver timely and relevant content based on specific customer actions or behaviors. Marketers are empowered to treat customers as individuals by sending messages linked directly to their shopping behavior. 2 in 5 shoppers would consider not shopping with a retailer that emailed them every day with irrelevant information, making triggered emails all the more important. 

Cart abandonment emails are perhaps the most well-known examples of triggered emails, and for good reason. Along with browse abandonment emails, they’re a proven revenue booster. This email can include a reminder of the items left behind and personalized incentives such as discounts or free shipping. By reminding customers of their interest and providing incentives, these emails can help recover potentially lost sales and re-engage customers.

The average Fresh Relevance client doing cart and browse abandonment emails sees a 12% sales uplift. Rip Curl jogs shoppers’ memories with cart abandonment emails by including product images, descriptions, and prices. This helps shoppers recall the items they added to their cart. This tactic has paid off for Rip Curl, as they’ve seen a 10.3% sales uplift from their abandonment emails.

Another way to personalize the customer experience is with price drop emails. This is a triggered email that lets everyone who has shown interest in the product know that it just got cheaper. These emails encourage price-conscious shoppers and increase loyalty by providing useful information. 

With sales lifts for this specific type of alert averaging 3%, this is a triggered email tactic worth trying. Details of the browsed item should be included in the email to remind the shopper of what they looked at. This will make the offer more compelling, as Country Attire does in this example.

Back in stock and replenishment emails are another effective way to use triggered emails to personalize the customer experience and add value for your shoppers. By analyzing customer data, such as previous purchase dates, you can send personalized reminders when it’s time for a refill or when something is back-in-stock. 

These emails provide convenience to customers but also strengthen loyalty and encourage repeat purchases. As consumers are faced with more choices than ever, providing a personalized customer experience could be the difference between converting a shopper into a customer. This could mean losing out to your competitors.

Elevate your customer experience

In a competitive market where customers have numerous choices, creating a personalized experience is key to standing out. By implementing these tactics, brands can demonstrate their commitment to understanding and meeting their customers’ unique needs.

Personalization not only helps build stronger relationships and increase customer loyalty but also drives revenue growth. Brands that prioritize personalization will differentiate themselves from the competition and create a lasting impact on their customers, ultimately leading to company success.

How to personalize complex journeys for an exceptional customer experience Tue, 23 May 2023 10:13:59 +0000 The travel industry is known for its complex customer journeys, as travelers engage with various touchpoints and experience multiple stages, from dreaming of a destination to booking flights and accommodations. To stand out in this competitive landscape, travel companies must prioritize personalization

What makes a customer journey complex?

In a world of options, too much choice can lead to decision-making paralysis. Social media channels like Instagram and TikTok bombard customers with inspiration, while Google makes it easier to discover new brands.

Travelers have an almost unlimited menu of choices when it comes to booking their trips. But with all these choices available to them, there are higher levels of procrastination and anxiety associated with making a decision.

All of this takes place during the awareness and planning stages of the customer journey.

To assist customers facing this paralysis of choice, brands need to go the extra mile to deliver relevant content. The more relevant you can make your marketing, basing your content on customers’ needs and reflecting the experiences they’re looking for, the more successful your marketing will be.

Personalizing chaotic customer journeys

It’s important to understand the customer’s journey, and even better, the stages along the way.

Using the travel and tourism industry as an example, there are five distinct stages:

  1. Inspiration
  2. Planning
  3. Booking
  4. In-trip
  5. Post-trip

Inspiration: personalizing the awareness phase

67% of holiday goers will book with the brand that offers them the most help during the inspiration phase. This phase is about understanding the customers’ needs. They’re looking for inspiration and are open to possibilities.

Personalizing data capture popovers is a brilliant tactic for this stage. Travel brands can use browsing insights to personalize messages. “Not ready to book? Save this flight for later” or “Still interested in visiting Ibiza? Save your search for later”. This kind of personalization created a memorable customer experience.

By collecting travel preferences immediately, you’ll be able to understand what the customer needs to convert. What kind of experience are they looking for? What’s their budget? Are they open to cross-selling or upselling tactics?

You can better understand your target audience by developing detailed customer personas. You can segment customers based on common characteristics and behaviors, then create personas representing each segment. These personas act as archetypes to guide personalization and tailor customer experiences. For now, you have enough information to take them on a tailored welcome journey that will set the scene for the journey to come.

Location and preferences to personalize experiences

Planning: crafting tailored consideration communications

For travel brands, the planning stage is all about differentiation.

What makes you different from your competitors?

In this respect, it’s not much different from most other sectors. We’re all striving to stand out from the crowd.

But thanks to your personalized customer acquisition tactics, you already have the information you need to drive subscribers through the sales cycle. You know what browsers are looking for, so you should be delivering content tailored to their needs.

AI-powered product recommendations play a vital role in enhancing the travel customer experience. Using these, you can showcase tailored destination recommendations, hotel and activity suggestions, and personalized travel itineraries. These recommendations can be delivered through websites, mobile apps, or email marketing campaigns. Airbnb frequently employs this tactic to feature their most popular stays in the area users are researching.

Tripadvisor planning personalization better for customer experience

Dynamic content is also a powerful tool to easily personalize your messaging. Displaying different content based on destination preferences helped Copa Airlines generate a 14% boost in revenue from its personalized email campaigns.

Booking: driving purchases with personal touches

A typical online travel consumer is exposed to over 38,983 micro-moments in a 60-day timeframe. During that time, they visit an average of 18 websites across multiple devices, all before making a single hotel booking. While this is slightly longer than your average decision-making process, it’s a great one to learn from.

It’s important to streamline the booking process to enhance your customers’ experience. As travel has one of the highest cart abandonment rates of any industry at around 81%. At this stage, the value of abandoned cart automation cannot be underestimated. Never let a shopper leave without sending them a recovery email.

To make it as easy as possible to continue with their journey, your recovery email should list the items in their basket or break down the details of their booking with a clear CTA. If there is something specific blocking their path to purchase, providing real-time assistance to customers’ queries live chat is a must. Together, you will be able to tip many uncertain shoppers over the line. 

You also need to tap into the FOMO effect by creating a sense of urgency. Countdown clocks and the limited number of spaces available are perfect to drive users to convert.

In-trip: personalize cross-selling and upselling opportunities

Travel brands know all about the importance of cross-selling and upselling. 38% of tour and activity bookings on vacation happen on or around the same day as doing them. 52% of travelers consider buying in-flight amenities and services when they’re delivered to their mobile devices.

Timing is everything.

To deliver the best experience possible you need to think about the many facets that will affect them. Reminders via SMS are perfect for any travel, event, or experience-orientated brand. Specific information like booking references, check-in times, and health and safety regulations will help customers have a smoother experience if they’re delivered into the palm of their hand.

Delta airlines showing geo-locations

Using geo-locations to know where your customers are can help you drive spontaneous decisions. You can drive customers to attend an event, join activities, or visit you in person.

This is also relevant for non-travel brands. Keeping customers informed about shipping times and delivery times will ensure their highly anticipated parcel doesn’t get sent back to the depot.

Armed with insights into their most recent orders and interactions with your brand, you can pull in relevant products, items, and services to cross- and upsell post-purchase.

Airbnb personalized itinerary

Post-trip: drive long-term loyalty for an unforgettable customer experience

Good or bad, memories last.

47% of customers believe they would switch to a competitor within a day after a poor customer experience. The customer journey doesn’t end after the trip. Therefore, you must make your aftersales journey all about the customer. It’s all about making them feel like a valued part of your brand.

The best thing is, there is a whole range of automation programs that can help you deliver regular, personalized messages at key stages of the relationship.

Anniversary celebrations are a great way to demonstrate your appreciation for your customers. Pulling in their data, these emails can be used to highlight, how many miles a traveler has flown, or how many times a customer has shopped or attended one of your events. You could even consider sending follow-up emails with exclusive discounts or rewards for future travel. This will show your customers that you value their business and appreciate their loyalty.

You can also combine your feedback and review campaigns with your customer loyalty program and let customers earn points for every review they leave. Reviews are an essential part of the early stages of the customer lifecycle so the more you collect, the better. Adding incentives to these kinds of activities can help keep customers engaged with your brand, long after their journey is complete.


In the highly competitive travel industry, it’s essential to deliver a consistent experience across your customers’ journeys. By embracing personalization, you can create unforgettable experiences that leave a lasting impression, leading to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.

7 tips to provide an unforgettable customer experience Tue, 28 Mar 2023 11:00:48 +0000 In today’s competitive business world, providing an unforgettable customer experience is important for your company’s success. To satisfy customers, you must create meaningful experiences and go above and beyond their expectations. 

What is customer experience?

Customer experience (CX) is how your customers think and feel about your company during their whole journey. It includes every touchpoint a customer has with your company throughout their lifecycle. By providing exceptional experiences at every stage of the lifecycle – from awareness to advocacy – you can create a strong emotional connection with your customers and increase their loyalty to your brand.

Why is customer experience important?

Customers today have high expectations and are more likely to switch to a competitor if their experience with your brand falls short. It’s therefore imperative that you provide a great customer experience so you stand out from the crowd. Also, customers are more likely to recommend your company to friends and family when they have a positive experience.

A positive customer experience is not just about making customers happy. It’s all about developing a relationship with the customer and earning their trust and loyalty. When a customer feels valued and appreciated, they are more likely to remain loyal to the brand.

With a positive customer experience, you can: 

  • Stand out from your competitors
  • Increase brand loyalty 
  • Improve customer satisfaction 
  • Drive customer retention 

How to improve customer experience?

The key to improving customer experience is to leverage customer data to gain a better understanding of your target audience. By collecting customer data, businesses can gain valuable insights into their customers’ behavior, preferred channels, and needs.

This enables you to personalize your marketing messages and tailor products or services to better meet your customers’ expectations. Additionally, customer data can help your company identify areas for improvement and develop targeted strategies to enhance and provide a more seamless customer experience. Overall, leveraging customer data is essential for companies looking to improve their customer experience and build stronger, more loyal customer relationships.

Let’s look at some customer experience best practices you can use in your marketing strategy.

Provide cross-channel journeys

Customers want a connected journey and a seamless experience when they interact with brands. You can meet this goal by expanding the number of channels in your marketing stack and leveraging cross-channel marketing. This involves interacting with customers through every channel in your arsenal, from in-store to social media, email, SMS, apps, and others.

It’s essential to engage customers through various channels so that they can reach you anytime and anywhere. This strategy makes the customer’s experience more personalized and convenient as they can communicate with your brand on their preferred channel.

Use AI and email automation to increase efficiency

You can use AI to hyper-personalize your customers’ journeys. With artificial intelligence, long hours spent sifting through data trying to identify trends are a thing of the past. AI-powered product recommendations can help you recommend best-sellers or other ranges to your customers based on their browsing behavior. This ensures that your customers have access to the right products and content in real time, making purchase decisions easier. 

Automating your email marketing is a valuable tool for improving customer experience and satisfaction. By automating repetitive email tasks, you can save time and look at customer behaviors to trigger timely and relevant communications. You can even use an automated abandoned cart program combined with AI product recommendations to improve your customers’ experience by providing relevant product suggestions. 

Personalize every touchpoint

You can improve customer experience by interacting with your customers in a human and personal way. Send personalized emails to your customers by addressing them by their names from the beginning, whether it’s in the subject line to grab their attention or on apps with push notifications. 

Personalized marketing feels more genuine and allows you to connect with your customer base. A single customer view will allow you to understand your customers, build a stronger relationship with them, and improve their experience. 

Create a seamless purchase journey

A buyer’s purchase journey is the process a customer goes through to purchase a product or service. Companies should provide a seamless purchase journey for a positive customer experience. By keeping the purchase process short and simple, you can reduce barriers to purchase. A four-step process should be followed:

  • Logging in or guest checkout
  • Shipping details
  • Payment details
  • Review

Adding integrations like Klarna helps streamline the checkout process. It allows customers to pay in installments, which is a game-changer for companies. Offering this option will increase sales and attract a wider customer base. 

Integrate customer support channels

You can improve customer experience by offering customer support channels. Having a live chat option on your website gives customer service agents a single customer view. This enables them to access customer information in real-time. By doing this, chat agents will understand customers’ needs and preferences quickly.

As a result, chat agents can provide personalized support with instant solutions to questions and concerns tailored to the customer’s specific requirements. Also, quick and efficient customer support removes barriers to purchase, making it easier for customers to convert. 

Include customer surveys

By collecting data via customer surveys, you can identify key areas for improvement and make necessary changes to enhance your customer experience. You can use online surveys to collect feedback and find out what makes your customers happy or what they are dissatisfied with.

This information helps demonstrate to loyal customers that their needs are being heard and addressed. It can also make customers feel connected and have a voice in the future of your brand. You can create surveys yourself or use data from well-respected sites like Trustpilot, Feefo, and G2. 

Implement user-generated content (UGC)

User-generated content (UGC) is a powerful tool for improving customer experience. UGC is any form of content, including images, videos, and reviews, created by your customers for free. This type of organic content can be leveraged and used in your company’s marketing strategy.

Reviews and star ratings are crucial in helping indecisive customers make their final decision. By featuring reviews and ratings from customers, brands can establish trust and credibility with potential customers. Also, UGC creates an emotional connection with your customers. When customers see their images or stories featured on your website or social media, they’ll trust your products, feel seen and valued.  


Following these tips will help you deliver a positive customer experience across their entire customer journey and build a loyal customer base. Dotdigital understands the importance of providing an unforgettable customer experience. Our tools are designed to help companies engage with their customers at every touchpoint, provide personalized content, and deliver exceptional customer experiences. If you want to enhance your customer experience, book a demo with us today. 
