Email marketing – Dotdigital Fri, 19 Jul 2024 13:17:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Email marketing – Dotdigital 32 32 Capturing new subscribers in store Fri, 19 Jul 2024 13:17:07 +0000 As marketers, we’re always looking for new ways to connect with customers at relevant touchpoints. Harnessing data online about customer behavior and interests makes it easier than ever to connect with your customers and develop long-lasting relationships. 

But what about customers who aren’t online? Many customers still prefer shopping in-store, meaning it’s difficult for you to connect with them outside of their store visits to enhance their experience with your brand. Collecting email addresses and marketing consent from your in-store customers can help you connect with them when they’re not in-store.

Building a huge list of in-store customers might be tempting, but focus on getting good data first. This keeps your emails out of spam folders and landing in inboxes where customers will see them.

Don’t forget to implement double opt-in so that new subscribers need to verify their email address before they start receiving emails from you. This helps you maintain a high-quality list of valid and reachable email addresses. Sending emails to email addresses that contain typos increases your risk of emails bouncing or sending emails to spam traps, which can negatively impact your sender reputation.

Challenges collecting data in store

Capturing consent in store presents its own unique challenges. Your staff need to have conversations with customers to inform them about your marketing emails and be able to capture email addresses efficiently. Recording a customer’s email address that has been provided verbally can result in typos and errors meaning that you’re never able to reach the intended recipient.

Customers may also feel under pressure to consent to receive emails at the checkout in order to complete their transaction and may provide false or inaccurate details if they don’t see value in providing their own email address. Sending emails that are unwanted or unexpected will lead to customers reporting emails as spam which will harm your sender reputation and deliverability.

How to improve data collection in store

You may be wondering how you can extend your customer engagement beyond the purchase point and connect with in-store customers meaningfully. Gathering valuable data from these shoppers can help you build stronger relationships and personalize their brand experience, even after they leave your store. Let’s explore strategies for effectively collecting high-quality data from your in-store customers.

Transparency builds trust

Always respect customer privacy by outlining how their data will be used. This is a core principle of responsible marketing. Manage expectations about the types of emails they can expect to receive and how often, so they know exactly what they’re opting in to receive.  This transparency builds trust and fosters a positive relationship with your customers.

Educate staff for accuracy

Educate staff about the importance of capturing accurate data. There’s little value in spending time collecting and inputting data if typos and errors mean that you can’t reach the intended recipients. 

Empower customers, minimize errors

Minimize human error in the data capture process to improve the quality of the data you collect. Allowing customers to self-serve through POS integrations can significantly improve accuracy. Here are some options to consider:

  • POS integrations: Modern point-of-sale (POS) systems such as Retail Express integrate with Dotdigital, enabling customers to sign up for your email list directly at checkout. This eliminates manual data entry and reduces errors.
  • QR codes and NFC tags: Utilize QR codes or NFC tags at the checkout which direct users to a dedicated signup page. Staff can encourage customers to scan the QR code or tap the NFC tag to learn about the benefits of subscribing and enter their email address.
  • Printed receipts: Utilize space on printed receipts to capture new subscribers by including a printed QR code and instructions to scan the code, or a link that customers can type into their browser to visit a dedicated signup page.
  • Tablets at checkout: Install tablets or other devices that invite customers to sign up to receive your emails. Include the benefits of subscribing, information about what emails they can expect to receive, and key information about how you’ll manage their data.
  • Inventory management: Dotdigital APAC customers can use Cin7 to improve data collection by integrating inventory, POS, and warehouse management, providing a comprehensive view of customer behavior.

Now you’ve collected email addresses from your instore customers, what’s next?

Make sure the emails you send are aligned with the expectations you set when you gain consent. Send emails that provide value to your customers and are relevant to their interests. Sending a welcome campaign upon sign up is the perfect way to remind customers that they’ve recently opted in to receive emails and to reiterate what your customers can expect from your emails. At the same time, you can direct customers to your preference center so they can let you know which emails they’re interested in receiving. 

What is an email service provider (ESP)? Fri, 12 Jul 2024 10:15:01 +0000 Did you know that 73% of millennials prefer email communication from brands? Despite the buzz surrounding social media, email continues to be an important channel for connecting with your audience and nurturing customer relationships. 

However, managing email marketing, especially with a growing subscriber list, can quickly become overwhelming. Keep reading to learn about ESPs and how to choose the most suitable one for your business.

What is an ESP?

An Email Service Provider (ESP) is an organization that provides technology that allows you to send email campaigns to a list of subscribers. Email marketing service providers surpass the limitations of standard email services like Gmail or Outlook by providing a set of powerful tools specifically designed for marketers. Here’s how ESPs can elevate your email marketing strategies:

1. Build and grow

Are you tired of wrestling with messy spreadsheets? ESPs make building and managing email lists a breeze. You can add signup forms to your website, collect leads from events, and easily import your existing contacts.

Imagine starting with a handful of subscribers and growing your list to thousands of engaged contacts, all within a user-friendly platform. ESPs provide the tools to streamline list growth and nurture strong customer relationships.

2. Segmentation superpower

ESPs allow you to segment your list based on demographics, interests, and behavior. This lets you send targeted campaigns that resonate with specific audience segments, boosting engagement and conversions.

3. Drag-and-drop magic

Gone are the days of clunky email coding. ESPs offer a library of beautiful, pre-designed email templates that you can customize with drag-and-drop ease. You can add images, videos, and calls to action, and personalize the layout – all without needing any design experience.

4. Say goodbye to gooey code

Forget about fiddling with HTML or CSS. ESPs use a visual editor that lets you focus on creating compelling content and crafting a stunning email experience for your audience.

5. Automate your email marketing

You can use an ESP to create automated email sequences triggered by subscriber behavior. These sequences could include welcome series, nurture campaigns, and win-back emails. Automating these processes will free up time for other strategic initiatives and allow you to continually optimize these campaigns for better results.

6. Personalization at scale

Personalization is key to email marketing success. ESPs offer advanced features such as dynamic content that go beyond standard greetings. This means you can send emails that automatically personalize greetings, product recommendations, and offers based on subscriber names, purchase history, and even website browsing behavior. 

This creates a highly relevant and engaging experience that feels like you’re communicating directly with each subscriber. The outcome is increased engagement, improved conversions, and ultimately, more sales for your business.

7. Analytics advantage

ESPs aren’t just about sending emails; they’re about understanding how your audience interacts with them. With an ESP, you can track key email marketing metrics like open rates, click-through rates, and unsubscribes to see what’s working and what’s not. Use this data to refine your strategy and optimize future campaigns for maximum impact.

8. A/B testing power

Not sure which subject line will resonate best? Use ESPs’ A/B testing functionality to test different versions of your emails and see which one performs better. This data-driven approach helps you send the most effective campaigns possible.

9. Deliverability done right

Getting your emails past spam filters is crucial. ESPs use advanced technology and expertise to ensure your messages land safely in subscriber inboxes, maximizing your campaign reach and impact.

10. Stay compliant

The landscape of data privacy regulations, like GDPR and CCPA, is always evolving, which can be overwhelming for marketers. Using an ESP can provide peace of mind. ESPs monitor the latest regulations, including those related to data privacy such as GDPR and CCPA. 

They offer features and support to help you ensure that your email marketing practices are compliant. This means you can avoid significant fines, safeguard your sender reputation, and concentrate on what truly matters: growing your business through impactful email marketing.

Do you need an ESP?

If you’re regularly sending out email blasts to a growing subscriber list, an ESP is a necessity. Here are some signs that an ESP can benefit your marketing:

  • Struggling to manage a growing email list and segment for targeted campaigns
  • Yearning to create professional-looking emails that resonate with your audience
  • Lacking the time or resources to design and automate email workflows
  • Seeing disappointing results from your current email marketing efforts

How to choose an email service provider

With a plethora of ESPs on the market, selecting the right one requires careful consideration. Here’s a roadmap to guide you:

  • Identify your needs: Determine your specific marketing goals and prioritize the features most crucial for achieving them. Do you need advanced segmentation capabilities or a focus on automation?
  • Ease of use: Consider your team’s technical expertise. Some ESPs offer intuitive interfaces ideal for beginners, while others cater to more tech-savvy users.
  • Scalability: Choose an ESP that can grow with your business. Ensure it can handle a larger subscriber base and increasing email volume as you scale.
  • Pricing: Compare pricing structures and features to find an ESP that fits your budget. Many offer tiered plans with varying functionalities.

Why choose Dotdigital as your ESP

Not all ESPs are the same. While many offer basic functionalities, Dotdigital goes above and beyond to provide a powerful all-in-one marketing platform. Here’s what sets us apart:

  • Advanced personalization: Take your emails to the next level with dynamic content. Picture emails that automatically customize greetings, product recommendations, and offers based on subscriber names, purchase history, and even website browsing behavior. This allows for a personalized 1:1 customer experience, leading to higher engagement and increased conversions.
  • Cross-channel engagement: Go beyond email. Integrate SMS, social media, and personalized landing pages into your campaigns. This creates a cohesive cross-channel experience that engages your audience on their preferred platforms.
  • Unlock deep customer insights: Go beyond basic analytics. Dotdigital’s advanced reporting provides actionable insights into customer behavior. Leverage this data to personalize email campaigns, segment your audience with laser focus, and optimize your strategy for maximum impact.
  • Scale with confidence: Whether you’re a budding startup or a seasoned enterprise, Dotdigital scales with you. Our platform is equipped to handle complex customer journeys and massive email volumes, ensuring your marketing efforts grow alongside your business.
  • Support by your side: Dotdigital provides exceptional customer service, including professional services, dedicated customer success managers, email designers, marketing strategists, and deliverability experts. The dedicated support team is available to guide you through every step, from onboarding to campaign optimization.
  • Deliverability you can count on: Landing in inboxes is crucial for email success. Dotdigital offers advanced tools and expertise to ensure your emails reach their intended audience, maximizing your campaign reach.

In short, Dotdigital equips you to not just send emails but craft data-driven, personalized marketing experiences that drive real results.

Start using an email service provider today

Email service providers are a powerful tool that can transform your email marketing strategy. An ESP offers a range of features that streamline the process, from building subscriber lists and creating targeted campaigns to automating workflows and tracking results. By leveraging the functionalities of an ESP, you can create professional-looking emails that resonate with your audience, boost engagement, and ultimately drive conversions.

5 inspiring Father’s Day email marketing examples Tue, 07 May 2024 10:45:49 +0000 Father’s Day is a great time to express gratitude towards fathers by sending them thoughtful gifts and ideas through email. Though there are various marketing strategies available, email campaigns are still an effective way of connecting with your audience and highlighting exclusive offers.

Did you know that 75% of people plan to celebrate Father’s Day this year? This staggering figure makes it an excellent opportunity for you to increase customer engagement during this special occasion.

When is Father’s Day?

Father’s Day is an occasion celebrated in many countries across the world to honor fathers and father figures. It is typically celebrated on the third Sunday of June in several nations, including the US and UK. In 2024, it will fall on 16 June, 2024. 

However, it may have a different date in other countries. Therefore, it’s always a good idea to double-check the specific date for your target audience before planning any Father’s Day-related events or email campaigns.

Father’s Day subject lines

Father’s Day is a special occasion to celebrate the love and support of all the amazing dads out there. To make your Father’s Day email campaign more memorable, we have put together heartwarming subject line ideas with emojis.

Exclusive Father’s Day deals 👨‍👧‍👦
Your dad’s favorite gift awaits 🎁
Go above and beyond for dad this Father’s Day 💙
Cheers to dad: Fabulous Father’s Day offers 🍻
Win big: Father’s Day giveaway 🎯
Father’s Day: Find the perfect gift for your superhero 🛠
Dress to impress: Stylish Father’s Day wardrobe 👕
Mouthwatering Father’s Day recipes 🍽
Dad’s day out: Fun activities for Father’s Day ⚽
Celebrate your #1 dad: enjoy 20% off this Father’s Day 🎉

If you’re struggling to come up with catchy email subject lines for your Father’s Day email marketing campaign, consider using our WinstonAI’s generative AI feature.

Our writing assistance tool can help you craft new subject lines, adjust the tone, shorten or expand text, and rephrase your content. Additionally, you can leverage WinstonAI to add emojis to your emails, making them more lively and attractive to your recipients.

To provide you with more content inspiration, we have also rounded up five Father’s Day email marketing examples that can help inspire you.

1. Showcase your collection this Father’s Day

Father’s Day is a great opportunity to flaunt your collection and offer customers the best gift options for their fathers. Sock Fancy is a perfect example of a company that does this efficiently in its promotional email.

Sock Fancy’s Father’s Day email does an excellent job of showcasing its unique sock collection while providing a 15% discount. The email design is clean and colorful, highlighting the fun and quirky patterns that would make a perfect gift for Dad.

Sock Fancy's promotional email for Father's Day, offering 15% off on its unique sock collection.

Here’s why Sock Fancy’s email campaign is so successful:

  1. Eye-catching visuals: Sock Fancy uses vibrant images of its sock collection to grab customers’ attention. This makes it easy for potential gift-givers to find the perfect pair of socks for their Dad.
  2. Clear offer: By prominently stating “15% off” in the email, Sock Fancy ensures that customers are aware of the special discount available for Father’s Day. This motivates customers to make a purchase.
  3. Personal touch: Sock Fancy’s email highlights how customers can customize socks for Father’s Day, adding a personal touch to the gift for their dad. This unique feature makes the gift even more special and shows that Sock Fancy cares about its customers’ needs.
  4. Call-to-action: The email includes a clear call-to-action that directs customers to the website to purchase the socks. The button to shop now is prominently displayed, making it easy for customers to navigate to the website and complete their purchases. You can even position the call-to-action above the fold in your emails to immediately grab the attention of customers.

2. Embrace authenticity this Father’s Day

Customers today seek authentic brands that are transparent, consistent, and true to their core identity. When a brand shares the values and beliefs of its customers, it is more likely to engage with them and gain loyal advocates. 

One way to be authentic with your audience on Father’s Day is by sharing your company’s stories. Lovely Skin is a great example of this approach. The brand showcases its staff and their fathers’ stories in an engaging email campaign that resonates with its audience. 

Lovely Skin's Father's Day email showcasing personal tales about staff members' fathers.

Here’s why Lovely Skin’s email campaign is successful:

  1. Genuine stories: By sharing relatable, real-life stories about employees and their fathers, Lovely Skin establishes a genuine connection with its audience, presenting the brand as authentic and trustworthy.
  2. Emotional connection: The heartfelt stories evoke emotions and resonate with customers on a deeper level, prompting positive brand associations and increasing customer loyalty.
  3. Engaging visuals: The email design is simple yet appealing, featuring images of staff members and their dads, which successfully hold the reader’s attention and encourage them to read the stories.

3. Last-minute gift guides with versatile options

Creating a well-curated gift guide is an excellent strategy to attract the attention of last-minute shoppers and enhance the overall impact of your Father’s Day campaign. Gift guides provide customers with a convenient and quick way to find the perfect gift for their dads.

Lululemon’s Father’s Day email campaign is a great example of how to effectively use last-minute gift guides.

Lululemon's Father's Day email featuring its top 6 last-minute gift ideas.

Lululemon’s Father’s Day email campaign is a prime example of how to effectively utilize last-minute gift guides. Here’s what makes the brand’s approach so successful:

  1. Clear focus: Lululemon presents its “six best Father’s Day gifts” in an easy-to-read and visually appealing format, quickly guiding customers to the best gift options.
  2. Product highlights: The gift guide showcases a variety of Lululemon’s best products, capturing the interest of different types of customers searching for the ideal Father’s Day gift.
  3. Gift card option: Recognizing that some customers may prefer to give their fathers the freedom to choose their own gift, Lululemon includes the option to purchase gift cards. This adds versatility to the brand’s gift guide and caters to a wider audience.
  4. User-friendly experience: Lululemon makes Father’s Day shopping easier than ever by incorporating a ‘Learn more’ call-to-action (CTA) button. This CTA simplifies the user experience, directing customers to access the gift guide, purchase their chosen products, or opt for a gift card effortlessly.

4. Give your customers the chance to opt-out

It’s important to acknowledge that not all customers may be comfortable receiving Father’s Day promotional emails. Giving them the chance to opt-out of such content shows empathy and respect towards their personal circumstances, which is important to maintaining a positive relationship with them. Brewers Fayre’s Beefeater restaurant chain is a great example of a brand that thoughtfully offers customers the option to avoid receiving Father’s Day promotional material.

Brewers Fayre provides an opt-out option for its Father's Day promotions.

Here’s why Brewers Fayre’s opt-out approach is so effective:

  1. Emotional sensitivity: By providing an opt-out option, Brewers Fayre demonstrates understanding and consideration for customers who may find Father’s Day content emotionally challenging.
  2. Customer experience: Offering the opt-out choice empowers customers and enhances their overall experience with the brand, fostering a positive association.
  3. Retaining subscribers: By allowing customers to opt-out of specific content, rather than unsubscribing completely, Brewers Fayre retains its subscribers and ensures they stay connected for future campaigns.

5. Entice customers with alluring copywriting

Captivating copywriting is an essential element in attracting readers and creating a memorable Father’s Day experience. The right choice of words and tone can stir excitement and anticipation, motivating customers to celebrate with your business.

Chili's Grill and Bar Father's Day promotion with an enticing copywriting.

Chili’s Grill and Bar showcases the power of compelling copywriting in its Father’s Day email campaign. Here’s what sets the brand’s approach apart:

  1. Emotional appeal: The email begins with a heartfelt statement acknowledging the importance of dads, eliciting emotions and making the reader feel valued and connected.
  2. Persuasive messaging: Using captivating phrases such as “give Dad a well-deserved day,” Chili’s Grill and Bar effectively entices customers to partake in Father’s Day celebrations at its restaurant, boosting the likelihood of engagement.
  3. Clear call-to-action: Chili’s Grill and Bar adeptly encourages customers to take action with a prominent “Celebrate with us” button. This accessible feature enables readers to effortlessly plan their Father’s Day festivities at the restaurant, creating a seamless user experience.

Craft your successful Father’s Day email marketing campaign

Crafting a successful Father’s Day email marketing campaign requires careful planning and attention to detail. By taking inspiration from the examples provided, you can create an impactful campaign that resonates with your audience. Remember to plan, stay true to your brand’s voice, and show appreciation for the dads in your audience. Wishing you a happy and successful Father’s Day campaign.

How to use remailing in your email marketing strategy Fri, 26 Apr 2024 15:07:08 +0000 Have you ever sent an email campaign and felt like it landed with a thud? You’re not alone. In today’s overflowing inboxes, even the most compelling emails can get lost in the shuffle.

That’s where remailing comes in. Remailing, also known as resend marketing, is a powerful technique that allows you to reach subscribers who missed your initial email. It’s a strategic way to boost engagement and maximize the ROI of your email marketing efforts.

What is remailing and why use it?

Remailing involves automatically sending a slightly modified version of your original email to subscribers who haven’t opened it within a set timeframe. Here’s why it’s a valuable tool:

  1. Higher engagement and conversion rates: Remailing to subscribers who didn’t open or engage with your original email allows you to capture their attention and boost overall engagement. This results in higher open, click-through, and conversion rates. This enhances the performance of your email campaigns and drive great outcomes from your marketing budget.
  2. Optimized email delivery times: Remailing enables you to experiment with different delivery times so you can determine when your target audience is most responsive. Analyzing engagement metrics across multiple sends can help you grasp your subscribers’ preferences and improve your email marketing strategy for future campaigns.
  3. Increased return on investment(ROI): By ensuring your email content reaches as many subscribers as possible, remailing creates more opportunities for customer engagement and interaction. This improvement in email campaign efficacy equates to a better ROI for the time, effort, and resources invested in crafting quality content and executing email marketing campaigns.

What industries can use remailing?

Integrating a remailing strategy can be applied to various industries and business sectors to enhance your email marketing impact. Here are some examples of industries that can benefit from remailing. 

  • Ecommerce: Remailing promotions, exclusive offers, or new product launches can grab the attention of customers who missed the initial communication. This can drive sales, improve email marketing ROI, and promote repeat purchases by delivering relevant, timely promotions.
  • Higher education: Remailing important announcements, event invitations, or registration deadlines keeps students, parents, and alumni informed about institutional updates. A remailing strategy maintains audience engagement and fosters the relationship between the institution and its stakeholders.
  • Travel and hospitality: Remailing special deals, last-minute promotions, or unique travel packages can capture the attention of prospective customers. This not only boosts bookings and revenue but also cultivates customer loyalty through personalized and relevant offers.
  • Not profit organizations: By increasing the visibility of fundraising initiatives, event invitations, and advocacy alerts, remailing maximizes the chances of engagement, resulting in greater donor turnout and amplified volunteer participation.
  • Professional services: Remailing can help law firms, recruitment consultancies, advertising agencies, and more to showcase their expertise and thought leadership by sharing useful information, industry updates, and educational resources. This will be helpful in building better relationships with your clients and promoting continuous business interactions.

AI tools like WinstonAI can help keep your email content fresh and avoid duplication. Use WinstonAI to generate alternative subject lines and rephrase your campaign content to evoke different emotions from the recipient.

Prioritizing clicks over opens

With Apple’s Mail Privacy Protection (MPP), it has become increasingly crucial for remailing strategies to prioritize clicks over opens. Here are some reasons why:

  1. Clicks signal higher engagement: Clicks indicate that recipients are genuinely interested in your content, as they take action by clicking a link to learn more, buy something, or perform another desired task. Consequently, basing your remailing approach on clicks provides more comprehensive insights into customer engagement and behavior.
  2. Open tracking can be unreliable: Since open rates may not accurately reflect customer engagement due to accidental or auto-opened emails, click-through rates offer a more dependable metric rooted in subscribers’ intentional actions.
  3. Email open rate: Apple’s MPP disrupts email open rate tracking by automatically loading remote content such as images and pixel tracking. This may falsely inflate open rates, complicating their use as an accurate measure of engagement. Clicks, on the other hand, enable a more effective assessment of subscriber engagement.

By favoring clicks over opens, you can focus on genuinely interested subscribers and foster more targeted interactions.

When to prioritize opens over clicks

Although clicks usually take precedence in remailing strategies, there are situations where tracking open rates may be more advantageous:

  1. Awareness building campaigns: When your primary goal is to boost brand or product awareness, open rates may be more indicative of the marketing effort’s reach. In this instance, remailing based on opens can widen your reach and elevate brand visibility.
  2. Educational or informational content: If the email’s purpose is to share knowledge, informative articles, or other non-promotional materials, opens may signify that recipients consumed the information. This makes open rates a practical metric for evaluating user engagement with the content.
  3. Initial testing for innovative email formats: If you are experimenting with unique email formats, visuals, or subject lines, remailing based on opens can help identify the most attention-grabbing styles or techniques.

Utilize remailing in your marketing strategy

Remailing is a powerful tactic that can improve email campaigns. It reaches out to subscribers who didn’t engage initially, leading to higher engagement and conversion rates. Focusing on clicks usually yields better results, but monitoring opens can also be helpful. Adding AI-driven solutions like WinstonAI can keep your remailing strategies efficient and customized. A well-rounded remailing approach can unlock your marketing potential for optimal success.

8 irresistible customer loyalty email examples to win over your audience Tue, 23 Apr 2024 08:00:00 +0000 Customer loyalty is more important than ever. Loyal customers are not only more likely to make repeat purchases, but they’re also more likely to recommend your brand to others. This translates to increased sales and brand awareness for you.

But how do you cultivate customer loyalty? Email marketing is a powerful tool that can be used to nurture relationships with your customers and keep them coming back for more. 

In this article, we’ll share eight irresistible customer loyalty email examples to help you win over your audience and build long-lasting relationships with your customers.

1. Welcome email

First impressions matter in any interaction, and the digital world is no exception. Your welcome email is your golden opportunity to create a positive and lasting impression on new subscribers, customers, or members. 

Your welcome email is the first direct communication your customers receive from you. Therefore, it should be warm, inviting, and informative. Use this opportunity to introduce your brand, highlight your unique selling proposition, and provide a clear call-to-action that motivates your customers to take the next step.

In this Build-A-Bear Workshop “Welcome to the Bonus Club” email example, the brand has truly nailed the look and feel of a warm and engaging welcome, seamlessly introducing their loyalty program to new customers.

Build-A-Bear Workshop, Welcome to the Bonus Club welcome series email.

Here’s what you can learn from the brand’s approach:

  1. Show appreciation: Start by thanking your new customer with a visually attractive banner, just as Build-A-Bear does in its welcome email. This simple gesture goes a long way in making your new customer feel valued.
  2. Pique curiosity: Build-A-Bear captivates its readers by presenting the benefits of its Bonus Club right below the welcome banner. Find a similar way to give a brief overview of what your customers will enjoy by signing up for your program or service.
  3. Guide your customer: Consistent with its bear-stuffing workshop ambiance, Build-A-Bear provides step-by-step illustrations that show customers how to get started with its offerings. Take inspiration from this and provide clear, concise instructions or links to relevant resources, tutorials, or support articles.
  4. Invite exploration: Finally, take a cue from Build-A-Bear’s email footer, which encourages customers to connect on social media and visit its website, promoting continued engagement. Similarly, invite your customers to take a look at everything you have to offer to keep them engaged with your brand and discover more products or services that could interest them.

By crafting a welcome email that embodies these principles, you’ll be off to a great start in building a lasting relationship with your new customers.

2. Special offer email

Special offers are a great way to encourage customers to purchase by providing them with attractive discounts or deals. You can include these offers in your loyalty program, such as a percentage off their next purchase, a complimentary gift with a purchase, or early access to new products. You can also personalize these offers based on their past purchase history or interests to make it even more appealing.

Catherines, gamification rewards email.
Catherines, gamification rewards email.

Catherines is a clothing brand that recently created an email campaign to offer exclusive rewards to its customers. The email was designed around a secret sale deal that customers could win by flipping a card. By analyzing the specific elements within the email, you can learn how to capture the attention of your audience and motivate them to participate in your exclusive offer:

  1. Engaging headline: Catherines catches the reader’s attention right away with its headline: “What’s today’s secret sale deal?” Similarly, you should craft your headlines in a way that piques curiosity and encourages readers to find out more about what you’re offering.
  2. Gamification:The “Flip to find out” feature adds an exciting interactive aspect to the email. It stimulates engagement, prompting the reader to flip the card and discover the brand’s exclusive offer. Consider incorporating interactive features like this in your emails to increase customer interest.
  3. Relevant product showcase: Providing a selection of clothing items below the offer allows customers to visualize the products they can purchase with the discount. Display personalized product recommendations in your exclusive offer emails to maximize the likelihood of customers utilizing your promotion.

By applying these tactics in your exclusive offer email campaigns, you can make your customers feel valued and special, fostering loyalty to your brand and increasing engagement with your offers.

3. Re-engagement email

It happens to the best of us – sometimes customers lose interest. If a customer hasn’t purchased in a while, send them a re-engagement email. Remind them of the value you offer and the benefits of being a customer. You could also highlight new products, features, or content that your customers might be interested in.

Office Depot and Office Max, re-engagement email.
Office Depot and Office Max, re-engagement email.

In this re-engagement email, Office Depot and Office Max are reaching out to their customers who haven’t shopped with them in a while by offering an attractive incentive. Let’s take a closer look at the key elements of the email so that you can apply these strategies to create an effective re-engagement campaign for your own customers.

  1. Attention-grabbing headline: The subject line of the email, “We Miss You,” immediately grabs the reader’s attention and conveys both appreciation and a sense of loss. Creating a captivating headline like this can help you reignite your customers’ interest and make them feel valued.
  2. Special offer: The brand gives customers the chance to receive a coupon, which instantly catches their attention and incentivizes them to visit and shop. To re-engage your dormant customers, offer them a valuable incentive such as a discount, free shipping, or an exclusive product.
  3. Preference center: The email includes a dynamic preference center, which offers the recipient four options. They can choose to receive a coupon, take a 15-day pause on emails, receive fewer emails, or unsubscribe completely. Giving the recipient control over how they wish to continue engaging with the brand can help improve their satisfaction and loyalty.

Incorporating these tactics in your re-engagement email campaigns can help you reconnect with dormant customers, remind them of your brand’s value, and encourage them to re-engage and make a purchase.

4. Birthday or anniversary email

A simple birthday or anniversary email can go a long way in showing your customers that you care. You can offer them a special birthday discount or a free gift to celebrate. This is a great way to reconnect with them and encourage them to make a purchase.

Laura Mercier Cosmetics, birthday email.
Laura Mercier Cosmetics, birthday email.

Laura Mercier Cosmetics does an excellent job of making its customers feel special on their birthday with a personalized email that offers a generous discount. Let’s break down how they created an effective birthday email and how you can do the same for your customers:

  1. Personalization: The headline “Happy Birthday, Ira” establishes a personal connection with the customer right away. Use a headline or subject line that includes the customer’s name or birthday to make your email stand out in their inbox.
  2. Special offer: Laura Mercier Cosmetics rewards its customers with a birthday discount code. Consider giving your customers a similar incentive, such as a discount, free gift, or free shipping on their special day.
  3. Visual impact and birthday theme: Laura Mercier’s birthday email features elegant design and celebratory elements such as balloons, which create a visually appealing and festive experience for the customer. Incorporate birthday or anniversary-themed visuals in your emails to heighten the celebratory mood and keep customers engaged with your well-designed and aesthetically pleasing content.
  4. Clear and actionable CTA:  The email features a detailed section on how to redeem their free gift through a two-step process. It also includes a well-defined CTA that directs customers to the landing page that links to the gift they’ll receive. Ensure your CTA is straightforward and focuses on the reward to make it enticing and easy for customers to claim their gift.

By incorporating these strategies in your birthday or anniversary emails, you can strengthen customer relationships, show appreciation, and boost revenue with timely and targeted special offers.

5. Feedback request email

Show your customers that you value their opinions by requesting feedback through a survey or email. Use their feedback to improve your products or services and ensure that you meet their needs.

UNIQLO, ‘We want to hear from you’, feedback request email.

UNIQLO, a leading fashion brand, provides an excellent example of an email requesting feedback. Here are some key elements in UNIQLO’s email that you should consider incorporating in your feedback request campaigns:

  1. Engaging subject line: UNIQLO uses the subject line, “We want to hear from you” to encourage customers to open the email and share their thoughts. Create a subject line that is inviting and clearly communicates the purpose and importance of their contribution.
  2. Visual appeal: UNIQLO’s email design is clean and straightforward, keeping the focus on the purpose of receiving feedback. Include a visually appealing design that aligns with your brand identity.
  3. Importance of feedback: The email emphasizes the significance of customer feedback by mentioning how it helps the brand improve. Communicate the impact of their feedback to your customers, letting them know their opinions are valued and influential.
  4. Clear CTA: UNIQLO features a prominent “Click here to take the survey” in-body copy link, making it easy for customers to take the desired action. Use a clear and visible CTA to direct customers to the survey or feedback form without any confusion.

By incorporating these elements into your feedback request email campaigns, you can effectively encourage customers to share their thoughts and insights, which can help you improve your offerings and build a stronger relationship with your target audience.

6. VIP treatment email

Are you looking to make your high-value customers feel special and encourage them to continue doing business with you? Consider implementing a VIP loyalty program and offering exclusive benefits such as early access to sales, free shipping, or personalized customer service. 

Adore Me, VIP rewards email.

One example of a successful VIP treatment email is the one used by Adore Me. Let’s break down its key elements and learn how to replicate its success:

  1. Eye-catching headline: Use a headline that highlights the luxurious essence of your VIP program and attracts the reader’s attention. Adore Me’s headline, “Welcome to the VIP Life,” promises an exclusive and rewarding experience.
  2. Exclusive benefits: Clearly present the exclusive perks of your VIP program, such as discounts, free shipping, and priority access to new collections. Adore Me’s email outlines these benefits to demonstrate the value of being a high-value customer.
  3. Visual appeal: Use attractive visuals that engage customers and convey the exclusive atmosphere of your program. Adore Me’s email features a striking design that conveys luxury and sophistication.
  4. Engaging video: Incorporate informative videos and other engaging content in your VIP treatment email to captivate customers and emphasize the benefits of your exclusive program. Adore Me’s email includes an enticing video that further showcases the VIP experience.
  5. SMS list opportunity: Integrate SMS marketing into your VIP program to enhance communication with your high-value customers and add another layer of exclusivity to their experience. Adore Me gives its VIP customers the option to join its SMS list for immediate updates.

By applying these strategies in your VIP treatment email campaigns, you can create an exceptional experience for your high-value customers, making them feel appreciated and ultimately boosting customer retention and loyalty.

7. Referral program email

Encourage your customers to refer friends and family with a referral program. Reward them for spreading the word about your brand, which is an organic way to gain new customers.

Clean Program, referral email.

Clean Program, which is a wellness brand offering detox programs and supplements, has showcased an excellent referral program email. Here are some crucial components to consider when crafting a referral program email based on Clean Program’s example:

  1. Attention-grabbing subject line: Use a catchy subject line that clearly explains how customers can benefit by referring others to your brand. This will entice them to open the email and learn more about the referral program.
  2. Clear explanation of the referral program: Clearly outline the referral program’s details, including rewards for both the referring customer and the referral. In Clean Program’s example, the brand offers rewards of $50 for both parties, making the offer mutually beneficial.
  3. Visual appeal: Maintain a visually appealing and clean email design that aligns with your brand identity. Clean Program’s email design is straightforward, with an attractive banner and a clear focus on the referral initiative.
  4. Prominent CTA: Provide a highly visible CTA button, guiding customers to participate in the referral program easily. Clean Program’s “Refer Now” button is eye-catching and direct, allowing customers to act immediately.

By implementing these elements in your referral program email campaigns, you can effectively motivate customers to promote your brand to their network, driving organic growth and acquiring new customers.

8. Thank you email

When a customer joins your rewards program, it’s essential to extend your appreciation. Sending a thank you email shows that you value their engagement with your brand and helps build loyalty. Hudson’s Bay, a popular department store brand in Canada, serves as a great example of how to do this effectively.

Hudson's Bay, thank you customer loyalty email.

Here are a few essential components to consider when crafting a compelling thank you email based on Hudson’s Bay example:

  1. Warm welcome: Hudson’s Bay starts its message with a heartfelt thank you to its customers, stating “Thanks for joining.” Ensure that your thank you email begins on a positive note by expressing genuine gratitude and warmth.
  2. Personalized and clear messaging: The email is personalized, addressing “Robert,” and informs him about starting to earn rewards as a new member of the program. Maintain a personal touch in your thank you email, along with a clear message about the rewards, to make the customer feel valued.
  3. Visual appeal: Hudson’s Bay uses attractive graphics to convey its message, maintaining a clean and appealing design. Incorporate eye-catching visuals while maintaining your brand’s style to create a memorable thank you email.
  4. Clear CTAs: The email features two straightforward CTAs, “Shop now” and “Find a store.” These options guide customers towards their next steps, whether it’s shopping online or locating a nearby store. Including clear and visible CTAs in your thank you email helps customers easily engage with your brand further.

By implementing these elements in your thank you email campaigns for new rewards program members, you can effectively express appreciation while reinforcing your brand values, ultimately enhancing customer loyalty and retention.

Start cultivating customer loyalty

Nurturing your customers is more crucial now than ever before. This guide has explored eight irresistible customer loyalty email examples that can serve as a roadmap for cultivating stronger connections with your audience and fostering lasting relationships.

Effective email marketing is not just about sending occasional promotional blasts; it’s about consistently engaging with your customers in a meaningful way. 

By expressing gratitude, delivering value, and personalizing your approach, you can transform one-time buyers into loyal brand advocates who passionately support your brand.

St. Patrick’s Day email strategies and subject lines Tue, 05 Mar 2024 10:46:21 +0000 Did you know that 61% of Americans celebrate St. Patrick’s Day? This festive occasion is full of shamrocks, leprechauns, and everything green. It presents an excellent opportunity to engage with your customers through email marketing. 

However, with so many competing messages in their inboxes, it can be challenging to capture their attention. But don’t worry.

In this blog, we’ll share some effective strategies and memorable subject lines to make your St. Patrick’s Day email campaign stand out, grab attention, and succeed.

When is St Patrick’s Day?

Make sure to mark your calendars. St. Patrick’s Day is celebrated on March 17 every year. This special day is an excellent opportunity for people of Irish descent and those who love Irish culture to come together and celebrate. It’s not just limited to Ireland, as it’s celebrated in more than 200 countries worldwide, including the United States, Canada, and Australia.

St Patrick’s Day subject line ideas

St. Patrick’s Day presents the perfect opportunity to get creative with your email subject lines, capturing your audience’s attention and enticing them to open your message. Here are some enchanting subject line ideas with emojis to make your St. Patrick’s Day email campaign truly unforgettable:

  1. Luck is in the air: St. Paddy’s Sale ☘
  2. Exclusive St. Patrick’s Day deals 🎩
  3. Your pot of gold awaits 💰
  4. Go green this St. Paddy’s 🌱
  5. Cheers. St. Patrick’s Day offers 🍺
  6. Win big: St. Paddy’s giveaway 🏆
  7. Avoid the pinch: St. Paddy’s wardrobe 👕
  8. Festive St. Patrick’s Day recipes 🥘
  9. Top o’ the mornin’: 17% off this St. Paddy’s Day ☘

If you’re finding it challenging to craft catchy email subject lines for your St. Patrick’s Day marketing campaign, consider leveraging WinstonAI’s generative AI feature while creating your emails on Dotdigital. Our writing assistance tool can help you craft new subject lines, adjust the tone, shorten or expand text, and rephrase your content. Additionally, you can leverage WinstonAI to add emojis to your emails, making them more lively and attractive to your recipients.

Effective St Patrick’s Day email campaign ideas

As St Patrick’s Day approaches, it’s time to sprinkle some luck and charm into your email marketing campaigns. By leveraging the holiday spirit and incorporating attention-grabbing ideas, you can boost customer engagement and drive sales. To help you create a memorable and profitable St Patrick’s Day campaign, we’ve compiled a list of effective email marketing strategies you can take inspiration from.

1. Entice customers with a pot o’ gold promotion

Holidays such as St. Patrick’s Day offer brands an excellent opportunity to attract customers with special promotions or exclusive sales that celebrate the occasion. Successful promotional campaigns take advantage of the festive spirit and offer limited-time deals that encourage customers to act quickly, thereby increasing conversions.

MeUndies, a popular brand known for its comfortable and stylish underwear, has effectively leveraged the charm of St. Patrick’s Day for its promotions. The brand has designed an attractive St. Patrick’s Day sale that engages customers through an element of exclusivity and mystery.

In this email campaign, MeUndies invites recipients to participate in a secret St. Patrick’s Day sale. The visual elements and copy create an inviting aura surrounding its exclusive offer. Potential buyers are given a unique sale code to access the discounted prices on the brand’s website, further enhancing the feeling of exclusivity.

This smart approach by MeUndies not only intrigues customers but also fosters a sense of curiosity and urgency to discover what lies within the St. Patrick’s Day sale. The limited availability of the deal encourages recipients to take immediate action, resulting in a higher likelihood of sales and conversions.

MeUndies St. Patrick's Day Mystery Sale email promotion.

2. Show off your St Patrick’s Day collection

Embracing the spirit of St. Patrick’s Day by creating and promoting a themed collection is a brilliant way to captivate and engage your customers. Themed collections can evoke the festive atmosphere of the holiday, encouraging shoppers to buy products that celebrate the occasion and resonate with their interests.

The jewelry band Pandora demonstrates the power of a well-crafted St. Patrick’s Day collection. They showcase an enticing selection of green and clover-themed jewelry items, including necklaces, bracelets, and earrings, all designed to charm and delight customers who wish to adorn themselves in the spirit of the holiday.

In its email campaign, Pandora effectively highlights the attractive, festive nature of its St. Patrick’s Day collection, inviting potential buyers to “push their luck” with its beautifully designed pieces. The vibrant visuals and relevant copy work together to steer recipients’ attention towards the charming selection of jewelry.

Pandora St. Patrick's Day-themed jewelry collection email promotion.

3. Spark engagement with a St Patrick’s Day contest

Contests and giveaways are great ways to engage with your audience, encourage participation, and generate excitement around your brand during St. Patrick’s Day. A well-designed contest can spark interest, increase brand awareness, and even boost sales.

Saladworks, a popular salad restaurant chain, offers an excellent example of a St. Patrick’s Day contest in its email campaign.

In the promotion, Saladworks invites recipients to participate in a special St. Patrick’s Day contest, giving them a chance to “Enter our Saint Patrick’s Day gold coin contest for a chance to win free salads for an entire YEAR.” The attractive prize, combined with the festive theme, encourages customers to engage with the brand and try their luck at winning.

To participate, customers need to visit the nearest Saladworks location, which provides an opportunity to increase foot traffic to the restaurant and potentially boost sales.

Saladworks St. Patrick's Day contest email promotion.

4. Captivate your audience with gamification and countdown timers

Gamification elements and countdown timers are powerful strategies that can be incorporated into email marketing campaigns to keep recipients engaged and motivated to take action. These interactive components can create a sense of anticipation and excitement, resulting in increased click-through rates and conversions.

Hairtamin, a reputable hair care brand, effectively uses gamification and a countdown timer in its St. Patrick’s Day email campaign. In its campaign, Hairtamin introduces a “Luck of the Irish” spin-the-wheel game, inviting customers to try their luck and win various discounts across the website. Accompanied by a ticking countdown timer, the promotion generates a sense of urgency and encourages recipients to participate before time runs out.

Hairtamin’s clever use of gamification and countdown timers captivates its audience, increasing the likelihood of customers clicking through to the website to play the game and redeem their prizes.

Hairtamin St. Patrick's Day gamification and countdown timer email promotion.

5. Delight your customers with holiday-themed freebies

During holidays, it’s important to add value to your customers’ lives to build brand loyalty and deepen your connection with your audience. One way you can do this is by offering free, holiday-themed printables for children. This can be an engaging gesture that sets your brand apart in your St. Patrick’s Day campaign.

Crayola, a leading brand in children’s art supplies, is a great example of delivering remarkable St. Patrick’s Day surprises for its email subscribers. They provide a variety of offerings, including free printables for coloring, a DIY game that repurposes Crayola pen lids, and an exclusive email-only deal.

In its email campaign, Crayola gives parents and children a delightful experience by offering entertaining and creative activities that celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. The inclusion of an exclusive deal further encourages recipients to take action, driving traffic, and sales on its website.

Crayola St. Patrick's Day freebies, DIY game, and exclusive deal email promotion.

Additionally, Crate&Kids is a well-known brand that provides children’s furniture and decor. This brand has impressed its email subscribers by offering them a St. Patrick’s Day surprise. They provide free printable coloring pages for kids, which brings joy to both parents and children.

In its email campaign, Crate&Kids has included a clear call to action (CTA), encouraging recipients to shop for rainbow-themed items on its website. This approach not only enhances its customers’ St. Patrick’s Day celebration with the free printables but also helps to drive traffic and sales on its website.

Crate&Kids St. Patrick's Day free printable coloring pages and rainbow-themed items email promotion.

6. Inspire creativity with your products

During the holiday season, you can encourage your customers to be more creative by demonstrating how they can use your products to enhance their celebrations. Showcasing unique ways to utilize your offerings not only benefits the customers but also reinforces your brand as a source of inspiration and a valuable resource.

Vena CBD, a company focused on providing high-quality CBD wellness products, suggests an innovative recipe that incorporates its Full Spectrum CBD Mint Tincture into a delightful mocktail for St Patrick’s Day festivities.

By sharing such unique and appealing ideas, you can inspire your audience’s imagination and create an emotional connection with your brand. This will encourage them to explore new ways of using your products and increase their engagement with your brand. As a result, you can drive more clicks and conversions, as customers are drawn in by the novelty and versatility of your offerings.

Ultimately, promoting creativity through your products not only positions your brand as a valuable resource but also amplifies the appeal of your products, increasing the likelihood of customer loyalty and repeat purchases.

Vena CBD's Full Spectrum CBD Mint Tincture incorporated into a St Patrick's Day Mocktail.

Unlock the magic of St. Patrick’s Day email marketing

St. Patrick’s Day provides an excellent opportunity to connect with your customers through compelling email campaigns. To make the most of the festive atmosphere, you can use the tips and examples provided in this blog to create an attention-grabbing St. Patrick’s Day email campaign. This will help you to engage with your audience on a deeper emotional level, strengthen your brand connection, and ultimately lead to increased clicks, conversions, and sales. So, let the luck of the Irish guide you towards a successful and captivating St. Patrick’s Day marketing campaign.

Easter marketing: Email, SMS, and subject line ideas Tue, 27 Feb 2024 10:52:35 +0000 As Easter gets closer, it’s time you start preparing your marketing campaigns that capitalize on the spirit of the holiday and drive sales. In fact, according to the National Retail Federation, Easter spending is expected to reach $24 billion in the US alone.

Whether you’re selling Easter-themed products or utilizing the festive atmosphere to showcase your latest collection, the key to a successful promotion is having an egg-ceptional strategy in place.

In this blog, we’ll explore a variety of Easter marketing campaign ideas, including email, SMS, and attention-grabbing subject lines. These ideas will help you breathe new life into your brand and captivate your customers for the best possible results.

Why should you send an Easter marketing campaign?

Here are some reasons why you should launch an Easter marketing campaign:

  1. Increased customer spending: Holidays like Easter often inspire consumers to shop more for gifts, decor, food, and other celebratory items. You can take advantage of this surge in spending by offering exclusive discounts, promotions, and product bundles through your marketing campaign.
  2. Seasonal themes: Easter-themed emails provide a chance to refresh your email copy and design, using lighthearted visuals, puns, and images that resonate with your audience. This seasonal creativity can attract your subscribers’ attention and delight them, leading to higher open rates and engagement.
  3. Strengthen customer relationships: Use your Easter marketing campaign to send personalized greetings and messages of appreciation to your customers. This strategy helps build a more personal connection, strengthens customer loyalty, and nurtures long-lasting relationships.
  4. Drive traffic to your website: Easter-themed emails and SMS messages with exciting offers, compelling calls-to-action, and exclusive content can drive more traffic to your website. This gives your customers a reason to explore your products and services further.
  5. Showcase new products or offerings: Use your Easter marketing campaign to introduce seasonal products or exclusive promotions that may interest your audience. This tactic helps generate interest and excitement for your brand while potentially spurring more purchases.
  6. Boost social media engagement: An Easter marketing campaign can also encourage subscribers to engage with your brand on social media. Leverage this opportunity by promoting Easter-themed contests or sharing content that encourages user-generated content using specific hashtags.
  7. Stand out from competitors: Use the festive season to differentiate your brand from competitors with unique SMS offers, creative email designs, and standout subject lines. Easter marketing campaigns that offer genuine value and capture your audience’s attention can set your brand apart and create lasting impressions.

Engaging and creative Easter subject line ideas

Easter is a great opportunity to make your email subject lines more creative and engaging. You can use witty puns, personalized greetings, and time-sensitive offers to grab your audience’s attention and increase your email open rates. Check out these fantastic Easter subject line ideas for inspiration:

  1. Spring into savings: Major discounts are hatching this Easter🌷
  2. Your Easter basket just got better: Save 30% sitewide💰
  3. Hop to it. Unwrap these egg-sclusive Easter deals🐰
  4. Celebrate Easter in style: Fresh deals just for you🎉
  5. Indulge yourself. Our mouth-watering Easter treats await🍫
  6. Easter basket bonanza: Curated collections for the perfect gift 🎁
  7. Crack open your Easter savings. Limited time only🥚
  8. Last chance: Peep our irresistible deals before they’re gone⏳
  9. Add a touch of magic to Easter with our special offers✨
  10. Ready, set, hunt. Reveal your mystery Easter discount inside🔎
  11. Bloom into savings with our exclusive Easter discounts🌼
  12. Sweet deals to satisfy your Easter cravings: Shop now 🍬

If you’re struggling to come up with Easter email subject lines for your marketing campaign, you can use WinstonAI’s generative AI capability when building your email on Dotdigital. This feature can suggest new subject lines, adjust the tone, shorten or expand text, rephrase, and even include emojis to make your email more engaging.

7 Innovative Easter campaign ideas

Creating captivating campaigns that catch your customer’s attention and spark their imagination is important. That’s why we’re here to help you achieve precisely that. We’ve put together seven innovative Easter marketing campaign ideas that will make your brand stand out and set you apart from the competition. So let’s get cracking.

1. Create a cracking Easter sale

As the seasons change, it’s always a good idea to freshen up your marketing strategies and create new incentives for your customers to make purchases. When seasons change, it’s a great opportunity to promote your latest products and offer discounts and sales to attract more customers.

A great example of an effective Easter marketing campaign is the one created by the personalized children’s book brand, I See Me. The brand has come up with a cracking Easter sale that is sure to catch the attention of potential customers. The brand offers a sitewide discount of 30%, which is a great incentive for shoppers to make a purchase.

I See Me's Easter marketing campaign features a 30% off sitewide discount promotion and a curated selection of personalized Easter-themed books.

What’s more, the email also showcases a curated selection of personalized Easter-themed books, which are perfect for inclusion in any Easter basket. This boosts relevancy and ensures its emails appeal to customers who are looking for unique gift ideas for their loved ones. 

By highlighting its spring savings and offering personalized Easter-themed products, I See Me has created a compelling Easter sale that is sure to drive more traffic to its website and boost sales during this holiday season. Take inspiration from this strategy and come up with your own creative Easter sale that resonates with your audience and drives revenue.

2. Show off your Easter collection with MMS

Easter is a great opportunity to display your new seasonal product collections to your customers. One of the most effective ways of doing this is through Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) messages. MMS uses rich media, such as images and videos, to create engaging and informative shopping experiences for your audience.

A prime example of a brand that executes this strategy successfully is a children’s clothing store, SugarBabies Boutique. By sending a visually appealing MMS message, SugarBabies Boutique highlights its Easter product offerings and makes it easy for customers to visualize the potential of creating a delightful Easter basket for their loved ones. The message not only showcases the brand’s cute and curated product lineup but also employs creative Easter language for a festive touch.

SugarBabies Boutique, MMS message showcasing a colorful and festive Easter basket along with a discount code offer.

In addition, SugarBabies Boutique entices customers further with the offer of a ‘SAVE10’ discount code to use on purchases, adding an incentive for recipients to act swiftly and make a purchase.

3. Throw a virtual Easter egg hunt

Easter egg hunts are a classic and beloved activity to celebrate the season. But have you considered taking this traditional event online to engage your customers?

Reese Witherspoon’s clothing line, Draper James smartly incorporates a virtual Easter egg hunt into its email marketing campaign. The email features a simple and clear design, paired with concise copy that entices recipients to visit the brand’s website and start hunting for hidden Easter eggs. These eggs contain discount codes that shoppers can apply to their purchases, adding an incentive to engage with the website actively.

The email also includes an on-brand hero image, a specific call-to-action (CTA) button, and helpful hints as to where the eggs can be found. These elements create a seamless and enjoyable virtual egg-hunting experience for enthusiastic participants.

Draper James virtual Easter egg hunt email encouraging customers to explore the website for hidden eggs containing discount codes.

4. Leverage Easter FOMO with a countdown timer

Countdown timers are a popular tactic you can use to create a sense of urgency among your customers. By setting a deadline for a limited-time promotion, you can encourage your customers to act quickly before the offer expires. This marketing strategy plays on the fear of missing out (FOMO) and inspires subscribers to shop promptly to benefit from the promotion. Simply add a countdown timer to your website and see the powerful impact of FOMO in action.

One brand that executed this strategy incredibly well is the sustainable denim company Frank and Oak. Its Easter marketing campaign included a countdown timer at the top of the email, emphasizing the limited-time offer. By placing the timer prominently, the brand grabs its recipients’ attention with a time-sensitive message, encouraging them to act quickly to take advantage of the promotion. The result was a successful marketing campaign that generated buzz and encouraged customers to shop promptly to avoid missing out on the deal.

Frank and Oak Easter countdown timer email featuring a limited-time offer.

5. Host an Easter-themed social media contest

Easter-themed social media contests are an excellent way to engage your audience while boosting your brand exposure and promoting your products or services. Hosting a creative contest can foster excitement, encourage user-generated content (UGC), and increase interaction with your brand during the holiday season.

For example, create an Instagram photo contest where followers share pictures of their decorated Easter eggs, Easter outfits, or homemade treats using a specific hashtag. Offer a tempting prize, such as a gift voucher or product bundle from your Easter collection, for the participants with the most creative or popular submissions. Make sure to carefully outline the contest rules, participation guidelines, and entry deadlines to ensure a seamless and enjoyable experience for your audience.

Announce the contest in your email or SMS campaigns and use attractive visuals and compelling copy to encourage your subscribers to participate. By holding an Easter-themed social media contest, you can captivate your audience, showcase your products, and foster a sense of community around your brand.

The online boutique, Little Party Dress effectively promotes its Easter social media contest on Instagram. This is done by encouraging participants to engage with the brand and offering a choice of prizes from its Easter collection. The post explains how to enter, where to find more information, and the closing date for entries. By providing clear instructions and appealing prizes, Little Party Dress ensures a successful contest that excites and connects with its audience.

Little Party Dress's Instagram post promoting their Easter-themed social media contest.

6. Curate your Easter gift guides

Gift guides are an excellent way to showcase and curate your Easter product selection, making it easier for customers to find the perfect gift for their loved ones during the festive season.

The Luxury department store, Fortnum and Mason’s Easter gift guide showcases a stunning collection of Easter eggs that were expertly curated by the brand. The email campaign also mentioned that customers can visit their store to build their own Easter eggs, providing a unique and interactive experience. This is a great way for the brand to not only showcase their products but also to engage with their customers and offer them an unforgettable experience.

By curating and presenting a visually appealing Easter gift guide through your email marketing, you can effectively guide your customers to ideal gift options and entice them to explore your product offerings. This approach simplifies the decision-making process for your customers and helps boost your overall sales during the Easter season.

Fortnum and Mason's Easter email campaign showcasing an elegant Easter egg gift guide.

7. Use creative copywriting to enhance your Easter marketing

To make your Easter marketing messages more compelling and memorable, you can utilize creative copywriting techniques that capture the attention of your target audience. By using creative copywriting in your Easter marketing, you can stand out in the crowded marketing landscape and drive better results for your campaigns.

LUSH Cosmetics is an excellent example of a brand that understands the power of imaginative copywriting. The brand uses vibrant language and storytelling techniques to create a sense of wonder and excitement around its Easter-themed products.

Its email campaign, for instance, invites readers to “Spring into a world of pure imagination,” which blends the festive Easter ambiance with the brand’s colorful, nature-inspired offerings. LUSH’s copywriting is captivating, creating a mesmerizing connection with its audience that goes beyond the product itself.

LUSH Cosmetics' email campaign with creative copywriting.

Kickstart your Easter marketing strategy

Easter is a time of joy, renewal, and celebration. The season presents a great chance for you to connect with your audience and enhance your sales with innovative marketing campaigns. To make the most of this opportunity, it’s essential to develop a comprehensive Easter marketing strategy that fully embraces the festive essence and engages your customers through every touchpoint, including email, SMS, and social media. By doing so, you can increase your brand’s visibility and effectively capture the attention of your target audience during this festive season.

5 steps towards a successful email marketing campaign Tue, 20 Feb 2024 09:50:04 +0000 Email marketing can turn out to be one of the most efficient business strategies in the arsenal of any company. A successful email marketing campaign brings you a tremendous return on investment – £42 to every £1 to be exact – as compared with traditional advertising and promotional means. But what steps do you need to take to make your email marketing campaigns successful? Keep reading to find out.

1. Define your goals and target audience

Email marketing is a highly effective way to communicate with your customers and drive business growth. However, to make the most of your email marketing campaigns, it’s important to start with a solid foundation. Defining your goals and identifying your target audience is a crucial step in creating a successful email marketing campaign.

When you establish clear goals, you can create content that aligns with those objectives. For example, if your goal is to generate leads, you might create a lead magnet or offer a free trial to entice people to sign up. If your goal is to increase user engagement, you might focus on creating entertaining or informative content that keeps your audience engaged.

Identifying your target audience is also essential for effective email marketing. By segmenting your email list based on factors such as location, interests, purchase history, or demographics, you can create content that is more relevant and personalized. This not only improves engagement but also increases the likelihood of conversions and sales.

Also, segmentation helps you avoid sending irrelevant or unsolicited emails that could lead to a decrease in subscribers or even negative feedback. By targeting the right audience with the right content, you’ll build trust, establish a connection, and ultimately drive business growth through email marketing.

2. Build and maintain a quality mailing list

To have a successful email marketing campaign you need to build a quality mailing list. A quality mailing list consists of people who are genuinely interested in your marketing and what you have to offer.

To create an effective mailing list, you can start by placing a custom sign-up form on your website’s homepage in a prominent location. It should be simple, easy to fill out, and not require too much information. You can also use your social media platforms to promote your email list and encourage followers to sign up. Additionally, offer incentives, such as discounts or exclusive content, to entice people to subscribe.

Preference centers are another excellent tool for cultivating a quality mailing list. By allowing subscribers to indicate their interests, content preferences, and frequency of communication, you create a more personalized email experience. This not only encourages subscriptions but also drives higher engagement and loyalty. Make sure to include preference center links in your email footers and welcome emails, so subscribers can easily update their preferences at any time.

Once you have built your mailing list, it’s essential to maintain its quality by regularly reviewing it. Make sure to remove inactive subscribers, invalid email addresses, or those who consistently ignore your messages. This process will improve your deliverability rates and prevent your emails from landing in the spam folder.

3. Personalization and automation

Personalization and automation are two essential aspects of email marketing that can help you create more compelling campaigns. 

You can personalize your emails by using the recipient’s name in greetings and subject lines, as well as tailoring the content of the email to their preferences and browsing history. By doing so, you can increase the relevance of your marketing messages, making them more engaging and likely to be opened and acted upon.

Automation, on the other hand, involves leveraging marketing automation tools such as Dotdigital to optimize campaign workflows, send targeted messages at the right time, and track campaign performance. This saves time and helps your marketing strategy by analyzing subscriber behavior and engagement patterns. 

With automation, you can streamline your email marketing efforts, ensuring that messages are sent to the right people at the right time, and with the right content. Ultimately, this will lead to higher open and click-through rates, increased conversions, and improved ROI.

4. Optimize for mobile devices

It’s more important than ever to optimize your emails for mobile devices. With the majority of email users accessing their emails on mobile devices, it’s crucial to make sure your emails are mobile-friendly. This means using responsive email templates that can automatically adjust to different screen sizes, ensuring that your emails look great on any device.

Another important consideration when optimizing for mobile devices is the length of your subject lines. Keep in mind that mobile screens are smaller than desktop screens, so a long subject line might not display properly and could potentially get cut off. You don’t want to lose the attention of your audience before they even open your email, so make sure your subject lines are short and to the point.

Testing your emails on different devices and email applications is also important to avoid formatting issues that could hinder the success of your campaign. By testing your emails on various devices, you can ensure that they look great and are easy to read, no matter how your audience is accessing them.

5. Measure and analyze results

One of the most important aspects of any email marketing campaign is to measure and analyze its results. This is crucial to understand how your campaign is performing and to make any necessary adjustments for better results in the future. 

To begin with, you need to track key performance email marketing metrics such as open rates, click-through rates (CTR), and conversions. These metrics will give you an insight into how your audience is interacting with your emails. 

For example, open rates will help you understand how many people are opening your emails, whereas CTR will help you understand how many people click on the links within your emails. Conversions, on the other hand, will help you understand how many people are responding to your call-to-action (CTA) and taking the desired action.

Once you have collected the data, you should analyze it to identify trends or areas of improvement. For example, if you notice that your open rates are low, you may need to work on improving your subject lines to make them more compelling. Similarly, if your CTR is low, you may need to improve your email design or the placement of your CTAs.

Start creating successful email marketing campaigns

A cohesive, well-rounded strategy that encompasses these five steps is essential to achieve success in email marketing. By defining clear goals, understanding your audience, curating a quality mailing list, personalizing content, implementing automation, and optimizing mobile devices, your email marketing campaigns can drive exceptional results and contribute significantly to your business’s growth.

The power of preference centers Thu, 25 Jan 2024 11:49:05 +0000 Customer attitudes to data have changed in recent years. With the increasing levels of personalization, sometimes unnerving behavior tracking, and data breaches hitting headlines, people are more aware of the value their data holds and are increasingly cautious about handing it over.

This is where the principles of responsible marketing come into play. Customers need to trust your brand will treat their data with respect, and crucially, won’t sell it on to third parties. Big players in the digital world such as Apple and Google have taken steps to enhance user privacy and security. Apple’s iOS 17 introduced a new privacy feature called link-tracking protection, which has altered the way marketers use customer data. Google has also announced its plans to phase out third-party cookies by 2024.

With data privacy such a hot topic for consumers, how can you adjust your email marketing to meet this need? Enter preference centers.

What is a preference center?

A preference center is an online portal where your customers can manage their communication preferences. This may include updating their email address, opting in or out of various communication channels (e.g., email, SMS, push notifications), and letting you know how often they’d like to be contacted. 

You may have heard us talking about human-to-human marketing, this is because we need to remember there’s a person on the other side of our communications, and the easiest way to find out what they want, and therefore will respond to, is to ask them. It’s that simple.

Benefits of preference centers

Preference centers are essential tools for providing personalized experiences to your customers, which significantly contribute to the growth of your marketing. Let’s explore some key advantages of implementing preference centers in your marketing strategy.

Enhanced customer engagement and retention

By allowing customers to choose their preferred communication methods and tailor the content they receive, you can improve customer satisfaction levels and boost engagement. Customers feel more in control and valued as their unique needs are being catered to, which increases the likelihood of retention and brand loyalty.

Better quality customer data

Using preference centers, you can collect accurate zero-party data about preferences which will enhance your understanding of the customer. The ability to segment customers based on their preferences can lead to more success in targeting demographics with customized marketing efforts.

Improved deliverability and open rates

Customers who opt-in to receive content from you through their preferred channels are more likely to open and engage with those messages. Consequently, you can expect improved email open rates and better deliverability with fewer spam-related issues.

Reduced unsubscribe rates

Many customers unsubscribe from email lists for several reasons, including receiving too many emails or irrelevant content. A preference center allows customers to change their subscription without completely opting out, reducing overall unsubscribe rates.

Greater compliance with data protection regulations

Preference centers help you to comply with data protection regulations like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) more easily. They provide greater control to customers over their data and clarify consent, ensuring that your marketing strategy adheres to legal requirements.

What makes a good preference center?

Like a one-to-one with thousands of subscribers, a good preference center shows that you’re a brand that cares about your customers’ experience. You want to get to know them so that you can take that data and work to ensure their experience is a positive one.

Most unsubscribes are due to email frequency or irrelevant content. By allowing your subscribers to determine this themselves you can be sure to drastically reduce your unsubscribes. When implementing a preference center, be sure to show it to consumers at the point of sign up, and have it visible in your emails. Allowing subscribers to reduce and tailor the emails they receive from you will cut down on those blanket unsubscribes.

By discovering what your customers want, you can easily tailor your marketing efforts to meet their needs. The more you meet their needs, the more likely they are to convert. And the more they convert, the healthier your bottom line is.

What should a preference center allow subscribers to do?

  • Share the frequency they are most comfortable with e.g. daily, weekly, or monthly
  • Inform brands about areas of interest such as departments, e.g. dresses and knitwear
  • Identify the channel they prefer to hear from brands on, e.g. email, SMS, or WhatsApp

A smart preference center is a massive data-gathering tool. So, while you’re letting customers tailor their experience, don’t forget to collect the data you need to create personalized email perfection.

How to utilize your customer’s preferences

Once you have this valuable insight into your customers’ preferences, utilize what you know to segment your content. There’s no point asking people what they’re interested in, only to ignore it. Utilize segmentation to make this easier. Segments allow you to create segments of people in your database based on criteria you choose, in this case, their preferences.

You can then easily create content that responds to these preferences and split your content sends accordingly. You can also use dynamic content to show customers who have expressed an interest in dresses and show others who have expressed an interest in knitwear different blocks in your email.

4 preference center best practices with examples

Preference centers offer a variety of opportunities for data collection, whether it’s during newsletter sign-up, in welcome emails, or as part of account set-up. These email preference examples and best practices will inspire creative ways to incorporate preference centers into your marketing strategy.

1. Offer incentives during sign-up

Sports nutrition brand, Science in Sport, starts its preference collection simply. Using a sign-up incentive, it makes it clear that shoppers will benefit right from the beginning of this relationship. The brand also uses the opportunity to gather its first preference from customers. By asking “What is your preferred sport?”, the brand can use this information to send products specifically associated with running, cycling, or triathlons.

You don’t always need to collect every piece of information immediately. By gradually collecting customer information in the same way as Science in Sport, you don’t risk overwhelming your audience and potentially ruining their experience.

Science in Sport preference center.

2. Empower subscribers to control their content

Spotify, on the other hand, allows customers to control the content they receive on an account level.

Spotify, preference centre.

Once an account has successfully been created, customers can choose what they hear about. For each topic, listeners can also choose whether these communications come in the form of an email or a push notification. By diversifying its marketing channels, Spotify is increasing its chances of successfully engaging customers.

3. Enhance personalization in your email preference center

To ensure customers don’t miss their chance to build customer experience, MATCHESFASHION uses its welcome program to push preferences to be submitted.

Matches Fashion, preference center 1.

This preference center not only outlines what each newsletter covers but also states the day that it’ll land in customers’ inboxes. This helps build anticipation for the latest announcements and product launches. It also allows shoppers to follow their favorite fashion designers. This information can then be used to deliver personalized edits every Monday and Friday as part of the ‘WOMENSWEAR JUST IN’ subscription.

Matches Fashion, preference center 2.

MATCHESFASHION also goes on to confirm whether customers would be interested in receiving marketing via phone and post, as well as membership to its loyalty program.

The overall result: endless opportunities for shoppers to personalize their experience.

4. Retain customers with triggered popovers

Don’t miss a single chance to let customers tell you what they want. J. Crew doesn’t.

When customers click ‘unsubscribe’ in email, J. Crew gives shoppers a final opportunity to tailor its communications. This offers a chance to save the relationship. Customers can either choose to adjust the frequency of their emails or specify the products they would rather hear about.

J Crew, preference center.

It’s what you do with the data that counts

The secret to successful marketing is all about the quality of the data you have. The better the data you have, the better the experience you can build with your customers. By creating intelligent, personalized journeys for customers and putting the customer first, you’re creating an engaged fanbase, dedicated to your brand.

6 Valentine’s Day email marketing examples Tue, 16 Jan 2024 10:43:49 +0000 Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, and with up to 52% of consumers celebrating this love-filled occasion, there’s no better time to show your audience some love and appreciation. Developing an effective Valentine’s Day email campaign can help you strengthen the bond with your audience, generate interest in your products or services, and ultimately, drive sales during this love-filled season. 

To make things easy for you, we’ve compiled a list of six Valentine’s Day email examples that can be adapted to your brand. These examples use effective techniques to evoke the spirit of the season and entice your audience to engage with your offerings.

1. Make hearts flutter with your best-sellers

Nothing speaks volumes about your brand’s offerings more than your top-performing products. This Valentine’s season, why not create an email campaign that recommends your top-performing products to entice customers and help them make confident purchasing decisions?

You can take inspiration from the well-known MAC Cosmetics Valentine’s Day campaign that displayed a range of lipsticks perfectly matched for the romantic occasion. With a captivating email design and on-theme copy, the email campaign directly addressed the desires of its audience, inspiring them to indulge in the perfect lipstick shades to make its Valentine’s Day celebration even more special. Besides, who can resist the appeal of a 30% off special offer on their favorite makeup products?

MAC Cosmetics, Valentine's Day email campaign, Last day to take 30% OFF select Lip products.

2. Share a Valentine’s gift guide

Gift guides have become a popular and effective way for brands to showcase their products and help customers make purchasing decisions during special occasions. BarkShop, an online store for dog lovers, created an excellent Valentine’s Day email campaign that offered a curated collection of Valentine’s gifts for dogs.

BarkShop’s pawsome gift guide combined eye-catching visuals, playful copy, and persuasive calls to action to both amuse and entice its subscribers. By highlighting an assortment of Valentine’s Day-themed toys and treats, BarkShop made it easy for dog owners to choose the perfect gift for their furry friends.

You can learn from BarkShop’s strategy and create a gift guide that resonates with your target audience’s needs and desires. Whether your brand caters to pet owners, gadget enthusiasts, fashion lovers, or any other niche, a well-crafted gift guide is invaluable in driving conversions and boosting your brand’s reputation during this season of love.

BarkShop, Valentine's Day email campaign, featuring Valentine's gifts for dogs.

3. Entice with engaging interactive content

Email marketing has evolved into a more interactive conversation with customers, where you can create engaging content to make your emails more interesting. For instance, you can add interactive content such as quizzes or surveys to attract customers who enjoy learning insightful revelations about themselves or simply having a good time.

If you’re looking to strengthen the bond between your brand and customers during Valentine’s Day season, you can learn from Moosejaw’s email marketing strategy. The brand’s captivating email campaign featured a quiz that revealed customers’ love language. The visuals were custom-made and told a heartwarming story that made it difficult for customers to resist taking the quiz. By trying out this strategy, you can entice customers with engaging interactive content and encourage them to engage with your brand.

Moosejaw, Valentine's Day email campaign, featuring a discovery quiz for your love language.

4. Share the love beyond promotions

While promotional emails have their place in your Valentine’s Day marketing efforts, it’s essential to remember that this occasion is about fostering emotional connections and showing appreciation. Whether you’re a for-profit business or a non-profit organization, you can use the spirit of Valentine’s Day to create warm and genuine connections with your audience without exclusively focusing on sales or fundraising.

Charity: Water exemplifies this approach with its personalized Valentine’s Day e-cards for donors, supporters, and fundraisers. By expressing heartfelt gratitude for its community’s efforts and making each card unique, it inspires people to continue supporting the brand’s cause and strengthen its connections with existing supporters.

From sharing heartwarming stories and testimonials to offering valuable content such as love-themed recipes or DIY gifts, these messages can show your audience that you care about more than just selling products or services.

By embracing this powerful method of expressing gratitude and affection, brands and organizations can reinforce their connection with email subscribers during Valentine’s Day. This approach not only strengthens the bond with existing customers and supporters but also showcases the thoughtful and caring nature of your organization to potential new audiences.

Charity: Water, Valentine's Day email campaign featuring personalized e-Valentine's Day cards for fundraisers and supporters.

5. Embrace the power of storytelling

Valentine’s Day is an ideal time to create an email campaign that shares real-life love stories or memorable moments related to your brand and customers. This can be done by harnessing the power of storytelling to share emotionally compelling content that captivates your audience’s heart. By doing so, you can evoke feelings of warmth and affection in your audience.

Warby Parker, known for its stylish eyewear, created an impactful email campaign that skillfully merged visual storytelling with a touch of romance and humor. Its visual narratives engaged customers, drawing their attention to the brand’s products while also evoking lighthearted enjoyment.

You can encourage subscribers to share their unique love stories using a dedicated hashtag to foster organic social buzz. By doing so, you not only raise brand awareness but also strengthen social media engagement in a heartfelt way.

Remember, you don’t always have to focus on selling a product or service through your email campaigns. Instead, invest in creating an emotional connection with your audience that’s sure to leave a lasting, positive impression on your brand.

Warby Parker, Valentine's Day email campaign featuring a visual narrative with a touch of romance and humor.

6. Be creative with your copywriting

Valentine’s Day is the perfect time to let your creativity run wild with your copywriting. Innovative and witty email copy can entertain subscribers, make your brand memorable, and show that you think outside the box.

Beardbrand, a premium grooming brand, seized the opportunity to get creative with its Valentine’s Day email campaign. Playfully acknowledging the more traditional marketing techniques, Beardbrand crafted its email subject line and email copy to pique curiosity and grab attention.

Your brand can follow Beardbrand’s approach and incorporate clever copywriting concepts for your Valentine’s Day emails. Think of unique ways to address your audience, showcase your products, and perhaps even make them laugh. By being imaginative with your copy, you can leave a lasting impression and make your brand stand out in a sea of promotional messages during the Valentine’s Day season.

Beardbrand, Valentine's Day email campaign with playful and creative copywriting.

Capture hearts this Valentine’s Day

Whether your audience consists of hopeless romantics or practical shoppers, these six Valentine’s Day email examples will help you craft messages that resonate with emotion and drive sales. Remember, a successful email campaign during this season of love is a balance of presenting your offerings and showing genuine appreciation for your customers. By adapting these examples to your brand’s tone of voice and values, you’re on your way to deepening those customer connections and making the most of this Valentine’s Day.
