General retail

Building success through personalized email journeys

  • Increase in open rate

  • Contact list growth

Transforming customer experiences with personalized email marketing

Protech, a Florida-based supplier of building and construction materials, partnered with Dotdigital, a customer experience and data platform (CXDP), to transform its customer engagement strategy. By leveraging the Dotdigital platform Protech are now able to create personalized email journeys throughout the sales cycle, driving significant revenue growth and customer engagement.


Building customer loyalty and recovering sales: Protech's marketing goals

Protech sought to build a robust email marketing strategy to nurture leads, recover abandoned sales opportunities, and foster customer loyalty. As a small marketing team migrating from Mailchimp, finding a platform with advanced automation capabilities and dedicated support was vital.

Protech’s key challenges included:

Limited data and automation: Protech lacked access to comprehensive customer data and relied on basic email marketing tools.

Need for a full-lifecycle approach: The brand wanted email programs that spanned the entire sales funnel, from initial browsing to post-purchase engagement.

Driving sales and customer retention: Protech aimed to increase sales through abandoned cart recovery and encourage repeat business by building stronger customer relationships.

Prioritizing exceptional service: As a family-run business, exceptional customer service was paramount for Protech. The brand needed a platform that supported its commitment to prompt communication and exceptional service.


How Protech nurtured leads and boosted sales with automated email journeys

The team at Protech understood that marketing automation would drive long-term revenue growth. In collaboration with Dotdigital’s Customer Success Manager (CSM), Alex, and the Managed Services team, Protech identified and implemented a series of automated email programs:

Welcome program: To start the relationship strong, Protech wanted a welcome program that would introduce new subscribers to the family-run brand and its offerings.

Abandoned browse and cart recovery: Recovering lost sales opportunities by re-engaging customers who browse or add items to their cart without completing the purchase was a priority for the brand. This would contribute significantly towards increasing the lifetime value (LTV) of its customers.

Post-purchase: By nurturing customer relationships after a purchase with valuable content and recommendations, the brand ensured it was providing a complete experience throughout the customer journey.

Birthday and anniversary programs: With providing exceptional customer service at the core of its business, Protech wanted to deliver a personalized customer experience with special offers and greetings on birthdays and anniversaries.

Win-back: Protech decided to re-engage inactive customers after six months with targeted campaigns, including discount incentives. This was another key opportunity to improve LTV and drive revenue.

Protech’s data-driven list building success

To build its email list, Protech took a multi-pronged approach, strategically leveraging both acquisition and integration methods with Dotdigital’s support:

Homepage popover form:  A strategically designed popover form on the Protech homepage encouraged website visitors to subscribe.  This form, created collaboratively with the Dotdigital team, offered an incentive to entice visitors to join its mailing list. By placing the form on the homepage, Protech ensured maximum visibility and captured leads at a crucial touchpoint in the customer journey.

Integration of existing data:  Protech didn’t start from scratch.  The brand capitalized on its existing customer base by integrating data from two key sources:

  • Onboarding data migration: Protech’s existing Mailchimp contacts were seamlessly migrated to the Dotdigital platform. This ensured a smooth transition, preserved valuable customer information, and allowed the brand to enrich and grow its customer profiles.
  • Magento integration: Protech tapped into the Dotdigital Magento (now Adobe Commerce) integration to sync its data, providing a holistic view of customer interactions and purchase history. This enriched data allowed for more targeted and personalized email campaigns.

By combining a strategic acquisition tactic with the integration of valuable existing customer data, Protech effectively built a robust email list that formed the foundation for its successful email marketing strategy.

About Protech

Protech Products is a second-generation family-run business founded in 1989. Based in Florida, USA, Protech provides customers with specialty roofing, construction and plumbing products.

The Dotdigital platform is impressive, easy to use, and continuously evolving. The team has been invaluable in helping me execute our email campaigns. The customer service and technical help I’ve received from the Dotdigital team is tremendous and hard to find from any company these days. Thank you!”

Amy Curtis, Vice President of Operations

How Protech leveraged marketing automation for significant revenue uplift

Tapping into Dotdigital’s marketing automation functionality yielded impressive results for Protech:

  • 23% of total online revenue stemmed from the abandoned cart program alone.
  • Triggered campaigns from Dotdigital now contribute to a significant 30% of total online revenue.

Overall increases compared to the previous six months:

  • Contact list growth: 23%
  • Open rate: 156%
  • Unique click rate: 138%
Looking ahead

Optimizing for the future: Expanding marketing channels with Dotdigital

Protech plan to build on this success by utilizing more Dotdigital features, ensuring the continue to deliver top class customer service. Its next steps include:

  • Expanding email automations to the SMS channel.
  • Utilizing SMS and Dotdigital’s liquid script functionality for enhanced order and shipping communication.
  • Collaborating with Dotdigital’s strategic consultancy team for a comprehensive marketing strategy evaluation and optimization.